Vue.js 3 Pinia store is only partially reactive. Why? - vue.js

I'm using Pinia as Store for my Vue 3 application. The problem is that the store reacts on some changes, but ignores others.
The store looks like that:
state: () => {
return {
roles: [],
currentRole: 'Administrator',
elements: []
getters: {
getElementsForCurrentRole: (state) => {
let role = state.roles.find((role) => role.label == state.currentRole);
if (role) {
return role.permissions.elements;
In the template file, I communicate with the store like this:
<template #item="{element}">
<n-card :title="formatElementName(" size="small" header-style="{titleFontSizeSmall: 8px}" hoverable>
<n-switch v-model:value="" size="small" />
<script setup>
import { NCard, NSwitch } from 'naive-ui';
import draggable from 'vuedraggable'
import { usePermissionsStore } from '#/stores/permissions';
import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia';
const props = defineProps({
selectedRole: {
type: String
const permissionsStore = usePermissionsStore();
const { getElementsForCurrentRole, roles } = storeToRefs(permissionsStore);
const onDragEnd = () => {;
const formatElementName = (element) => {
let title = element.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + element.slice(1);
title = title.replace('-', ' ');
title = title.split(' ');
if (title[1]) {
title = title[0] + ' ' + title[1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + title[1].slice(1);
if (typeof title == 'object') {
return title[0];
return title;
My problem is the v-model="getElementsForCurrentRole". When making changes, for example changing the value for the switch, the store is reactive and the changes are made successfully. But: If I try to change the Array order by dragging, the store does not update the order. I'm confused, because the store reacts on other value changes, but not on the order change.
What can be the issue here? Do I something wrong?
-Edit- I see the following warning on drag: Write operation failed: computed value is readonly
As workaround I work with the drag event and write the new index directly to the store variable. But...its just a workaround. I would really appreciate a cleaner solution.
Here is the workaround code:
onDrag = (event) => {
if (event && event.type == 'end') {
// Is Drag Event. Save the new order manually directly in the store
let current = permissionsStore.roles.find((role) => role.value == permissionsStore.currentRole);
var element = current.permissions.elements[event.oldIndex];
current.permissions.elements.splice(event.oldIndex, 1);
current.permissions.elements.splice(event.newIndex, 0, element);

You should put reactive value on v-model.
getElementsForCurrentRole is from getters, so it is treated as computed value.
Similar to toRefs() but specifically designed for Pinia stores so
methods and non reactive properties are completely ignored.
I think this should work for you.
// template
// script
const { getElementsForCurrentRole, roles } = storeToRefs(permissionsStore);
const elementsForCurrentRole = ref(getElementsForCurrentRole.value);


Changes made to a computed array won't show after a prop binding

I'm quite new to vue and right now I'm trying to figure out how to make changes to a computed array and make an element react to this change. When I click the div element (code section 4), I want the div's background color to change. Below is my failed code.
Code section 1: This is my computed array.
computed: {
arrayMake() {
let used = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
used.push({index: i, check: true});
return used;
Code section 2: This is where I send it as a prop to another component.
<test-block v-for="(obj, index) in arrayMake" v-bind:obj="obj" v-on:act="act(obj)"></card-block>
Code section 3: This is a method in the same component as code section 1 and 2.
methods: {
obj.check = true;
Code section 4: Another component that uses the three sections above.
props: ["obj"],
template: /*html*/`
<div v-on:click="$emit('act')">
<div v-bind:style="{ backgroundColor: obj.check? 'red': 'blue' }">
Easiest way to achieve this, store the object into another data prop in the child component.
child component
data() => {
newObjectContainer: null
this.newObjectContainer = this.obj
methods: {
// you don't need to take any param. because you are not using it.
newObjectContainer.check = !newObjectContainer.check
watch: {
// updated if there is any changes
newObjectContainer = val
And if you really want to update the parent component's computed data. then don't use the computed, use the reactive data prop.
child component:
this time you don't need watcher in the child. you directly emit the object from the method
methods: {
newObjectContainer.check = !newObjectContainer.check
this.emits("update:modelValue", nextObjectContainer)
parent component:
data() => {
yourDynamicData: [],
this.yourDynamicData = setAnArray()
let used = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
used.push({index: i, check: true});
return used;
okay above you created a reactive data property. Now you need the update it if there is a change in the child component,
in the parent first you need object prop so, you can update that.
<test-block v-for="(obj, index) in arrayMake" v-model="updatedObject" :obj="obj"></card-block>
data() => {
yourDynamicData: [],
updatedObject: {}
const idx = val.index
yourDynamicData[idx] = val

