SQL filtering activity after certain event - sql

I am struggling with a SQL query.
My query looks something like this:
From (
From database-name
Where date between ‘2022-09-01’ and ‘2022-09-31’)
This works ok. But, there is another field in the table “mailing-list”, which is just 0 or 1. I want to only get activity for members from the date when they join the mailing list onwards, even if they then leave the list, so can’t just do “where mailing-list=1”.
How can I do this?

It's not obvious what works fine for you as it seems to be uncommon to sum dates, given it is a regular date format. Are you trying to get number of active dates? as for the bottom question you might.
As for your buttom line quesiton, it seems that you might want to use a cte or subselect in a join.
your query...
from db_name dbn
inner join (select user_id, min(date) date from database_name
where mailing_list = 1 group by 1) start_date
on start_date.user_id = dbn.user_id
and start_date.date <= dbn.date
That way you're only getting activity starting from the first time your users join the mailing list.
But I still think you have an error in your final query, check it out.


SQL INNER JOIN tables with different row names

Thank you for taking the time to read this, it is probably a very basic question. Most search queries I did seemed a bit more in depth to the INNER JOIN operator.
Basically my question is this: I have a shipping and receiving table with dates on when the item was either shipped or received. In the shipping table (tbl_shipping) the date row is labeled as trans_out_date and for the receiving table (tbl_receiving) the date row is labeled as trans_in_date.
I can view transactions set on either table from a user entered form but I want to populate a table with information pulled from both tables where the criteria meets. ie. If the receiving table has 10 transactions done in April and 5 in June and the shipping table has 15 transactions in April and 10 in June... when the user wants to see all transactions in June, it will populate the 15 transactions that occurred in June.
As of right now, I can pull only from 1 table with
FROM tbl_shipping
WHERE trans_out_date >= ‘from_date’
AND trans_out_date <= ‘to_date’
Would this be the appropriate syntax for what I am looking to achieve?
FROM tbl_shipping
INNER JOIN tbl_receiving ON tbl_shipping.trans_out_date = tbl_receiving.trans_in_date
tbl_shipping.trans_out_date >= ‘from_date’
AND tbl_shipping.trans_out_date <= ‘to_date’
Thank you again in advance for reading this.
You appear to want union all rather than a join:
SELECT s.item, s.trans_out_date as dte, 'shipped' as which
FROM tbl_shipping S
WHERE s.trans_out_date >= ? AND
s.trans_out_date <= ?
SELECT r.item, NULL, r.trans_in_date as dte, 'received'
FROM tbl_receiving r
WHERE r.trans_out_date >= ? AND
r.trans_out_date <= ?
A JOIN can cause problems due to data that goes missing (because dates don't line up) or data that gets duplicated (because there are multiple dates).
The ? is for a parameter. If you are calling this from an application, use parameters!
You can include additional columns for more information in the result set.
This may not be the exact result format you want. If not, ask another question with sample data and desired results.

sql count all items that day until start of database isn't working because of time

I am trying to count each item in a database table, that is deployments. I have counted the total number of items 3879, by doing this:
use Bamboo_Version6
FROM [Bamboo_Version6].[dbo].[DEPLOYMENT_RESULT]
But I have been struggling to get the number of items each day until the start. I have tried using some of the other similar answers to this like:
select STARTED_Date, count(deploymentID)
from [Bamboo_Version6].[dbo].[DEPLOYMENT_RESULT]
WHERE STARTED_Date>=dateadd(day,datediff(day,0,STARTED_Date)- 7,0)
But this will return every id, and a 1 beside it because the dates have times which are making it unique, so I tried doing this: CONVERT(varchar(12),STARTED_DATE,110) to try and fix the problem but it still happens. How can I count this without, getting all the id's or every id as 1 each time?
Remove the time component:
select cast(STARTED_Date as date) as dte, count(deploymentID)
from [Bamboo_Version6].[dbo].[DEPLOYMENT_RESULT]
group by cast(STARTED_Date as date)
order by dte;
I'm not sure what the WHERE clause is supposed to be doing, so I just removed it. If it is useful, add it back in.
I have another efficient way of doing this, may be try this with an over clause
SELECT cast(STARTED_DATE AS DATE) AS Deployment_date,
FROM [Bamboo_Version6].[dbo].[DEPLOYMENT_RESULT]

