How to iterate through the data of a column in a sql case statement in dbt? - sql

Newbie in dbt here.
I need to do a case statement, something like this:
case when PROPERTY_NAME = 'xxx' and EVENT_CATEGORY = 'xxx' and EVENT_ACTION LIKE '%xxx%' and EVENT_LABEL like '%xxx%'
then 'xxx'
on property name, I need to iterate through a list of data from a column of a table.
Is it doable though a macro?

To get data into the jinja context, you can use the run_query macro to execute arbitrary SQL and return the results as an Agate table. There is an example in the dbt docs for how to use that to return the distinct values from a column.
This use case is so common, there is also a macro in dbt-utils for it called get_column_values. This macro returns the distinct values from a column as an array (list). The example from those docs:
-- Returns a list of the payment_methods in the stg_payments model_
{% set payment_methods = dbt_utils.get_column_values(table=ref('stg_payments'), column='payment_method') %}
{% for payment_method in payment_methods %}
{% endfor %}
(Note that you need to first install the dbt-utils package. Docs for that here).
If you are trying to check membership in this list of values, you could do something like this:
{% set properties = dbt_utils.get_column_values(table=ref('your_model'), column='property') %}
{% set properties_str = properties | join("', '") %}
PROPERTY_NAME in ('{{ properties_str }}')
and EVENT_CATEGORY = 'xxx'
and EVENT_LABEL like '%xxx%'
then 'xxx'
Or if you want to iterate over that list:
{% set properties = dbt_utils.get_column_values(table=ref('your_model'), column='property') %}
{% for property in properties %}
PROPERTY_NAME = '{{ property }}'
and EVENT_CATEGORY = 'xxx'
and EVENT_LABEL like '%xxx%'
then '{{ property }}'
{% endfor %}

I think the best strategy depends on what you want to do. If all you need is the list of all columns, you could use something like get_columns_in_relation and use the results to loop over in your case statement:
{%- set columns = adapter.get_columns_in_relation(ref('model')) -%}
{% for column in columns %}
{{}} = 'xxx' {{ 'and' if not loop.last }}
{% endfor %}
If you don't need every column, you could either exclude some columns from the resulting list or (better IMO) just define the columns you need in a jinja variable and loop over those.
If you need the data from one of the columns, you can use the (similar) run_query macro (or the get_column_values macro in dbt-utils). These have the same pattern of use - ie. retrieve something into the jinja layer of dbt and then use that layer to template out some sql.


dbt get value from agate.Row to string

I want to run a macro in a COPY INTO statement to S3 bucket. Apparently in snowflake I can't do dynamic path. So I'm doing a hacky way to solve this.
{% macro unload_snowflake_to_s3() %}
{# Get all tables and views from the information schema. #}
{%- set query -%}
select concat('COPY INTO #MY_STAGE/year=', year(current_date()), '/my_file FROM (SELECT OBJECT_CONSTRUCT(*) from my_table)');
{%- endset -%}
-- {%- set final_query = run_query(query) -%}
-- {{ dbt_utils.log_info(final_query) }}
-- {{ dbt_utils.log_info(final_query.rows.values()[0]) }}
{%- do run_query(final_query.columns.values()[0]) -%}
-- {% do final_query.print_table() %}
{% endmacro %}
Based on above macros, what I'm trying to do is:
Use CONCAT to add year in the bucket path. Hence, the query becomes a string.
Use the concatenated query to do run_query()again to actually run the COPY INTO statement.
Output and error I got from dbt log:
09:06:08 09:06:08 + | column | data_type |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- |
| COPY INTO #MY_STAGE/year=', year(current_date()), '/my_file FROM (SELECT OBJECT_CONSTRUCT(*) from my_table) | Text |
09:06:08 09:06:08 + <agate.Row: ('COPY INTO #MY_STAGE/year=2022/my_file FROM (SELECT OBJECT_CONSTRUCT(*) from my_table)')>
09:06:09 Encountered an error while running operation: Database Error
001003 (42000): SQL compilation error:
syntax error line 1 at position 0 unexpected '<'.
I think the error is that I didn't extract the row and column specifically which is in agate format. How can I convert/extract this to string?
You might have better luck with dbt_utils.get_query_results_as_dict.
But you don't need to use your database to construct that path. The jinja context has a run_started_at variable that is a Python datetime object, so you can build your string in jinja, without hitting the database:
{% set yr = run_started_at.strftime("%Y") %}
{% set query = 'COPY INTO #MY_STAGE/year=' ~ yr ~ '/my_file FROM (SELECT OBJECT_CONSTRUCT(*) from my_table)' %}
Finally, depending on how you're calling this macro you probably want to gate this whole thing with an {% if execute %} flag, so dbt doesn't do the COPY when it's parsing your models.
You can use dbt_utils.get_query_results_as_dict function to get rid of agate part. Maybe after that your copy statement can work.
{%- set final_query = dbt_utils.get_query_results_as_dict(query) -%}
{{log(final_query ,true)}}
{% for keys,val in final_query.items() %}
{{log( val ,true)}}
{% endfor %}
if you run like this you will see ('COPY INTO #MY_STAGE/year=', year(current_date())...') and lastly remove "('')" by
{%- set final_val=val | replace('(', '')| replace(')', '') | replace("'", '') -%}```
That's it.