Vue composition api - component doesnt render at start using reactive()

Just started using Vue composition-api (with Vue2) and I ran into some reactivity? problem.
In the template, I want to render list of elements based on selected date.
My template:
<div v-for="(act, idx) in elementsPerDay[dateMatchable]" :key="idx">
...some content...
Now the problem is that when the component is created and data are fetched, nothing is rendered and elementsPerDay are empty (in the template). Once I force template update (for example by calling vm.$forceUpdate()) everything works fine.
My setup:
const selectedDate = new Date()
const { data } = <async function to get data>
const dateMatchable = computed(() => formatDate(selectedDate, 'YYYY-MM-DD')) // returns selectedDate as YYYY-MM-DD
// Here I init my reactive object
const elementsPerDay = reactive({})
// Here I fill my elementsPerDay when data changes (basically grouping data by day)
watch(data, e => {
const elsPerDay = {}
for (let idx = 0; idx < data.length; idx++) {
const element = data[idx]
const elementDate = formatDate(data.datetime, 'YYYY-MM-DD')
if (elementsPerDay[elementDate] === undefined) {
elsPerDay[elementDate] = []
// Assign data to my reactive object
Object.assign(elementsPerDay, elsPerDay)
return { ..., selectedDate, dateMatchable, elementsPerDay }
Using computed works:
const elementsPerDay = computed(() => {
if (!data.value) {
return {}
const elsPerDay = {}
for (let idx = 0; idx < data.value.length; idx++) {
const element = data.value[idx]
const elementDate = formatDate(element.datetime, 'YYYY-MM-DD')
if (elsPerDay[elementDate] === undefined) {
elsPerDay[elementDate] = []
return elsPerDay
I realize that in Options API, you needed to $set() new fields in object for it to be reactive but I thought that reactive() somehow does this for me. Am i wrong?
Compoisition API plugin is not Vue 3. Actually, what you encounter is a limitation from Vue 2 :
You need to use $set.
I found an issue about your problem on Github:
If you're using, you can use $set() by:
import { set } from '#vue/composition-api'
setup() {
set(object, 'key', 'value');

