Crash with simple history push - cyclejs

just trying come silly stuff and playing around with Cycle.js. and running into problem. Basically I just have a button. When you click it it's suppose to navigate the location to a random hash and display it. Almost like a stupid router w/o predefined routes. Ie. routes are dynamic. Again this isn't anything practical I am just messing with some stuff and trying to learn Cycle.js. But the code below crashes after I click "Add" button. However the location is updated. If I actually just navigate to "#/asdf" it displays the correct content with "Hash: #/asdf". Not sure why the flow is crashing with error:
render-dom.js:242 TypeError: Cannot read property 'subscribe' of undefined(…)
import Rx from 'rx';
import Cycle from '#cycle/core';
import { div, p, button, makeDOMDriver } from '#cycle/dom';
import { createHashHistory } from 'history';
import ranomdstring from 'randomstring';
const history = createHashHistory({ queryKey: false });
function CreateButton({ DOM }) {
const create$ ='.create-button').events('click')
.map(() => {
return ranomdstring.generate(10);
const vtree$ = create$.map(rs => rs ?
history.push(`/${rs}`) :
button('.create-button .btn .btn-default', 'Add')
return { DOM: vtree$ };
function main(sources) {
const hash = location.hash;
const DOM = sources.DOM;
const vtree$ = hash ?
p(`Hash: ${hash}`)
) :
CreateButton({ DOM }).DOM;
return {
DOM: vtree$
}, {
DOM: makeDOMDriver('#main-container')
Thank you for the help

I would further suggest using #cycle/history to do your route changing
(Only showing relevant parts)
import {makeHistoryDriver} from '#cycle/history'
import {createHashHistory} from 'history'
function main(sources) {
return {history: Rx.Observable.just('/some/route') } // a stream of urls
const history = createHashHistory({ queryKey: false }), {
DOM: makeDOMDriver('#main-container'),
history: makeHistoryDriver(history),

On your function CreateButton you are mapping your clicks to history.push() instead of mapping it to a vtree which causes the error:
function CreateButton({ DOM }) {
const vtree$ = create$.map(rs => rs
? history.push(`/${rs}`) // <-- not a vtree
: button('.create-button .btn .btn-default', 'Add')
Instead you could use the do operator to perform the hashchange:
function CreateButton({ DOM }) {
const create$ =
.do(history.push(`/${rs}`)); // <-- here
const vtree$ = Observable.of(
button('.create-button .btn .btn-default', 'Add')
However in functional programming you should not perform side effects on you app logic, every function must remain pure. Instead, all side effects should be handled by drivers. To learn more take a look at the drivers section on Cycle's documentation
To see a working driver jump at the end of the message.
Moreover on your main function you were not using streams to render your vtree. It would have not been reactive to locationHash changes because vtree$ = hash ? ... : ... is only evaluated once on app bootstrapping (when the main function is evaluated and "wires" every streams together).
An improvement will be to declare your main's vtree$ as following while keeping the same logic:
const vtree$ = hash$.map((hash) => hash ? ... : ...)
Here is a complete solution with a small locationHash driver:
import Rx from 'rx';
import Cycle from '#cycle/core';
import { div, p, button, makeDOMDriver } from '#cycle/dom';
import { createHashHistory } from 'history';
import randomstring from 'randomstring';
function makeLocationHashDriver (params) {
const history = createHashHistory(params);
return (routeChange$) => {
.filter(hash => {
const currentHash = location.hash.replace(/^#?\//g, '')
return hash && hash !== currentHash
.subscribe(hash => history.push(`/${hash}`));
return Rx.Observable.fromEvent(window, 'hashchange')
.map(_ => location.hash);
function CreateButton({ DOM }) {
const create$ ='.create-button').events('click')
.map(() => randomstring.generate(10))
const vtree$ = Rx.Observable.of(
button('.create-button .btn .btn-default', 'Add')
return { DOM: vtree$, routeChange$: create$ };
function main({ DOM, hash }) {
const button = CreateButton({ DOM })
const vtree$ = => hash
? Rx.Observable.of(
p(`Hash: ${hash}`)
: button.DOM
return {
DOM: vtree$,
hash: button.routeChange$
}, {
DOM: makeDOMDriver('#main-container'),
hash: makeLocationHashDriver({ queryKey: false })
PS: there is a typo in your randomstring function name, I fixed it in my example.


Vue.js 3 Pinia store is only partially reactive. Why?