SQL: Getting the latest date using Max() while using group by

I'm struggling to get the correct result with this query:
select max(kts.my_date), kts.name
join ktt on ktt.someId = kts.someOtherId
where ktt.someId = 'example'
group by kts.name;
I have two (possibly stupid) questions:
Will this max() take time into account? I know that order by does if the dates are the same. Does max do the same?
This is connected to my previous question, but when I run the query above, if the dates are same, it orders it by the name. I want the latest date at the top. Do I need to put an order by clause for the date in? If so, using Max is pointless, right?
Thanks for the help.
select max(kts.my_date) over (partition by kts.name) as maxdate, kts.name
from -- chose your table
join ktt on ktt.someId = kts.someOtherId
where ktt.someId = 'example'
order by --chose here your column
give this a try

ColdFusion query four days ago

I want to query order information from 4 days ago. I cannot quite get the query to use the full 24hours of the day though:
<cfquery name="rsByDate" datasource="#request.dsn#">
SELECT tbl_customers.cst_FirstName
, tbl_customers.cst_LastName
, tbl_customers.cst_Email
, tbl_orders.order_ID
, tbl_orders.order_Date
FROM tbl_customers INNER JOIN tbl_orders
ON tbl_customers.cst_ID = tbl_orders.order_CustomerID
WHERE tbl_orders.order_Date >= #CreateODBCDateTime(DateAdd("d",-5,Now()))#
AND tbl_orders.order_Date <= #CreateODBCDateTime(DateAdd("d",-4,Now()))#
AND order_Status = 3
ORDER BY tbl_orders.order_Date DESC
What I'm hoping to achieve is to perform this query and then use cfmail to ask the customers to review us four days after their order is marked as status 3 'shipped'.
I think I have the date settings not quite right. Where am I going wrong?
It's because you're basing your filter dates on now(), which has a time component. So now()-4 for me is 5/11/2012, but at 12:10pm. You only want to use the date part for the filter.
You should never hard-code your dynamic values in your SQL string anyhow, so firstly use <cfqueryparam> to parameterise your dynamic values, and then use a CF_SQL_DATE as the type, which should only pass the date through, not the date/time. I am not in a position to test this for you at the moment, but try that... if it still passes the time part of the date/time, then create a date object with just the date part, using createDate().

How do I count data from 2 different tables by date

I have 2 tables with no relations, both tables have different number of columns, but there are a few columns that are the same but hold different data. I was able to create a function or view of only the data I wanted, but when I try to count the data by filtering the date, I always get the wrong count in return. Let me explain by showing the 2 functions and what I try to do:
Function 1
ID - number from 1 to 8
data sent - YES or NO
Date - date value
Function 2
ID - number from 1 to 8
data sent - yes or no
date - date value
Upon running both separately, I get all the rows from the tables and everything looks good.
Then I try to add the following to each function:
count([data sent]), ID
from function1
Where (date between #date1 and #date2)
group by ID
The above statement works great and gives me the right result for each function.
Now I thought what if I want to add those 2 functions into one and get the count from both functions on 1 page.
So I created the following function:
Function 3
count(Function1.[data sent]) as Expr1,
count(Function2.[data sent]) as Expr2,
Function2 on Function1.id = Function2.id
(Function1.date between #date1 and #date2)
group by
Upon running the above, I get the following table:
ID Expr1 Expr2
On both Expr1 and Expr2, I get results which I am not sure where they come from. I guess something is being multiplied by 100000 since one table holds almost 15000 rows and the other around 5000 rows.
What I would like to know first is if it possible at all to be able to filter by date and count records from both table at the same time. If anyone need more information please let me know and I will be glad to share and explain more.
Thank you
The LEFT OUTER JOIN is taking each row of the left table, finding ALL of the rows in the right table with the same id field, and creating that many rows in the result table. Since id isn't what we usually think of as an identity field (it looks more like a "deviceId" or something), you'll get lots of matches for each one. Repeat 15000 times and you get your combinatorial explosion.
Tip: To debug things like this, you can create sample tables with a tiny subset of the real data, say 10 rows from each, and run your query on them. You'll see the issue immediately.
It's possible to filter by date. It's hard to recommend an actual solution without better understanding your phrase "I want to add those 2 functions into one and get the count from both functions on 1 page".
Why can't you create a temporary table for each function then join them together?
Maybe subqueries can help you to achieve what you want:
ID = COALESCE(f1.ID, f2.ID),
Date = COALESCE(f1.Date, f2.Date),
Expr1 = COUNT([data sent])
FROM Function1
WHERE Date BETWEEN #date1 AND #date2
) f1
Expr2 = COUNT([data sent])
FROM Function2
WHERE Date BETWEEN #date1 AND #date2
) f2
ON f1.ID = f2.ID AND f1.Date = f2.Date
This query also uses full (outer) join instead of left join, in case the right side of the join contains rows that have no match in the left side (and you want those rows).