ORA-01722: invalid number - sql

When i execute the below SQL command using single quotes to enter a number, i got an error
if remove the single quotes,it is successfully updated. knowing that the type of the field HEIGHT is NUMBER.
The strange thing is that i tried to use the same sql statement with single quotes on different machines, some machines execute it successfully, others do not.(same oracle version,same table structure...)
Any explanation please
ERREUR à la ligne 1 :
ORA-01722: invalid number
1 row updated.

This is most likely a locale problem.
That is, some machines have the decimal symbol "." (period), and some have "," (comma).
You can test it by putting it like this:
SET HEIGHT = to_number('14.5', '99D9','NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS = ''. ''')
WHERE ID='6ujbfI'
When the number is in single qoutes, oracle will do an implicit conversion to number using the characters set in the database.
You can change the default by setting the NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS parameter:
alter session set NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS = '. ';
but that will also reflect to data returned by the system so make sure that it doesn't break anything in your application if you change that.

Strings should be quoted using single quotes, numbers shouldn't be.
Maybe you're using a different client on the machines where the invalid syntax works?


Cannot query my container using the GridDB Shell?

I have a device container with the name 1cbfce15ec4d which houses some my data. I know for a fact there's data in there, but when I try a simple query in the griddb shell, I got the following error:
gs[public]> sql select * from 1cbfce15ec4d;
D20332: An unexpected error occurred while executing a SQL. : msg=[[240001:SQL_COMPILE_SYNTAX_ERROR] Parse SQL failed, reason = Syntax error: 1cbfce15ec4d; on executing query (sql="select * from 1cbfce15ec4d") (db='public') (user='admin') (appName='gs_sh') (clientId='a6d92f48-e558-440-86dd-a05e949fa726:1') (clientNd='{clientId=3, address=}') (address=, partitionId=983)]
I am not exactly sure what is going on here -- at first I assumed my data must be corrupt or empty, but that is not the case. It seems to be a case of the shell dying trying to process something about that container name.
Any ideas?
According to the manual :
"If the name of a table or a column contains characters other than ASCII alphanumeric characters and underscore, or if the first character of the name is a number in a SQL statement, enclose the name with double quotation marks."
Try select * from "1cbfce15ec4d"

Teradata SQL - Replacing special characters

I'm using Report Builder 3.0 for my reports. My report runs, however, if a user exports the results to Excel (xlsx) instead of Excel 2003 (xls), they get an "illegal xml character" message when the file is open.
4 of the columns contain "&" and / or " ' "; so I'm trying to replace these special characters; which I believe are causing the issue.
I've tried to update this line:
j.journal_desc AS "Jrnl Description",
with this line:
oreplace(oreplace(j.journal_desc, ’&’, ‘and’),'''','') AS "Jrnl Description",
and it works fine. However when I do this on a second line I get the message: "SELECT Failed. [9804] Response Row size or Constant Row size overflow".
I've tried "otranslate" and it works on 2 columns. However, when I try it on the 3rd column, I get the same overflow message.
Is it possible to use oreplace or otranslate on multiple columns? Am I doing something wrong? Is there a better way to replace these special characters? t
Thanks for the help......
oreplace and otranslate when used the result string will have length of 8000 unicode characterset.each of otranslate will make much longer by 8000. Try to cast to smaller length should fix problem.
CAST(oreplace(journal_desc,'&','and') AS VARCHAR(100))

Getting Invalid Column name Error in T-SQL while performing Update operation

I am trying to run a SQL query which is quite straightforward. The query is:
UPDATE dbo.Machine
SET dbo.Machine.ServerName="Server"
WHERE dbo.Machine.ServerName IS NULL;
I am getting the following error on Server
Invalid column name 'Server'.
Am I missing something ?
String should be declared with single quotes ' '
SET dbo.Machine.ServerName= 'Server'
Double quotes is for fieldnames

String appending of Regex in SQL (Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2)