I'm using Pinia as Store for my Vue 3 application. The problem is that the store reacts on some changes, but ignores others.
The store looks like that:
state: () => {
return {
roles: [],
currentRole: 'Administrator',
elements: []
getters: {
getElementsForCurrentRole: (state) => {
let role = state.roles.find((role) => role.label == state.currentRole);
if (role) {
return role.permissions.elements;
In the template file, I communicate with the store like this:
<template #item="{element}">
<n-card :title="formatElementName(" size="small" header-style="{titleFontSizeSmall: 8px}" hoverable>
<n-switch v-model:value="" size="small" />
<script setup>
import { NCard, NSwitch } from 'naive-ui';
import draggable from 'vuedraggable'
import { usePermissionsStore } from '#/stores/permissions';
import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia';
const props = defineProps({
selectedRole: {
type: String
const permissionsStore = usePermissionsStore();
const { getElementsForCurrentRole, roles } = storeToRefs(permissionsStore);
const onDragEnd = () => {;
const formatElementName = (element) => {
let title = element.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + element.slice(1);
title = title.replace('-', ' ');
title = title.split(' ');
if (title[1]) {
title = title[0] + ' ' + title[1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + title[1].slice(1);
if (typeof title == 'object') {
return title[0];
return title;
My problem is the v-model="getElementsForCurrentRole". When making changes, for example changing the value for the switch, the store is reactive and the changes are made successfully. But: If I try to change the Array order by dragging, the store does not update the order. I'm confused, because the store reacts on other value changes, but not on the order change.
What can be the issue here? Do I something wrong?
-Edit- I see the following warning on drag: Write operation failed: computed value is readonly
As workaround I work with the drag event and write the new index directly to the store variable. But...its just a workaround. I would really appreciate a cleaner solution.
Here is the workaround code:
onDrag = (event) => {
if (event && event.type == 'end') {
// Is Drag Event. Save the new order manually directly in the store
let current = permissionsStore.roles.find((role) => role.value == permissionsStore.currentRole);
var element = current.permissions.elements[event.oldIndex];
current.permissions.elements.splice(event.oldIndex, 1);
current.permissions.elements.splice(event.newIndex, 0, element);
You should put reactive value on v-model.
getElementsForCurrentRole is from getters, so it is treated as computed value.
Similar to toRefs() but specifically designed for Pinia stores so
methods and non reactive properties are completely ignored.
I think this should work for you.
// template
// script
const { getElementsForCurrentRole, roles } = storeToRefs(permissionsStore);
const elementsForCurrentRole = ref(getElementsForCurrentRole.value);