Vue 2 custom select2: why is #change not working while #input is working

I created a custom select2 input element for Vue 2.
My question is: why is
<select2 v-model="vacancy.staff_member_id" #input="update(vacancy)"></select2>
working, but
<select2 v-model="vacancy.staff_member_id" #change="update(vacancy)"></select2>
Since normal <input> elements in Vue have a #change handler, it would be nice if my custom select2 input has the same.
Some information on my custom element:
The purpose of this element is to not render all <option> elements but only those needed, because we have many select2 inputs on one page and many options inside a select2 input, causing page load to become slow.
This solution makes it much faster.
Vue.component('select2', {
props: ['options', 'value', 'placeholder', 'config', 'disabled'],
template: '<select><slot></slot></select>',
data: function() {
return {
newValue: null
mounted: function () {
var vm = this;
], function (ArrayData, Utils) {
function CustomData ($element, options) {, $element, options);
Utils.Extend(CustomData, ArrayData);
CustomData.prototype.query = function (params, callback) {
if (params.term && params.term !== '') {
// search for term
var results;
var termLC = params.term.toLowerCase();
var length = termLC.length;
if (length < 3) {
// if only one or two characters, search for words in string that start with it
// the string starts with the term, or the term is used directly after a space
results = _.filter(vm.options, function(option){
return option.text.substr(0,length).toLowerCase() === termLC ||
_.includes(option.text.toLowerCase(), ' '+termLC.substr(0,2));
if (length > 2 || results.length < 2) {
// if more than two characters, or the previous search give less then 2 results
// look anywhere in the texts
results = _.filter(vm.options, function(option){
return _.includes(option.text.toLowerCase(), termLC);
callback({results: results});
} else {
callback({results: vm.options}); // no search input -> return all options to scroll through
var config = {
// dataAdapter for displaying all options when opening the input
// and for filtering when the user starts typing
dataAdapter: CustomData,
// only the selected value, needed for un-opened display
// we are not using all options because that might become slow if we have many select2 inputs
data:_.filter(vm.options, function(option){return === parseInt(vm.value);}),
for (var attr in vm.config) {
config[attr] = vm.config[attr];
if (vm.disabled) {
config.disabled = vm.disabled;
if (vm.placeholder && vm.placeholder !== '') {
// init select2
// prevent dropdown to open when clicking the unselect-cross
.on("select2:unselecting", function (e) {
// emit event on change.
.on('change', function () {
var newValue = $(this).val();
if (newValue !== null) {
vm.$emit('input', newValue);
watch: {
value: function (value, value2) {
if (value === null) return;
var isChanged = false;
if (_.isArray(value)) {
if (value.length !== value2.length) {
isChanged = true;
} else {
for (var i=0; i<value.length; i++) {
if (value[i] !== value2[i]) {
isChanged = true;
} else {
if (value !== value2) {
isChanged = true;
if (isChanged) {
var selectOptions = $(this.$el).find('option');
var selectOptionsIds =, 'value');
if (! _.includes(selectOptionsIds, value)) {
var missingOption = _.find(this.options, {id: value});
var missingText = _.find(this.options, function(opt){
return === parseInt(value);
$(this.$el).append('<option value='+value+'>'+missingText+'</option>');
// update value only if there is a real change
// (without checking isSame, we enter a loop)
destroyed: function () {
The reason is because you are listening to events on a component <select2> and not an actual DOM node. Events on components will refer to the custom events emitted from within, unless you use the .native modifier.
Custom events are different from native DOM events: they do not bubble up the DOM tree, and cannot be captured unless you use the .native modifier. From the docs:
Note that Vue’s event system is separate from the browser’s EventTarget API. Though they work similarly, $on and $emit are not aliases for addEventListener and dispatchEvent.
If you look into the code you posted, you will see this at the end of it:
vm.$emit('input', newValue);
This code emits a custom event input in the VueJS event namespace, and is not a native DOM event. This event will be captured by v-on:input or #input on your <select2> VueJS component. Conversely, since no change event is emitted using vm.$emit, the binding v-on:change will never be fired and hence the non-action you have observed.
Terry pointed out the reason, but actually you can simply pass your update event to the child component as a prop. Check demo below.
Vue.component('select2', {
template: '<select #change="change"><option value="value1">Value 1</option><option value="value2">Value 2</option></select>',
props: [ 'change' ]
new Vue({
el: '#app',
methods: {
onChange() {
console.log('on change');
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<p>custom select</p>
<select2 :change="onChange"></select2>
<p>default select</p>
<select #change="onChange">
<option value="value1">Value 1</option>
<option value="value2">Value 2</option>

Why is computed value not updated after vuex store update?

I got a printerList computed property that should be re-evaluated after getPrinters() resolve, but it look like it's not.
sources are online: optbox.component.vue, vuex, optboxes.service.js
<div v-for="printer in printersList">
<printer :printer="printer" :optbox="optbox"></printer>
created() { this.getPrinters(; },
computed: {
printersList() {
var index = optboxesService.getIndex(this.optboxesList,;
return this.optboxesList[index].printers
vuex: {
actions: { getPrinters: actions.getPrinters,},
getters: { optboxesList: getters.retrieveOptboxes}
getPrinters({dispatch}, optboxId) {
printers.get({optbox_id: optboxId}).then(response => {
}).catch((err) => {
setPrinters(optboxes, optboxId, printers) {
var index = this.getIndex(optboxes, optboxId);
optboxes[index] = {...optboxes[index], printers: printers }
Why does the printerList computed property isn't re-evaluated (i.e. the v-for is empty)
It is due to this line:
optboxes[index] = {...optboxes[index], printers: printers }.
You are directly setting item with index, which can't be observed by Vue
Try splicing the old item from array and pushing the new one.
You could do this:
Vue.set(optboxesList[index], 'printers', printers )
you need force update
setPrinters(optboxes, optboxId, printers) {
const index = this.getIndex(optboxes, optboxId);
const newVal = {...optboxes[index], printers: printers }
Vue.set(optboxes, index, newVal);

