Difference between output from flow and produce().receiveAsFlow() - kotlin

The intention of the code is to setup two flows that will return complete when the message they are waiting for appears on the incoming flow.
The output for regularFlow is
1 REC message2
2 REC message2
2 Done
1 REC message1
1 Done
This is what I would expect, however for receiveChannel the output is
1 REC message2
2 REC message1
Expected at least one element matching the predicate Function2<java.lang.String, kotlin.coroutines.Continuation<? super java.lang.Boolean>, java.lang.Object>
Can anyone help explain why this difference?
fun receiveChannel() {
runBlocking {
doIt {
produce<String> {
send("message1") }.receiveAsFlow()
fun regularFlow() {
runBlocking {
doIt {
flow {
suspend fun doIt(buildFlow: suspend () -> Flow<String>) {
coroutineScope {
val commands = buildFlow()
val filter1 = async {
commands.onEach {
println("1 REC " + it)
}.first {
it == "message1"
println("1 Done")
val filter2 = async {
commands.onEach {
println("2 REC " + it)
}.first {
it == "message2"
println("2 Done")

Each item from a channel can be received only once, ever, no matter how many receivers are subscribed to it. Only one of those receivers will see any one of the emitted items. produceAsFlow() creates a hot flow that preserves this Channel behavior among multiple collectors. Whichever collector happens to get each item in the flow is the only one that ever receives that item.
So, in this case, your first collector is the one getting message2, so the second collector never sees message2. Vice versa for message1. This may not even be a guaranteed outcome. I think it’s a race situation as far as which coroutine’s collector gets each next item from the flow.


Job never complete when calling Job.join()

can someone tel me why this Job.join() never complete ?
private fun handleNotification() {
val job = Job()
val scope = viewModelScope + job
scope.launch {
getUserInfoUseCase().collectLatest { result ->
_state.value = when (result) {
is ResultWrapper.Success -> _state.value.copy(user = result.value)
is ResultWrapper.Error -> ...
ResultWrapper.NetworkError -> ...
viewModelScope.launch {
job.children.forEach { it.join() }
Timber.d("NOTIFICATION :: User = ${state.value.user}")
Timber.d("NOTIFICATION :: Notification = $notification")
I will want to add some extra job after. May is cause the getUserInfoUseCase() steel collecting ?
If getUserInfoUseCase() is like most real-world-application Flows, it is an infinite flow. That means that if you call collect on it, collect suspends forever. Therefore, calling join on a Job that is waiting for such a collect call will also suspend forever.
For example, a Flow returned by Room monitors the database for changes forever. It's always possible some future change could be coming that will result in another emission, so the Flow has no end.
If you just want to wait for the flow's first emission, maybe you could use a channel like this.
private fun handleNotification() {
val firstFlowItemChannel = Channel<Unit>(1)
scope.launch {
getUserInfoUseCase().collectLatest { result ->
_state.value = when (result) {
is ResultWrapper.Success -> _state.value.copy(user = result.value)
is ResultWrapper.Error -> ...
ResultWrapper.NetworkError -> ...
viewModelScope.launch {
Timber.d("NOTIFICATION :: User = ${state.value.user}")
Timber.d("NOTIFICATION :: Notification = $notification")

Why can I cancel a Flow without either invoking yield or determining isActive() identification in Kotlin?

I have read the article.
There are two approaches to making computation code cancellable. The first one is to periodically invoke a suspending function that checks for cancellation. There is a yield function that is a good choice for that purpose. The other one is to explicitly check the cancellation status.
I know Flow is suspending functions.
I run Code B , and get Result B as I expected.
I think I can't making computation Code A cancellable, but in fact I can click "Stop" button to cancel Flow after I click "Start" button to emit Flow, why?
Code A
class HandleMeter: ViewModel() {
var currentInfo by mutableStateOf(2.0)
private var myJob: Job?=null
private fun soundDbFlow() = flow {
while (true) {
val data = (0..1000).random().toDouble()
fun calCurrentAsynNew() {
myJob = viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
soundDbFlow().collect {currentInfo=it }
fun cancelJob(){
fun Greeting(handleMeter: HandleMeter) {
var currentInfo = handleMeter.currentInfo
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
) {
Text(text = "Current ${currentInfo}")
onClick = { handleMeter.calCurrentAsynNew() }
) {
onClick = { handleMeter.cancelJob() }
) {
Code B
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
fun main() = runBlocking {
val job = launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
delay(1300L) // delay a bit
println("main: I'm tired of waiting!")
println("main: Now I can quit.")
suspend fun cal() {
val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
var nextPrintTime = startTime
var i = 0
while (i < 5) {
if ( System.currentTimeMillis() >= nextPrintTime) {
println("job: I'm sleeping ${i++} ...")
nextPrintTime += 500L
Result B
job: I'm sleeping 0 ...
job: I'm sleeping 1 ...
job: I'm sleeping 2 ...
main: I'm tired of waiting!
job: I'm sleeping 3 ...
job: I'm sleeping 4 ...
main: Now I can quit.
Add Content:
To Tenfour04: Thanks!
If the following content you said is true. I think Code C can be canceled when system finish the operation doBigBlockingCalculation() at one time, right? Why do I need Code D?
Since emit() is a suspend function, your Flow is able to interrupt and end the coroutine the next time the emit() function is called in that while loop.
Code C
private fun complicatedFlow() = flow {
while (true) {
val data = (0..1_000_000).doBigBlockingCalculation()
}.flowOn(Dispatchers.Default) // since the calculation is blocking
Code D
private fun complicatedFlow() = flow {
while (true) {
val data = (0..1_000_000)
.flatMap {
it.doBigBlockingCalculation().also { yield() }
}.flowOn(Dispatchers.Default) // since the calculation is blocking
A Flow on its own is cold. Its a wrapper around some suspend functions that will run when collect() or some other terminal suspending function is called on the Flow.
In your Code A, when the Job is cancelled, it is cancelling the coroutine that called collect on the Flow. collect is a suspend function, so that cancellation will propagate down to the function you defined inside soundDbFlow(). Since emit() is a suspend function, your Flow is able to interrupt and end the coroutine the next time the emit() function is called in that while loop.
Here's an example for how you could use this knowledge:
Suppose your function had to do a very long calculation like this:
private fun complicatedFlow() = flow {
while (true) {
val data = (0..1_000_000).doBigBlockingCalculation()
}.flowOn(Dispatchers.Default) // since the calculation is blocking
Now if you tried to cancel this flow, it would work, but since the data line is a very slow operation that is not suspending, the Flow will still complete this very long calculation for no reason, eating up resources for longer than necessary.
To resolve this problem, you could break your calculation up into smaller pieces with yield() calls in between. Then the Flow can be cancelled more promptly.
private fun complicatedFlow() = flow {
while (true) {
val data = (0..1_000_000)
.flatMap {
it.doBigBlockingCalculation().also { yield() }
}.flowOn(Dispatchers.Default) // since the calculation is blocking
Not a perfect example. It's kind of wasteful to chunk a big IntRange. An IntRange takes barely any memory, but chunked turns it into Lists containing every value in the range.
It has to do with CoroutineScopes and children of coroutines.
When a parent coroutine is canceled, all its children are canceled as well.
More here:

