React native onScroll ScrollView user event vs animation event - react-native

How can i can detect onScroll ScrollView event from a user vs an animation
in React Native the "onScroll" event is returned when a user makes a move and also when I move it using code


Disabling React Native ScrollView scrollbar during scrollToEnd

I'm using a ScrollView in my React Native App, and calling scrollToEnd({animated: true}) within a useEffect.
When its scrolling, the scroll bar temporarily appears. Is there some way to change that behavior, so that it doesn't appear, but is still there if I manually scroll?

Prevent screen blur in React Native Navigation

React Navigation library supply me the blur event, that trigs when the focused screen is going to be unfocused. Great.
But what if I need to prevent the blur action itself by stopping the user to go away from this screen? The docs only mentions the 'beforeRemove' event, that is something else.
Is there a way to prevent a user to go away from a screen using the screen component logic?
Basically, blur event's callback function must navigate to this page

React Native button release listener

I am writing a chat with audio messages. And I want to do something like in Whatsapp or other messengers. When user holds the button - program is recording the voice, when he releases - it stops and sends the message.
My question is how can I use Touchableopacity or Button and listen release event.
You can start recording in onPressIn prop of TouchableOpacity and and stop it in onPressOut prop of TouchableOpacity
The TouchableOpacity component has a prop called onPressOutin which you can pass a function to execute when the user releases the button.

React Navigation Event on Same screen

I am currently using "didFocus" event in React Navigation which works fine for most of my cases. I am having issue when the screen is same and this event doesn't trigger.
Is there an event in React Navigation that occurs when the user is on same screen upon navigation?
When a route rerenders (for example if the route params change) it would trigger componentDidRecieveProps

TextInput focuses on scroll in React Native

In regular native behavior, scrolling an unfocused text view does not make it focus. In React Native however, when you have a multiline TextInput, and you try to scroll, it immediately focuses.
Looking at the source code, this seems to be by design, as the text view is wrapped in a TouchableWithoutFeedback that calls focus on press.
Any workarounds short of forking React Native?