Manipulate innerText of a CKEditor ViewElement

I am creating a little custom plugin for the CKEditor5 for the #neoscms.
Neos is using the #ckeditor5 but with a custom view.
The plugin is more or less a placeholder plugin. The user can configure a data-source with a key value store for items (identifier and labels). The dropdown in the CKEditor is filled with the items and when the user selects an item from the dropdown, it creates a placeholder element that should end in a span element with some data-attributes.
The main idea was to have an empty element and just data-attributes to identify the element and being able to assign live data. But it turns out that the live data thing is tricky. When I manipulate the span with an extra JS snippet on the Website, the CKEditor cannot handle this.
Is it possible to manipulate a view element in the DOM and still have a working Editor?
The Plugin works fine if I just add inner Text in the downCasting and don't replace something. But the live data would be nice.
Neos Backend with a element
Maybe that code gives an idea of the package.
It is not ready yet as this is more or less the main feature ;)
import {Plugin, toWidget, viewToModelPositionOutsideModelElement, Widget,} from "ckeditor5-exports";
import PlaceholderCommand from "./placeHolderCommand";
export default class PlaceholderEditing extends Plugin {
static get requires() {
return [Widget];
init() {
new PlaceholderCommand(this.editor)
viewToModelPositionOutsideModelElement(this.editor.model, (viewElement) =>
this.editor.config.define("placeholderProps", {
types: ["name", "node", "nodePath"],
this.editor.config.define("placeholderBrackets", {
open: "[",
close: "]",
_defineSchema() {
const schema = this.editor.model.schema;
schema.register("placeholder", {
allowWhere: "$text",
isInline: true,
isObject: true,
allowAttributes: [
_defineConverters() {
const conversion = this.editor.conversion;
const config = this.editor.config;
view: {
name: "span",
classes: ["foobar-placeholder"],
model: (viewElement, writer) => {
const name = viewElement.getAttribute('data-placeholder-identifier');
const node = viewElement.getAttribute('data-node-identifier');
const nodePath = viewElement.getAttribute('data-node-path');
const modelWriter = writer.writer || writer;
return modelWriter.createElement("placeholder", {name, node, nodePath, editable: false});
model: "placeholder",
view: (modelItem, writer) => {
const viewWriter = writer.writer || writer;
const widgetElement = createPlaceholderView(modelItem, viewWriter);
return toWidget(widgetElement, viewWriter);
model: "placeholder",
view: (modelItem, writer) => {
const viewWriter = writer.writer || writer;
return createPlaceholderView(modelItem, viewWriter);
// Helper method for downcast converters.
function createPlaceholderView(modelItem, viewWriter) {
const name = modelItem.getAttribute("name");
const node = modelItem.getAttribute("node");
const nodePath = modelItem.getAttribute("nodePath");
const placeholderView = viewWriter.createContainerElement("span", {
class: "foobar-placeholder",
"data-placeholder-identifier": name,
"data-node-identifier": node,
"data-node-path": nodePath,
// Would be nice to remove that and have just empty spans that get dynamic data
let innerText = config.get("") + name;
innerText += config.get("placeholderBrackets.close");
viewWriter.createPositionAt(placeholderView, 0),
return placeholderView;
So, the extra JS snippet that is used by the website is searching for spans with the class foobar-placeholder and writes a value with live data into the span. That works in the frontend, of course, but the backend of the CMS that uses CKEditor has issues with the changing data.
I could not find a solution with docs of CKEditor, and maybe I misuse the API somehow, but I now found a working solution for me.
My website snippet is now communicating with the Plugin via Broadcast messages. And then I search for placeholder elements and check if I need to change an attribute.
const broadcastChannel = new BroadcastChannel('placeholder:changeData');
broadcastChannel.postMessage({identifier: name, value});
And in the plugin
// Receive new values for placeholder via broadcast
const broadcastChannel = new BroadcastChannel('placeholder:changeData');
broadcastChannel.onmessage = (message) => {
const identifier = get('data.identifier', message);
const newValue = get('data.value', message);
this.editor.model.change( writer => {
if (identifier) {
this._replaceAttribute(writer, identifier, newValue);
Only downside now is that I need to reload the page, but already read that this is maybe cause by my element down casting and I change attributes.

i18n won't translate correctly when inside array or object in React Native

I'm trying to use i18n-js to translate some strings into other languages. If I have my code in normal code, it works. Ex:
//Displays "Something" (no quotes) where I want it
<Text> translate("Something"); </Text>
But if I put it inside an array or object, then call it later, it stops working and shows a missing message instead of the text I want translated. Ex:
const messages = {
something: translate("Something"),
// other translations...
// later on
// Displays "[missing "en.Something" translation]" (no quotes) where I want it
<Text> messages.something </Text>
The following is my code for my translate function, as well as the config for i18n. I'm using lodash-memoize, but that is unrelated to the issue. I've already checked that the text being passed to i18n.t() is the same (including type) no matter if it's in normal code or in the array, but it still doesn't return the correct thing. I have some error checking written up to avoid getting the missing message on screen, but that still doesn't fix the issue that it can't find the translation.
export const translationGetters = ({
en: () => require('./translations/en.json'),
es: () => require('./translations/es.json')
export const translate = memoize(
(key, config) => {
text = i18n.t(key, config)
return text
(key, config) => (config ? key + JSON.stringify(config) : key)
export const setI18nConfig = () => {
// fallback if no available language fits
const fallback = { languageTag: "en", isRTL: false };
const { languageTag, isRTL } =
RNLocalize.findBestAvailableLanguage(Object.keys(translationGetters)) ||
// clear translation cache
// update layout direction
// set i18n-js config
i18n.translations = { [languageTag]: translationGetters[languageTag]() };
i18n.locale = languageTag;
I have no idea where to go on this. Any advice would be appreciated!
Same problem here, workaround is to return array/object from inside a function:
Don't work
export const translations = [i18.t('path')]
export function getTranslations() {
const translations = [i18.t('path')]
return translations

Vue composition api - component doesnt render at start using reactive()