Crash with simple history push

just trying come silly stuff and playing around with Cycle.js. and running into problem. Basically I just have a button. When you click it it's suppose to navigate the location to a random hash and display it. Almost like a stupid router w/o predefined routes. Ie. routes are dynamic. Again this isn't anything practical I am just messing with some stuff and trying to learn Cycle.js. But the code below crashes after I click "Add" button. However the location is updated. If I actually just navigate to "#/asdf" it displays the correct content with "Hash: #/asdf". Not sure why the flow is crashing with error:
render-dom.js:242 TypeError: Cannot read property 'subscribe' of undefined(…)
import Rx from 'rx';
import Cycle from '#cycle/core';
import { div, p, button, makeDOMDriver } from '#cycle/dom';
import { createHashHistory } from 'history';
import ranomdstring from 'randomstring';
const history = createHashHistory({ queryKey: false });
function CreateButton({ DOM }) {
const create$ ='.create-button').events('click')
.map(() => {
return ranomdstring.generate(10);
const vtree$ = create$.map(rs => rs ?
history.push(`/${rs}`) :
button('.create-button .btn .btn-default', 'Add')
return { DOM: vtree$ };
function main(sources) {
const hash = location.hash;
const DOM = sources.DOM;
const vtree$ = hash ?
p(`Hash: ${hash}`)
) :
CreateButton({ DOM }).DOM;
return {
DOM: vtree$
}, {
DOM: makeDOMDriver('#main-container')
Thank you for the help
I would further suggest using #cycle/history to do your route changing
(Only showing relevant parts)
import {makeHistoryDriver} from '#cycle/history'
import {createHashHistory} from 'history'
function main(sources) {
return {history: Rx.Observable.just('/some/route') } // a stream of urls
const history = createHashHistory({ queryKey: false }), {
DOM: makeDOMDriver('#main-container'),
history: makeHistoryDriver(history),
On your function CreateButton you are mapping your clicks to history.push() instead of mapping it to a vtree which causes the error:
function CreateButton({ DOM }) {
const vtree$ = create$.map(rs => rs
? history.push(`/${rs}`) // <-- not a vtree
: button('.create-button .btn .btn-default', 'Add')
Instead you could use the do operator to perform the hashchange:
function CreateButton({ DOM }) {
const create$ =
.do(history.push(`/${rs}`)); // <-- here
const vtree$ = Observable.of(
button('.create-button .btn .btn-default', 'Add')
However in functional programming you should not perform side effects on you app logic, every function must remain pure. Instead, all side effects should be handled by drivers. To learn more take a look at the drivers section on Cycle's documentation
To see a working driver jump at the end of the message.
Moreover on your main function you were not using streams to render your vtree. It would have not been reactive to locationHash changes because vtree$ = hash ? ... : ... is only evaluated once on app bootstrapping (when the main function is evaluated and "wires" every streams together).
An improvement will be to declare your main's vtree$ as following while keeping the same logic:
const vtree$ = hash$.map((hash) => hash ? ... : ...)
Here is a complete solution with a small locationHash driver:
import Rx from 'rx';
import Cycle from '#cycle/core';
import { div, p, button, makeDOMDriver } from '#cycle/dom';
import { createHashHistory } from 'history';
import randomstring from 'randomstring';
function makeLocationHashDriver (params) {
const history = createHashHistory(params);
return (routeChange$) => {
.filter(hash => {
const currentHash = location.hash.replace(/^#?\//g, '')
return hash && hash !== currentHash
.subscribe(hash => history.push(`/${hash}`));
return Rx.Observable.fromEvent(window, 'hashchange')
.map(_ => location.hash);
function CreateButton({ DOM }) {
const create$ ='.create-button').events('click')
.map(() => randomstring.generate(10))
const vtree$ = Rx.Observable.of(
button('.create-button .btn .btn-default', 'Add')
return { DOM: vtree$, routeChange$: create$ };
function main({ DOM, hash }) {
const button = CreateButton({ DOM })
const vtree$ = => hash
? Rx.Observable.of(
p(`Hash: ${hash}`)
: button.DOM
return {
DOM: vtree$,
hash: button.routeChange$
}, {
DOM: makeDOMDriver('#main-container'),
hash: makeLocationHashDriver({ queryKey: false })
PS: there is a typo in your randomstring function name, I fixed it in my example.