Cannot query my container using the GridDB Shell? - sql

I have a device container with the name 1cbfce15ec4d which houses some my data. I know for a fact there's data in there, but when I try a simple query in the griddb shell, I got the following error:
gs[public]> sql select * from 1cbfce15ec4d;
D20332: An unexpected error occurred while executing a SQL. : msg=[[240001:SQL_COMPILE_SYNTAX_ERROR] Parse SQL failed, reason = Syntax error: 1cbfce15ec4d; on executing query (sql="select * from 1cbfce15ec4d") (db='public') (user='admin') (appName='gs_sh') (clientId='a6d92f48-e558-440-86dd-a05e949fa726:1') (clientNd='{clientId=3, address=}') (address=, partitionId=983)]
I am not exactly sure what is going on here -- at first I assumed my data must be corrupt or empty, but that is not the case. It seems to be a case of the shell dying trying to process something about that container name.
Any ideas?

According to the manual :
"If the name of a table or a column contains characters other than ASCII alphanumeric characters and underscore, or if the first character of the name is a number in a SQL statement, enclose the name with double quotation marks."
Try select * from "1cbfce15ec4d"


Replace string output from query in results tab

I have a DB with a large number of CLOB columns. Each of these columns contains a repeated set of characters, which are fillers designed to designate a paragraph break (I didn't design the tables).
Is there a way to write the script so that each time the script finds these characters it enters a paragraph or line break into the results that are returned, while still saying in the same row of the results?
The data would look like
"Hello all,XYZ!£$I can't get ... to work.XYZ!£$The error meassge says ..."
As an example:
REPLACE(Alert_Text, 'XYZ!£$', CH(13))
(Obviously the above returns errors)
The ideal output of the query would be:
"Hello all,
I can't get ... to work.
The error meassge says ..."
I am using SqlDbx to connect to an Oracle DB.
The obvious error is ORA-00904: "CH": invalid identifier
The reason is, that the function name is CHR
select REPLACE(txt, 'XYZ!£$', CHR(13)) from tab;
Hello all,
I can't get ... to work.
The error meassge says ...

MAX_TOKEN_VAL error in bq command line

I'm new to bq command line, trying to run a simple query that works in UI...
bq query “select Email_Address from Contact.mailchimp_unsubscribe”
I get this error:
Error in query string: Error processing job
Encountered " "\u201c "" at line 1, column 1.
Was expecting: < EOF >
If I change the column name Email_Address to * the query works. However, I will need to make this an append query with a specific column list. So, need to figure out how to make the column list work.
u201c is a left double quotation mark; error message also says that it's at the line 1, column 1. So the quotation mark is passed to BQ with the query text. In the command line, try using neutral double or single quotation.

Hive -character '<EOF>' not supported here

Select * from mytable where field=
Getting Below Error while running above query in Hive
FAILED: ParseException line 1:92 character '' not supported here
<EOF> here means End Of File. When you get an "unexpected End Of File" error it means the parser reached the end of the query unexpectedly. This typically happens when the parser is expecting to find a closing character, such as when you have started a string with ' or " but have not closed the string (with the closing ' or ").
When you come across these types of errors it is good to check that your query can be parsed correctly. In addition, the error gives you the location where the parser failed: line 1:92 in this case. You can usually look at this location (character 92 of the query) and work backwards to find the problem character.
Try adding the database name to the "from" statement as below.
Select * from my_db_name.mytable where field= 'ce7bd3d4-dbdd-407e-a3c3-
Hive uses the default database when no database was previously specified.

how insert ODI step error message in to Oracle table, if the error message has single quotes and colons

I'm trying to insert ODI step error message into oracle table.
I captured the error message using <%=odiRef.getPrevStepLog("MESSAGE")%>.
ODI-1226: Step PRC_POA_XML_synchronize fails after 1 attempt(s).
ODI-1232: Procedure PRC_POA_XML_synchronize execution fails.
ODI-1227: Task PRC_POA_XML_synchronize (Procedure) fails on the source XML connection XML_PFIZER_LOAD_POA_DB_DEV.
Caused By: java.sql.SQLException: class java.sql.SQLException
oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLParseException: End tag does not match start tag 'tns3:ContctID'.
at com.sunopsis.jdbc.driver.xml.SnpsXmlFile.readDocument(
at com.sunopsis.jdbc.driver.xml.SnpsXmlFile.readDocument(
When I try to insert this into a table, I'm getting the following error:
Missing IN or OUT parameter at index:: 1
I tried with substr, replace. Nothing works as in middle of the error message we have a single quotes 'tns3:ContctID'.
Is there any way to insert this into a table?
that's a tough one if you want to use pure java BeanShell and you've given way too little details to get short and straight answer, like
how do you try to insert this (command on source/target, bean shell only, Oracle SQL +jBS, jython, groovy etc...)
The problem here is not only quotes but also newlines.
To replace them is even more difficult as every parsing step <%, <?, <# requires different trick to define those literals
What will work for sure is if you write Jython task for inserting log data (Jython in technology).
There you may use Python ability for multiline string literals
err_log = """
I faced this error few days back . I applied below mentioned solution in ODI ...
Use - q'#<%=odiRef.getPrevStepLog("MESSAGE")%>#'
This will escape inverted comma (') for INSERT statement.
I have used this in my code and it is working fine :)
For example -
select 'testing'abcd' from dual;
this query will give below error
"ORA-01756: quoted string not properly terminated"
select q'#testing'abcd#' from dual;
This query gives no error and we get below response in SQL Developer

ORA-01722: invalid number

When i execute the below SQL command using single quotes to enter a number, i got an error
if remove the single quotes,it is successfully updated. knowing that the type of the field HEIGHT is NUMBER.
The strange thing is that i tried to use the same sql statement with single quotes on different machines, some machines execute it successfully, others do not.(same oracle version,same table structure...)
Any explanation please
ERREUR à la ligne 1 :
ORA-01722: invalid number
1 row updated.
This is most likely a locale problem.
That is, some machines have the decimal symbol "." (period), and some have "," (comma).
You can test it by putting it like this:
SET HEIGHT = to_number('14.5', '99D9','NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS = ''. ''')
WHERE ID='6ujbfI'
When the number is in single qoutes, oracle will do an implicit conversion to number using the characters set in the database.
You can change the default by setting the NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS parameter:
alter session set NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS = '. ';
but that will also reflect to data returned by the system so make sure that it doesn't break anything in your application if you change that.
Strings should be quoted using single quotes, numbers shouldn't be.
Maybe you're using a different client on the machines where the invalid syntax works?