ColdFusion query four days ago - sql

I want to query order information from 4 days ago. I cannot quite get the query to use the full 24hours of the day though:
<cfquery name="rsByDate" datasource="#request.dsn#">
SELECT tbl_customers.cst_FirstName
, tbl_customers.cst_LastName
, tbl_customers.cst_Email
, tbl_orders.order_ID
, tbl_orders.order_Date
FROM tbl_customers INNER JOIN tbl_orders
ON tbl_customers.cst_ID = tbl_orders.order_CustomerID
WHERE tbl_orders.order_Date >= #CreateODBCDateTime(DateAdd("d",-5,Now()))#
AND tbl_orders.order_Date <= #CreateODBCDateTime(DateAdd("d",-4,Now()))#
AND order_Status = 3
ORDER BY tbl_orders.order_Date DESC
What I'm hoping to achieve is to perform this query and then use cfmail to ask the customers to review us four days after their order is marked as status 3 'shipped'.
I think I have the date settings not quite right. Where am I going wrong?

It's because you're basing your filter dates on now(), which has a time component. So now()-4 for me is 5/11/2012, but at 12:10pm. You only want to use the date part for the filter.
You should never hard-code your dynamic values in your SQL string anyhow, so firstly use <cfqueryparam> to parameterise your dynamic values, and then use a CF_SQL_DATE as the type, which should only pass the date through, not the date/time. I am not in a position to test this for you at the moment, but try that... if it still passes the time part of the date/time, then create a date object with just the date part, using createDate().


SQL filtering activity after certain event

I am struggling with a SQL query.
My query looks something like this:
From (
From database-name
Where date between ‘2022-09-01’ and ‘2022-09-31’)
This works ok. But, there is another field in the table “mailing-list”, which is just 0 or 1. I want to only get activity for members from the date when they join the mailing list onwards, even if they then leave the list, so can’t just do “where mailing-list=1”.
How can I do this?
It's not obvious what works fine for you as it seems to be uncommon to sum dates, given it is a regular date format. Are you trying to get number of active dates? as for the bottom question you might.
As for your buttom line quesiton, it seems that you might want to use a cte or subselect in a join.
your query...
from db_name dbn
inner join (select user_id, min(date) date from database_name
where mailing_list = 1 group by 1) start_date
on start_date.user_id = dbn.user_id
and <=
That way you're only getting activity starting from the first time your users join the mailing list.
But I still think you have an error in your final query, check it out.

Why are different result between use date_part and exactly date parameter query data in peroid date?

I'm try to count distinct value in some columns in a table.
i have a logic and i try to write in 2 way
But i get diffent results from this two query.
Can any one help to clarify me? I dont know what wrong is code or i think.
select count(distinct membership_id) from members_membership m
where date_part(year,m.membership_expires)>=2019
and date_part(month,m.membership_expires)>=7
and date_part(day,m.membership_expires)>=1
and date_part(year,m.membership_creationdate)<=2019
and date_part(month,m.membership_creationdate)<=7
and date_part(day,m.membership_creationdate)<=1
select count(distinct membership_id) from members_membership m
where m.membership_expires>='2019-07-01'
and m.membership_creationdate<='2019-07-01'
I actually think that this is the query you intend to run:
COUNT(DISTINCT membership_id)
FROM members_membership m
m.membership_expires >= '2019-07-01' AND
m.membership_creationdate < '2019-07-01';
It doesn't make sense for a membership to expire at the same moment it gets created, so if it expires on midnight of 1st-July 2019, then it should have been created strictly before that point in time.
That being said, the problem with the first query is that, e.g., the restriction on the month being on or before July would apply to every year, not just 2019. It is difficult to write a date inequality using the year, month, and day terms separately. For this reason, the second version you used is preferable. It is also sargable, meaning that an index on membership_expires or membership_creationdate can be used.
There is an issue with the first query:
select count(distinct membership_id) from members_membership m
where date_part(year,m.membership_expires)>=2019
and date_part(month,m.membership_expires)>=7
and date_part(day,m.membership_expires)>=1
and date_part(year,m.membership_creationdate)<=2019
and date_part(month,m.membership_creationdate)<=7
and date_part(day,m.membership_creationdate)<=1; -- do you think that any day is less than 1??
-- this condition will be satisfy by only 01-Jul-2019, But I think you need all the dates before 01-Jul-2019
and date_part(day,m.membership_creationdate)<=1 is culprit of the issue.
even membership_creationdate = 15-jan-1901 will not satisfy above condition.
You need to always use date functions on date columns to avoid such type of issue. (Your second query is perfectly fine)
The reason could be due to a time component.
The proper comparison for the first query is:
select count(distinct membership_id)
from members_membership m
where m.membership_expires >= '2019-07-01' and
m.membership_creationdate < '2019-07-02'
--------------------------------^ not <= ---^ next day
This logic should work regardless of whether or not the "date" has a time component.

