Where to find documentation that lists all available composables? - kotlin

I'm struggling to find a resource that has a list of all available composables you can use in your projects.
The developer site https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose/documentation doesn't appear to have it and if I Google for one a bunch of articles come up on how to use lazyrow and lazycolumn.
Where would I go to find, let's say, the Card composable is available to use if I didn't already know it existed

You can find the list of Jetpack Composables from these Docs.
Foundation layout
Foundation Text
Foundation lazy
Foundation lazy grid
Foundation lazy layout
Material components
Material 3 components


What is meant by Flutter's widgets aren't really adaptive

I have been trying my hands for POC on an idea and trying to find languages which can support Mobile app development (Android/IOS) via single source code.
I zeroed on React-Native and Flutter.
What I found that for React-Native you still have to write code which is platform specific. Components need to be written differently for IOS and Android.
Then I looked in FLutter and I found that - "Flutter's widgets, however, while there are more of them, aren't really adaptive".
I am not able to understand it and what it means.
It would be really helpful if someone can help me with example or guide me to good reference.
In Flutter you have different sets of Widget Collection:
Material Widgets: Android-style
Cupertino Widgets: iOS-style
And lots of Widgets which aren't bound to one of those styles.
With this you are able to create a application looking like any style on any of the available platform. Therefore you can also have iOS-style Widgets on Android and vice versa.
If you want to have iOS Widgets on iOS and Android Widgets on Android, you'll have to create some conditional rendering, which decides wether to render iOS or Android components.
Sidenote: The Material-style Widgets look also really good on iOS. Also you can use a ton of other Widgets to create an UI in your own style.

Creating reusable child views in Titanium Alloy (A

I'm new to Appcelerator Titanium, so one of the considerations that popped into my mind was this: how do I create reusable custom controls for use in Alloy? Take for example in Android:
The ColorPicker is a 3rd-party library that allows me to add it as a control to the .xml file so long as I reference the library. I would also be able to create my own controls and either reuse them locally or distribute them as an external library. Is there a similar concept for Titanium, more specifically for Alloy (i.e. the xml and all)?
Yes there is the concept of creating widgets and which can be reused locally in the projects. There are alot of widgets already available.
One of the important widgets for creation of the application Font Awsome Widget.
You can see the source code as well and check its implementation.

iOS6+ Custom component creation guide

I'm starting the iOS development and need to find out what is required to create custom component. I have a few of them to build like star rating bar (which promising tutorial I've found here btw.) or download button with progress like it is in the App Store app.
Instead of searching for ready built solutions I would like to learn on how to build it thus my question, is there any up-to-date guides on how to accomplish it? Using OOP rules:) ofcourse as I'm used to it from ActionScript and JAVA.

How can I create a menu in levelhelper?

I want to create game with Spritehelper and Levelhelper. I wanted to know, how to create the menu with levelhelper.
How can I achieve this?
Look through this tutorial(http://www.raywenderlich.com/4622/how-to-use-spritehelper-and-levelhelper-tutorial), they provide detailed information and have LevelHelper/SpriteHelper tutorials provided by the developer himself.
After some research of instruments for new game I came to this conclusion:
Level Helper 2:
good levels editing
SpriteHelper support
no UI editor (no UI controls)
own class stack inherited from standard cocos2d classes (no way to create other nodes, not inherited from LHxxxx)
animations editor
physics editor
is not supported by developers (last update 2 years ago)
is universal: you can create UI and levels in it
has some bugs, but is open source, so you can easily fix some issues
uses default cocos2d class stack. You can instantiate any class inherited from Node
supports relative node positioning (in percents relative to parent size)
built in support of sprite sheets
animations editor
new editor, based on idea of CocosBuilder (very similar to it)
is under active development by cocos2d developers
is universal (UI and levels)
very good layout features
supports only cocos2d-swift :-(
there is some 3rd party cocos2d-x loaders of SpriteBuilder scenes, but they are not always compatible with new versions of SpriteBuilder
animations editor
physics editor
Cocos Studio 1.x, 2.1
troubles with loading scenes from v1 in cocos2d-x v3 and above
new version of CocoStudio (2.1 for now) is still not ready for production and doesn't support many features from v1
supports relative node positioning (in percents relative to parent size)
animations editor

Do any one know how to draw high chart in Extjs ? Do you i need any plug-in for this

Do i need a plug in for high chart. I have searched through the net can anyone give me a solution. I have found that a plug in is needed for the Extjs 3 but what about version 4 onwards
It will require extension. However, it appears that an extension is already available on github. Additionally, charting in ExtJS4 is supported so if you don't need highcharts specifically then the chart you require may already be supported. Charting examples with native ExtJS are available in sencha docs.