Beautifulsoup output with indentation - beautifulsoup

New to Python webscraping and BeautifulSoup.
I'd like to format the following so when it outputs the tags, it does so indented
H1 text
H2 text
H3 text
H2 text
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
soup = BeautifulSoup(website.content, 'html.parser')
tags = soup.find_all(['h1', 'h2'])
for soups in tags:
Your help is much appreciated.

You can define a dictionary of indents/prefixes
preString = {'h1': '', 'h2': '\t', 'h3':'\t\t', 'h4':'\t\t\t'}
then you can just loop and print like:
tags = soup.find_all([t for t in preString])
for soups in [t for t in tags if t.string]:
I filtered with if t.string in case they have tags inside rather than just text. Using .text gets you the full text regardless of child tags; if you want that, and you want your find_all to be independent, you can instead:
tags = soup.find_all(['h1', 'h2'])
for soups in tags:
preStr = preString[] if in preString else ''
(You can add a default indent/prefix after the else when defining preStr)


Find link in text and replace with "a" tag

I have a partially good HTML, I need to create hyperlink, like:
Superotto: risorse audiovisive per superare i pregiudizi e celebrare
l’otto marzo, in “Indire Informa”, 5 marzo 2021,;
Sezione Superotto in
Has to become:
Superotto: risorse audiovisive per superare i pregiudizi e celebrare
l’otto marzo, in “Indire Informa”, 5 marzo 2021, < a
href="" >< /a >;
Sezione Superotto in < a
href="">< /a >.
Beautifulsoup seems to not find the http well, so I used this regex with the pure python findall, but I cannot substitute or compose the text. Right now I made:
links = re.findall(r"(http|ftp|https:\/\/)([\w_-]+(?:(?:\.[\w_-]+)+))([\w.,#?^=%&:\/~+#-]*[\w#?^=%&\/~+#-])", str(soup))
link_to_replace = []
for l in links:
link = ''.join(l)
if link in soup.find("body").text:
good_link = ""+link+""
fixed_text = soup.replace(link, good_link)
I tried multiple solutions in the last two lines (this is just one), none worked.
Perhaps as follows, where I first identify the relevant anchor elements and strip out any other attributes besides the href, then later substitute the href link with the href html
import re
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
r = requests.get('')
soup = bs(r.text, 'lxml')
item = soup.select_one('p:has(a[id="ft-note-16"])')
text = item.text
for tag in'a:not([id])'):
href = tag['href']
tag.attrs = {'href': href}
text = re.sub(href, str(tag), text)
text = re.sub(item.a.text, '', text).strip()

BeautifulSoup tried to find by text but returned nothing?

The program was intended to search through a table on the web.
However, when I dived into the content by searching text:
single_paper_soup.find('dl').find_all("dt",string = "Year")
it returned nothing:
Both string and text methods returned nothing.
Is there anything wrong with the code?
Searching for a string per string or text needs exact string to match in your case:
soup.find_all("dt",string = "Year:")
There are other options to search for a tag that conatins a string / substring,
Use css selectors and :-soup-contains():'dt:-soup-contains("Year")')
Import re and use re.compile() to find your tag with text:
soup.find_all("dt", text=re.compile("Year"))
import requests
import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(html)'dt:-soup-contains("Year")')
soup.find_all("dt",string = "Year:")
soup.find_all("dt", text=re.compile("Year"))

web scrape does not find the correct tags

I am trying to extract the text of this page: using bs4 and pandas
I start with:
soup = BeautifulSoup(src,'xml')
and see that the text I am interested in is wrapped in p tags,
but when I run soup.find_all('p'), the only return I get is the closing paragraph.
How can I extract the paragraph text within? What am I missing?
These are the paragraphs I am trying to extract:
I tried also with selenium using:
chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
chrome_driver = os.getcwd() + "\\chromedriver.exe"
driver = webdriver.Chrome(options = chrome_options, executable_path = chrome_driver)
page = driver.page_source
page_soup = BeautifulSoup(page,'xml')
[a.text for a in div]
I figured it out.
The body of the site comes from a <script> tag that holds a JSON but with a funky encoding.
That said tag has an id of "ng-lseg-state", which means this is Angular's custom HTML encoding.
You can target the <script> tag with BeautifulSoup and parse it with the json module.
Then, however, you need to deal with Angular's encoding. One way, a bit crude thou, is to chain a bunch of .replace() methods.
Here's how:
import json
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = ""
script = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).text, "lxml").find("script", {"id": "ng-lseg-state"})
article = json.loads(script.string.replace("&q;", '"'))
main_key = "G.{{api_endpoint}}/api/v1/pages?parameters=newsId%3D14850033&a;path=news-article"
article_body = article[main_key]["body"]["components"][1]["content"]["newsArticle"]["value"]
decoded_body = (
.replace('&l;', '<')
.replace('&g;', '>')
.replace('&q;', '"')
print(BeautifulSoup(decoded_body, "lxml").find_all("p")[22].getText())
This outputs:
Essentra plc is a FTSE 250 company and a leading global provider of essential components and solutions.&a;#160; Organised into three global divisions, Essentra focuses on the light manufacture and distribution of high volume, enabling components which serve customers in a wide variety of end-markets and geographies.
However, as I've said, this is not the best approach, as I'm not entirely sure how to deal with a bunch of other characters, namely:
just to name a few. But I've already asked about this.
Here's a fully working code based on the answer to my question, mentioned above.
import html
import json
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def unescape(decoded_html):
char_mapping = {
'&a;': '&',
'&q;': '"',
'&s;': '\'',
'&l;': '<',
'&g;': '>',
for key, value in char_mapping.items():
decoded_html = decoded_html.replace(key, value)
return html.unescape(decoded_html)
url = ""
script = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).text, "lxml").find("script", {"id": "ng-lseg-state"})
payload = json.loads(unescape(script.string))
main_key = "G.{{api_endpoint}}/api/v1/pages?parameters=newsId%3D14850033&path=news-article"
article_body = payload[main_key]["body"]["components"][1]["content"]["newsArticle"]["value"]
print(BeautifulSoup(article_body, "lxml").find_all("p")[22].getText())

