Deprecated graphQLTestClient replacement suggestions - kotlin

I'm looking for alternatives for the deprecated graphQL dependency, graphql.graphQLTestClient.
Any suggestions about a functionally close alternate is appreciated.


scoreManager.explainScore(solution) not working in Optaplanner

in the current Documentation of Optaplanner (7.40.0.Final) it says:
"The easiest way to explain the score during development is to print the return value of explainScore()"
When I create a scoreManager it doesn't have the method explainScore()
How do I get the explanation of the score in the Terminal? Where do I have to call the scoreManager?
I am working with Quarkus and my problem is very similar to the TimeTabling Problem.
Best regards and thank you in advance
Are you using the version coming with the Quarkus Platform BOM? Because in this case, it's 7.39.0.Final and that could explain your issue.
You can define the version yourself and upgrade to 7.40.0.Final. It might work, Geoffrey would be able to confirm.
He will also be able to tell you if he plans to upgrade Quarkus to 7.40.0.Final for 1.7.
That method was introduce recently. OptaPlanner 7.40.0.Final, the same version as the docs you're reading, definitely has it:

DNN NavigateURL causes Warning in 9.5.1 solution in basic?

I got this warning in some very old Basic code I am managing. Web solutions are generally in C#.
Can anyone point me at an example solution in Basic please?
NavigateURL deprecated in 9.4.0 scheduled for removal in 11.0.0
You have to replace Globals.NavigateUrl with the new INavigationManager interface as it will be removed in version 11. See here.
Here are some threads in the DNN Community forum that might help:
Upgrading from 9.1.1 to 9.4.4 and Globals.NavigateURL
The examples mentioned are all in C#, but it is not a question of the language but of the method/interface used. So it should be easy to translate it to VB.
I noticed the same problem.
Maybe you could try with:
Response.Redirect(PortalSettings.ActiveTab.Url) to replace NavigateURL()
Response.Redirect(EditURL()) to replace NavigateURL() with parameters

What is the difference between Jest-vue and Vue-jest?

I am studying unit testing for quasar framework now.
But I have not clear about vue-jest and jest-vue.
Please help me what the difference is? thank you.
These packages are from the same author. jest-vue was deprecated in favour of vue-jest.
As the description states,
this package has been renamed to vue-jest
Since it's older, jest-vue may not have all features of vue-jest.

How do I find alternative methods in tensorflow latest release to deprecated one like tf.image_summary used in some tensorflow official tutorials?

I am new to tensorflow. While I was reading the CNN tutorial, I found a broken link to a deprecated method image_summary.
What is the best practice to follow in such situation?
Shall I try to inform the tensorflow team about the broken links in their tutorials?
if so, what is the best channel to do so?
How shall I find the best alternative to the deprecated method in their latest release?
The safest way might be a quick search into the Tensorflow Github repo. E.g., where you'll see it's been renamed to tf.summary.image.
Surely it'll be much appreciated if you let the team know. I think the best way is to raise an issue here:

NHibernate 1.2 Upgrade assistance

I need to upgrade from NHibernate 1.2.x to the latest version. Can someone help me out by either pointing me into the right direction, explain to me what I need to do, or just shoot me for using 1.2 when it's almost 2013.
Easy Answer: Have you tried just dropping in the latest version? 3.x should be somewhat compatible with what you have.
Hard Answer: Download Fluent NHibernate and get ready for some fun learning. It all depends on why you feel the need to upgrade.
The release notes in the download list know and possible breaking changes. It may be worth looking through. Other than that, I would suggest just dropping the new files in and see what happens.