Using jinja sql variables in dbt_utils

In my dbt project, if I declare a jinja sql variable how can I pass it to a dbt_utils function?
For example this doesn't work:
{% set exclude_columns = ["col1", "col2", "col3"] %}
SELECT {{'table'), except=exclude_columns) }}
FROM {{ ref('table') }}
If I manually add columns to the "except" parameter, it works, but not with the variable. I tried {{ exclude columns }} as well and same result.
I'm not sure why, but defining a variable in my dbt_project.yml and then referencing that variable works for me!
{% set exclude_columns = var('exclude_fields') %}
{{'my_table'), except=exclude_columns) }}
You can also check that exclude_columns is working with this log statement:
{{ log(exclude_columns, info=true) }}
You have to add quotation marks around the column names, otherwise Jinja will treat them as variables and fails silently, so the results will be a list of 3 None.
{% set exclude_columns = ["col1", "col2", "col3"] %}

Jinja and det for if else SQL statement

During the creation of a model in dbt I'm trying to construct an if else statement that has the following logic: if there is a table with the "table_name" name under the "project_name.dataset" then use this SELECT 1 else use SELECT 2
As I understand this should be something like this:
{% if "table_name" in run_query("
").columns[0].values() %}
{%.else %}
{%.endif %}
This is by the way all happens in the BigQuery, that's why we use project-name.dataset.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES to extract the name of all the tables under this project and dataset.
But unfortunately this approach doesn't work. It would be really great if somebody could help me, please.
Here is how I did it:
{% set tables_list = [] %}
{%- for row in run_query(
FROM project-name.dataset_name.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES
) -%}
{{ tables_list.append(row.values()[2]) if tables_list.append(row.values()[2]) is not none }}
{%- endfor -%}
{% if "table_name" in tables_list %}
SELECT logic 1
{% else %}
SELECT logic 2
{% endif %}

dbt if/else macros return nothing

I'm trying to use a dbt macro to transform survey results.
I have a table similar to:
I want to transform it into:
column 1
column 2
using the following mapping:
To do so I have written the following sbt macro:
{% macro class_to_score(class) %}
{% if class == "always" %}
{% set result = 1 %}
{% elif class == "often" %}
{% set result = 2 %}
{% elif class == "sometimes" %}
{% set result = 3 %}
{% elif class == "never" %}
{% set result = 4 %}
{% endif -%}
{{ return(result) }}
{% endmacro %}
and then the following sql query:
{%- set class_to_score = class_to_score -%}
{{ set_class_to_score(column1) }} as column1_score,
However, I get the error:
Syntax error: SELECT list must not be empty at [5:1]
Anyone know why I am not getting anything back?
Thanks for the time you took to communicate your question. It's not easy! It looks like you're experiencing the number one misconception when it comes to dbt and Jinja:
Jinja isn't about transforming data, it's about composing a single SQL query that will be sent to the database. After everything inside jinja's curly brackets is rendered, you will be left with a query that can be sent to the database.
This notion does get complicated with dbt macros like run_query (docs) which will go to the database and get information. But the info you fetch can only used to generate the SQL string.
Your example sounds like the way to do things if you're using Python's pandas where the transformations happens in memory. In dbt-land, only the string generation happens in memory, though sometimes we get some of the substrings from the database before making the new query. So it sounds like you'd like Jinja to look at every value in the column and make the substitution, what you really need to do be doing is make generate a query that instructs the database to make the substitution. The way we do substitution in SQL is with CASE WHEN statements (see Mode's CASE docs for more info)
This is probably closer to what you want. Note it's probably better to make the likert_map object into a dbt seed table.
{% set likert_map =
{"1": "always", "2": "often", "3": "sometimes", "4": "never"} %}
CASE column_1
{% for key, value in likert_map.items() %}
WHEN '{{ value }}' THEN '{{ key }}'
{% endfor %}
ELSE 0 END AS column_1_new,
CASE column_2
{% for key, value in likert_map.items() %}
WHEN '{{ value }}' THEN '{{ key }}'
{% endfor %}
ELSE 0 END AS column_2_new
{% endfor %}
Here's some related questions using mapping dictionary information to make a SQL query:
How to join two tables into a dictionary in dbt jinja
DBT - for loop issue with number as variable

Retrieving table name from snowflake information_schema using dbt

I have created a macro to returns a table name from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA in Snowflake.
I have tables in snowflake as follows
| ~one |
| ~two |
| ~three |
I want to pass the table type i.e. one into the macro and get the actual table name i.e. ~one
Here is my macro(get_table.sql) in DBT that takes in parameter and returns the table name
{%- macro get_table(table_type) -%}
{%- set table_result -%}
select distinct TABLE_NAME from "DEMO_DB"."INFORMATION_SCHEMA"."TABLES" where TABLE_NAME like '\~%{{table_type}}%'
{%- endset -%}
{%- set table_name = run_query(table_result).columns[0].values() -%}
{{ return(table_name) }}
{%- endmacro -%}
Here is my DBT Model that calls the above macro
{{ config(materialized='table',full_refresh=true) }}
select * from {{get_table("one")}}
But I am getting an error:
Compilation Error in model
'None' has no attribute 'table'
> in macro get_table (macros\get_table.sql)
I don't understand where the error is
You need to use the execute context variable to prevent this error, as it is described here:
You also be careful about your query, that the table names are uppercase. So you better use "ilike" instead of "like".
Another important point is, "run_query(table_result).columns[0].values()" returns an array, so I added index to the end.
So here's the modified version of your module, which I successfully run it on my test environment:
{% macro get_table(table_name) %}
{% set table_query %}
select distinct TABLE_NAME from "DEMO_DB"."INFORMATION_SCHEMA"."TABLES" where TABLE_NAME ilike '%{{ table_name }}%'
{% endset %}
{% if execute %}
{%- set result = run_query(table_query).columns[0].values()[0] -%}
{{return( result )}}
{% else %}
{{return( false ) }}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}