npm install of creative tim's vueJS template failing - vue.js

I'm trying out a template created by creative Tim and have problems using npm install. However, upon installation, I am facing an error where it states that python2 cannot be found.
So this is what my PATH environment variables look like. I do have python3 added to my PATH variable.
This is the response to my npm install code in VSCode.
Any suggestions is appreciated. Thank you for the help!!


ng-zorro Error: Module not found when trying to run project

I'm using ng-zorro v14.1.1 for my angular 14.2.7. But when I try to run my angular application, I got errors when building the project looking for modules from ng-zorro and identifying it as not found even though the files existed in the project.
Here's the full view of the error:
Additional detail of the project:
Angular Electron project
Angular 14.2.7
Electron 21.2.0
Thanks in advance for helping!
I tried removing node-modules and re-install ng-zorro-antd using ng add ng-zorro-antd, and even npm install ng-zorro-antd if it makes a difference but to no avail, I'm still having the issue. Thus, can't run the project.
I have solved my problem. What I did was to install the modules that are mentioned in the error:
I ran the commands:
npm i d3-zoom --> this command gives you hint on what to do next when you're trying to run the project after the installation is finished, and it instructed me to run the next command below:
npm i --save-dev #types/d3-zoom
npm i dagre-compound
npm i d3-shape

How can i solve this vue related issue

Am trying to create a vue project using command line but it is showing this error message:
Error unexpected end ofJSON input while parsing near '....67e12ef","tarball":"h'
Using command line, I created a new project in C directory after which, I installed vue using NPM. After that I try installing #vue/CLI globally using NPM but while installing it the above error sprout out.
Have done npm cache clean --force but still the same error..
It is hard to suggest anything because your question lacks details.
However this error often appears as a problem with npm itself.
Consider cleaning npm's cache with following commands:
npm cache clean --force
npm cache verify
If the problem will still occur, please provide more details.

How to Install Bulksplash using NPM on a Mac

I'm trying to install an NPM package called Bulksplash. But I have no idea how to install it. I've tried using several guides on general package installations but they're bit tech savvy and I couldn't understand it.
If possible, can anyone please help me how to install this on my Mac? Thanks in advance.
Using the view command, i.e. running:
npm view bulksplash
via the macOS "Terminal" application reports:
npm ERR! 404 'bulksplash' is not in the npm registry.
Therefore you'll need to install the package from Github directly, as per this answer.
i.e. Run the following command in your "Terminal" application:
npm install git+

Vue "ParseError: 'import' and 'export' may appear only with 'sourceType: module'"

I am trying to import a node module into my Vue project and am getting the following error:
ParseError: 'import' and 'export' may appear only with 'sourceType: module'
I understand that this is probably due to the node module not being transformed by babelify but I am not sure how to fix it.
My code can be found here:
npm install
npm run dev
should show the error. I simply started with the vue-cli browserify template and tried to pull in a date picker component.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Follow the readme of the project you linked and use vue-cli: ~
npm install -g vue-cli
vue init browserify my-project
cd my-project
npm install
npm run dev
Follow up the command-line instructions, I had to install also #vue/cli-init as suggested. By the time being this worked, I can see the vue-cli compiles the same example you pointed out.
Looks like this was a issue with the component weifeiyue/vue-datepicker-local, it was recently fixed here:
The solution should be as simple as update the component.

Diagnosing npm’s “invalid” error in package list

When I do npm list --global, one package, phonegap, shows as invalid.
npm ERR! invalid: phonegap#5.0.0-0.28.1 /usr/local/lib/node_modules/phonegap
No other packages have any errors or problems. I’ve tried to look into this, and learned that the message means a dependency is unfulfilled, but I can’t figure out which one. If I run npm update --global phonegap it exits cleanly, with no errors.
I originally installed npm & node via Homebrew, if that’s relevant. Here’s my full list of globally installed packages.
How do I diagnose this?
Have you tried changing the permissions for that package? I recently had a similar problem with global packages and it turned out to be a permissions issue