sql count all items that day until start of database isn't working because of time

I am trying to count each item in a database table, that is deployments. I have counted the total number of items 3879, by doing this:
use Bamboo_Version6
FROM [Bamboo_Version6].[dbo].[DEPLOYMENT_RESULT]
But I have been struggling to get the number of items each day until the start. I have tried using some of the other similar answers to this like:
select STARTED_Date, count(deploymentID)
from [Bamboo_Version6].[dbo].[DEPLOYMENT_RESULT]
WHERE STARTED_Date>=dateadd(day,datediff(day,0,STARTED_Date)- 7,0)
But this will return every id, and a 1 beside it because the dates have times which are making it unique, so I tried doing this: CONVERT(varchar(12),STARTED_DATE,110) to try and fix the problem but it still happens. How can I count this without, getting all the id's or every id as 1 each time?
Remove the time component:
select cast(STARTED_Date as date) as dte, count(deploymentID)
from [Bamboo_Version6].[dbo].[DEPLOYMENT_RESULT]
group by cast(STARTED_Date as date)
order by dte;
I'm not sure what the WHERE clause is supposed to be doing, so I just removed it. If it is useful, add it back in.
I have another efficient way of doing this, may be try this with an over clause
SELECT cast(STARTED_DATE AS DATE) AS Deployment_date,
FROM [Bamboo_Version6].[dbo].[DEPLOYMENT_RESULT]

How to have GROUP BY and COUNT include zero sums?

I have SQL like this (where $ytoday is 5 days ago):
$sql = 'SELECT Count(*), created_at FROM People WHERE created_at >= "'. $ytoday .'" AND GROUP BY DATE(created_at)';
I want this to return a value for every day, so it would return 5 results in this case (5 days ago until today).
But say Count(*) is 0 for yesterday, instead of returning a zero it doesn't return any data at all for that date.
How can I change that SQLite query so it also returns data that has a count of 0?
Without convoluted (in my opinion) queries, your output data-set won't include dates that don't exist in your input data-set. This means that you need a data-set with the 5 days to join on to.
The simple version would be to create a table with the 5 dates, and join on that. I typically create and keep (effectively caching) a calendar table with every date I could ever need. (Such as from 1900-01-01 to 2099-12-31.)
ON Calendar.calendar_date = People.created_at
Calendar.calendar_date >= '2012-05-01'
You'll need to left join against a list of dates. You can either create a table with the dates you need in it, or you can take the dynamic approach I outlined here:
generate days from date range

Access query won't work when dates have times

I have a query stated:
select *
from tblClient
where IntakeDate = #5/31/2011#
I know for a fact there are 8 records that have that date. But none of records with that date are pulled by this query. Those 8 records have times as well as "short date" (e.g. "5/31/2011 1:42:00 PM")
As a test I set the date to exactly 5/31/2011 for one record, and the query will work for that one record. Clearly the time value is interfering with this query.
I do not want to change all the date data to a strict 'short date' format and would like to work with it as-is. Can anyone give me some idea how I can make this work?
Create a condition that encompasses a single day's time range:
select *
from tblClient
where IntakeDate >= #5/31/2011# AND < #6/1/2011#
[You could use the DateValue() function on your column, but that would prevent any index being used.]
The DateValue function truncates the time off the date
select *
from tblClient
where DateValue(IntakeDate) = #5/31/2011#