I'm trying to use the REPLACE function in SQL and I am having problems with trying to append a string to the end of the current contents of a column.
set ActualRegex = REPLACE(ActualRegex, ActualRegex, ActualRegex + '[\d\D]*')
These strings will be used for Regex checks in a C# program, but that's not particularly relevant to the problem.
When I try running this query, i end up getting an error message
Msg 8152, Level 16, State 14, Line 1
String or binary data would be truncated.
The statement has been terminated.
I've checked the field sizes, and the resulting strings will not be nearly long enough to exceed the size of the field (varchar(512)). At biggest they might be 50 characters long unless something strange is happening that I'm unaware about.
Thanks in advance for any help!
EDIT: Here's the full query
update [Registration].[dbo].[MigrationOfTagTypes] set ActualRegex =
REPLACE(ActualRegex, ActualRegex, ActualRegex + '[\d\D]*')
where Regex != '' and Regex like '%\%' escape '\'
EDIT: Actually, I figured it out and turns out I was just being stupid and overlooking something small. Apparently these fields were filled with lots of empty whitespace appended onto the end of the strings, so appending to that would result in breaking the size constraint. Thanks for all the help!
Msg 8152, Level 16, State 14, Line 1
String or binary data would be truncated.
The statement has been terminated.
There are two reasons for this:
Your varchar column is not large enough. Appending 7 characters to an existing 10 into a varchar(15) column won't work
Your column is defined as char (why?!). Char columns have implicit trailing spaces, so if you add 'ABC' to a char(10) field containing 'XYZ', it actually ends up as 'XYZ ABC' (13) which is longer than char(10).
In the 2nd case, i.e. char columns, use RTRIM
update [Registration].[dbo].[MigrationOfTagTypes] set ActualRegex =
RTRIM(REPLACE(ActualRegex, ActualRegex, ActualRegex + '[\d\D]*'))
where Regex != '' and Regex like '%\%' escape '\'
Note: using replace like this allows 'ABCxxxABC' to become 'ABC[\d\D]*xxxABC[\d\D]*'
If you simply wanted to append to the end of the column, then you would use
update [Registration].[dbo].[MigrationOfTagTypes]
set ActualRegex = RTRIM(ActualRegex) + '[\d\D]*'
where Regex != '' and Regex like '%\%' escape '\'
Is it possible that concat is more useful?
As far as the error message goes, I do not know why it is generated, but than again, it has been a while since I used MS SQL for the last time.
I'm thinking it's possible that your column is being aggregated recursively, ad infinitum. Or at least ad 512 characters.
If this is the case, you'll have to offload the current table contents into a temporary table, then use that data to perform the update back onto the original table.
I'm researching if this is possible right now.

How do I ignore ampersands in a SQL script running from SQL Plus?

I have a SQL script that creates a package with a comment containing an ampersand (&). When I run the script from SQL Plus, I am prompted to enter a substitute value for the string starting with &. How do I disable this feature so that SQL Plus ignores the ampersand?
This may work for you:
set define off
Otherwise the ampersand needs to be at the end of a string,
'StackOverflow &' || ' you'
EDIT: I was click-happy when saving... This was referenced from a blog.
If you sometimes use substitution variables you might not want to turn define off. In these cases you could convert the ampersand from its numeric equivalent as in || Chr(38) || or append it as a single character as in || '&' ||.
I resolved with the code below:
set escape on
and put a \ beside & in the left 'value_\&_intert'
You can set the special character, which is looked for upon execution of a script, to another value by means of using the SET DEFINE <1_CHARACTER>
By default, the DEFINE function itself is on, and it is set to &
It can be turned off - as mentioned already - but it can be avoided as well by means of setting it to a different value. Be very aware of what sign you set it to. In the below example, I've chose the # character, but that choice is just an example.
SQL> select '&var_ampersand #var_hash' from dual;
Enter value for var_ampersand: a value
a value #var_hash
SQL> set define #
SQL> r
1* select '&var_ampersand #var_hash' from dual
Enter value for var_hash: another value
&var_ampersand another value
set define off <- This is the best solution I found
I also tried...
set define }
I was able to insert several records containing ampersand characters '&' but I cannot use the '}' character into the text
So I decided to use "set define off" and everything works as it should.
According to this nice FAQ there are a couple solutions.
You might also be able to escape the ampersand with the backslash character \ if you can modify the comment.
I had a CASE statement with WHEN column = 'sometext & more text' THEN ....
I replaced it with
WHEN column = 'sometext ' || CHR(38) || ' more text' THEN ...
you could also use
WHEN column LIKE 'sometext _ more text' THEN ...
(_ is the wildcard for a single character)