What are the key differences between jogging the robot in world mode and joint mode for both ABB and Fanuc robots? - automation

Jogging of robots
What are the key differences between jogging the robot in world mode and joint mode for both ABB and Fanuc robots?


Solar powered automatic bell system with smoke detection using raspberry pi

Guys I want to ask if possible to create a solar powered automatic bell system with smoke detection using raspberry pi? And I worries if the raspberry pi have real time clock? Because I need a RTC to execute the bell in exact alarm for certain interval I set.
This the statement I find in internet for more details but the author used an arduino.
The system uses the real time clock to determine
the time and the bell rings based on set up time. The LCD
in this system displays current time and displays fire if
the smoke detector detects a smoke. For different
sessions, the bell will ring different numbers of times.
The system is expected to continuously display the time
by using real time clock and monitor the situation of the
school during the day and night with power generated by
solar energy [9]. By using solar energy as a power source,
the system is uninterrupted during power supply failure
from the main energy department. In addition, the energy
can be used efficiently during day time and stored energy
in the battery can be utilized during night time. This
designed bell system integrated with smoke detector
integration is expected to safeguard the institution from
damages and losses particularly during an outbreak of
Your project is indeed feasible. The RPI check for the smoke detector value at a certain interval of time. If the value is higher than a certain threshold then you ring your bell.
The raspberry pi does not have a RTC included. You'll have to buy one online (a simple research on google should lead you to online shop like adafruit ...). But I don't understand why you would need to use a real time clock. If you want to use this system (which I don't recommend ; use a certified equipment for your personal security) you should check the data from the smoke/fire detector quite regularly but it doesn't have to be matching real time clock.
Alternatively, you could use RPI WiFi/Ethernet to request RTC from the internet.
If you are doing this project just for fun, use a smoke detector and a buzzer. Your RPI should be able to provide enough current to power both of these equipment. You could power your RPI with a small battery or a charger (check the correct voltage & current needed by the RPI).
You should find a lot of information/tutorials/code online for these type of little projects.

How to connect two robot arms by sharing one manipulator in webots

I am working on a project that two robot arms control a rope to play a toy. I want to first simulate it in webots. Each robot arm has a stick as the end-effector. And there is a rope connecting both the two sticks. However, in webots simulation, each robot(let's say UR5e) should be set as an independent node. How can I connect them using a rope?
I would use a Connector node to connect the end of the rope to the second robot stick.

Will Z-Wave penatrate through concrete wall..???, which module to be seleted to do so..?

I am looking for a Wireless PAN set-up, for IoT application development. area to be covered is around 2000 square feet. which is best Protocol, with low cost.
I have listed out and compared all available wireless technologies, bit of confusion in which one to be selected.
i expect a low cost, low maintenance, low power solution.
I think the question is not the right place for stackoverflow. however:
I'm working with ZWave (in Europe... there are different frequencies and laws due wireless communication) and Wifi. It does work fine and stable on 1300 sq feet rock house because of their mesh network functions. ZWave costs a bit more than most wifi devices like shelly but it is proven, provides mesh out of the box (if the device supports that what mostly is the case) and power consumption is less than wifi. I just go with wifi for own build devices on e.g. esp8266.
2000 sq feet shouldnt be a problem because of mesh (if you have enough devices spread in the house).

how simulate low battery level on surface 4 with win 10

I have to test application on surface 4 with windows 10. The crucial thing is testing of popup messages with low battery level. I'm wondering about low battery level simulation tools. Is it possible to do it in such device? What kind of solution/tools I can use.

Real-time fluid simulation techniques

What techniques are used for the real-time simulation of fluids such as water, for example in videogames?
In particular, I am looking for a project-idea for an (unfortunately rather short) physics project at Uni, so the simpler the better (if there is any such thing as "simple" in fluid-simulations...)
AFAIK the most popular method to simulate fluids in real-time is the SPH method:
Smoothed-particle hydrodynamics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's implemented in Bullet, PhysX, and Fluids:
Fluids v.3 is a large-scale, open source fluid simulator for the CPU and GPU using the smooth particle hydrodynamics method. Fluids is capable of efficiently simulating up to 8 million particles on the GPU (on 1500 MB of ram).
Some other helpful sources:
GPU Gems - Chapter 38. Fast Fluid Dynamics Simulation on the GPU
Open source 3D SPH solver - Math and Physics - GameDev.net