BeautifulSoup: Pull p tag while between defined h2 tags

this has puzzled me for a bit now. I am trying to pull all of the text from 'p' tags under 'h2' tags by names of "New Fundings" and "New Funds".
Number of 'p' tags aren't consistent for each page, so I was thinking of some sort of while loop and what I tried didn't work. The format for each tag is often the company name with 'strong', then listing text and other 'strong' tags for who funded/invested.
Once I can parse it properly, the goal is to export the company name from 'strong' tag with the proceeding text and the investing companies/people (from following 'strong' tags in the 'p' block to do some data analysis.
Any help would be appreciated - yes, I have looked through various other help pages, but the attempts I've made haven't been successful, so I came here.
import requests
page = requests.get("")
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser')
entrysoup = soup.find(class_ = 'post-entry')
// trying to pull the right paragraphs but these only select the NEXT one, I want all of the tags under 'New Fundings' & 'New Funds' (basically, until the next tag that isn't either of those.
print(entrysoup.find('h2', text = 'New Fundings').find_next_sibling('p'))
print(entrysoup.find('h2', text = 'New Funds').find_next_sibling('p'))
// This was closer, but I wasn't sure how to get it to stop when it hit the non-New Fundings/New Funds tags
for strong_tag in entrysoup.find_all('strong'):
print (strong_tag.text, strong_tag.next_sibling)
I think this is the best result I could get for now. if It it's not what you want let me know so I could fiddle more. if it is mark it as answer:)
import requests
import bs4
page = requests.get("")
soup =bs4.BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser')
entrysoup = soup.find(class_ = 'post-entry')
Stop_Point = 'Also Sponsored By . . .'
for strong_tag in entrysoup.find_all('h2'):
if strong_tag.get_text() == 'New Fundings':
for sibling in strong_tag.next_siblings:
if isinstance(sibling, bs4.element.Tag):
if sibling.get_text() == Stop_Point:
if == 'div':
for children in sibling.children:
if isinstance(children, bs4.element.Tag):
if children.get_text() == Stop_Point:

Convert </br> to end line

I'm trying to extract some text using BeautifulSoup. I'm using get_text() function for this purpose.
My problem is that the text contains </br> tags and I need to convert them to end lines. how can I do this?
You can do this using the BeautifulSoup object itself, or any element of it:
for br in soup.find_all("br"):
As official doc says:
You can specify a string to be used to join the bits of text together: soup.get_text("\n")
A regex should do the trick.
import re
s = re.sub('<br\s*?>', '\n', yourTextHere)
Hope this helps!
Also you can use ‍‍‍get_text(separator = '\n', strip = True) :
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
bs=BeautifulSoup('<td>some text<br>some more text</td>','html.parser')
text=bs.get_text(separator = '\n', strip = True)
some text
some more text
it works for me.
Adding to Ian's and dividebyzero's post/comments you can do this to efficiently filter/replace many tags in one go:
for elem in soup.find_all(["a", "p", "div", "h3", "br"]):
elem.replace_with(elem.text + "\n\n")
Instead of replacing the tags with \n, it may be better to just add a \n to the end of all of the tags that matter.
To steal the list from #petezurich:
for elem in soup.find_all(["a", "p", "div", "h3", "br"]):
If you call element.text you'll get the text without br tags.
Maybe you need define your own custom method for this purpose:
def clean_text(elem):
text = ''
for e in elem.descendants:
if isinstance(e, str):
text += e.strip()
elif == 'br' or == 'p':
text += '\n'
return text
# get page content
soup = BeautifulSoup(request_response.text, 'html.parser')
# get your target element
description_div = soup.select_one('.description-class')
# clean the data