Just started using Vue composition-api (with Vue2) and I ran into some reactivity? problem.
In the template, I want to render list of elements based on selected date.
My template:
<div v-for="(act, idx) in elementsPerDay[dateMatchable]" :key="idx">
...some content...
Now the problem is that when the component is created and data are fetched, nothing is rendered and elementsPerDay are empty (in the template). Once I force template update (for example by calling vm.$forceUpdate()) everything works fine.
My setup:
const selectedDate = new Date()
const { data } = <async function to get data>
const dateMatchable = computed(() => formatDate(selectedDate, 'YYYY-MM-DD')) // returns selectedDate as YYYY-MM-DD
// Here I init my reactive object
const elementsPerDay = reactive({})
// Here I fill my elementsPerDay when data changes (basically grouping data by day)
watch(data, e => {
const elsPerDay = {}
for (let idx = 0; idx < data.length; idx++) {
const element = data[idx]
const elementDate = formatDate(data.datetime, 'YYYY-MM-DD')
if (elementsPerDay[elementDate] === undefined) {
elsPerDay[elementDate] = []
// Assign data to my reactive object
Object.assign(elementsPerDay, elsPerDay)
return { ..., selectedDate, dateMatchable, elementsPerDay }
Using computed works:
const elementsPerDay = computed(() => {
if (!data.value) {
return {}
const elsPerDay = {}
for (let idx = 0; idx < data.value.length; idx++) {
const element = data.value[idx]
const elementDate = formatDate(element.datetime, 'YYYY-MM-DD')
if (elsPerDay[elementDate] === undefined) {
elsPerDay[elementDate] = []
return elsPerDay
I realize that in Options API, you needed to $set() new fields in object for it to be reactive but I thought that reactive() somehow does this for me. Am i wrong?
Compoisition API plugin is not Vue 3. Actually, what you encounter is a limitation from Vue 2 :
You need to use $set.
I found an issue about your problem on Github:
If you're using, you can use $set() by:
import { set } from '#vue/composition-api'
setup() {
set(object, 'key', 'value');

When state changes for graphql variable, result stays the same on react-native

I'm trying to create an app using shopify graphql api to create an ecommerce app on react native expo.
I have an onPress that calls a setState to change the state of the graphQL variable but the results don't change from the initial state of 'currentSubCategories'
const [currentSubCategories, setSubCategories] = useState(Categories[0].subCategory[0].handle);
let {
} = useCollectionQuery(currentSubCategories, first, priceRange);
const [currentCategory, setCategory] = useState({categories: Categories[0]});
const onSubCategorySelect = (subCategory) => { setSubCategories(subCategory.handle) }
onPress={() => onSubCategorySelect(item)}
function useCollectionQuery(
collectionHandle: string,
first: number,
priceRange: [number, number],
) {
let [isInitFetching, setInitFetching] = useState<boolean>(true);
let [isReloading, setIsReloading] = useState<boolean>(true);
let [collection, setCollection] = useState<Array<Product>>([]);
let isFetchingMore = useRef<boolean>(false);
let hasMore = useRef<boolean>(true);
let defaultCurrency = useDefaultCurrency().data;
let { data, loading, refetch: refetchQuery } = useQuery<
variables: {
sortKey: ProductCollectionSortKeys.BEST_SELLING,
presentmentCurrencies: [defaultCurrency],
notifyOnNetworkStatusChange: true,
fetchPolicy: 'no-cache',
let getMoreUntilTarget = async (
targetAmount: number,
cursor: string | null,
handle: string,
filter: [number, number],
) => {
let result: Array<Product> = [];
let moreData: Array<Product> = [];
let { data } = await refetchQuery({
collectionHandle: handle,
after: cursor,
useEffect(() => {
if (!loading) {
isFetchingMore.current = false;
if (isInitFetching && !!data && !!data.collectionByHandle) {
let newCollection = mapToProducts(data.collectionByHandle.products);
hasMore.current = !!data.collectionByHandle?.products.pageInfo
}, [loading, isInitFetching]); // eslint-disable-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
return {
loading: isReloading,
hasMore: hasMore.current,
isFetchingMore: isFetchingMore.current,
I'm using flatList to show the result
renderItem={({ item }) => (
According to docs you have to pass new variables to refetch otherwise refetch will use initial values.
In this case (custom hook) you have 2 ways to solvethis problem:
return variables from your custom hook (taken from useQuery),
return some own refetch function.
1st option needs 'manual' variables updating like:
refetch( { ...variablesFromHook, collectionHandle: currentSubCategories } );
In 2nd case you can create myRefetch (and return as refetch) taking collectionHandle parameter to call refetch with updated variables - hiding 'complexity' inside your hook.
Both cases needs refetch call after updating state (setSubCategories) so you should use this refetch inside useEffect with [currentSubCategories] dependency ... or simply don't use state, call refetch directly from event handler (in onSubCategorySelect).