Tell Flux to emit next item after async processing

I'm using Project Reactor with Webflux to try to read data from a message queue, then process it in chunks (eg, five at a time) and make a request to an API with each chunk. The API does not work well with high throughput, so I need to have control over how many requests are sent concurrently.
Basically, I'd like to have a WebClient call finish, then be able to tell the Flux that we're ready to process more.
I was using this code to try to emulate the desired functionality, and I'm getting results that I don't understand:
fun main() {
val subscriber = CustomSubscriber()
Flux.create<Int> { sink ->
sink.onRequest {
.doOnNext {
println("hit first next with $it")
.delayElements(Duration.ofSeconds(1)) // Mock WebClient call
.doOnNext {
println("before request")
println("after request")
class CustomSubscriber : BaseSubscriber<Int>() {
override fun hookOnSubscribe(subscription: Subscription) {
The output of this code is
hit first next with 1
before request
after request
What I was hoping for is this:
hit first next with 1 // one second passes
before request
after request
hit first next with 1 // one second passes
before request
after request
hit first next with 1 // one second passes
before request
after request
hit first next with 1 // one second passes
before request
after request
(Infinite loop)
So the request method is called, but the number is never emitted.
Oddly, when I call request in a separate Flux, I'm getting the desired behavior:
fun main() {
val subscriber = CustomSubscriber()
Flux.create<Int> { sink ->
sink.onRequest {
.doOnNext {
println("hit first next with $it")
Flux.range(0, 5)
.doOnNext { subscriber.request(1) }
class CustomSubscriber : BaseSubscriber<Int>() {
override fun hookOnSubscribe(subscription: Subscription) {
So it seems like there is an issue with calling the request method in the doOnNext method of the original Flux?
I'm not married to the idea of using a FluxSink, that just seemed like a way to have more explicit control of the data emission.
I think what you are looking for is custom subscriber, which consumes data at its own pace based on some logic. Something like this.
Flux.range(0, 14)
.subscribeWith(object : Subscriber<Int> {
private var count = 0
lateinit var subscription: Subscription
override fun onSubscribe(s: Subscription) {
subscription = s
override fun onNext(parameter: Int) {
println("Before request")
// ----- some processing
println("After request")
if (count >= 2) {
println("Requesting more......")
count = 0
override fun onError(t: Throwable) {}
override fun onComplete() {

Why can't I parallel operation when I use either delay() or yield() in Kotlin?

The Code A, Code B and Code C get the same result Result All.
I think the Code B or Code C should get the result Result MyThink because I have added either delay() or yield().
It seems that flow.collect {...} is a block function.
Code A
fun foo(): Flow<Int> = flow {
println("Flow started")
for (i in 1..3) {
fun main() = runBlocking<Unit> {
println("Calling foo...")
val flow = foo()
println("Calling collect...")
flow.collect { value ->run {
Code B
fun foo(): Flow<Int> = flow {
println("Flow started")
for (i in 1..3) {
fun main() = runBlocking<Unit> {
println("Calling foo...")
val flow = foo()
println("Calling collect...")
flow.collect { value ->run {
Code C
fun foo(): Flow<Int> = flow {
println("Flow started")
for (i in 1..3) {
fun main() = runBlocking<Unit> {
println("Calling foo...")
val flow = foo()
println("Calling collect...")
flow.collect { value ->run {
Result All
Calling foo...
Calling collect...
Flow started
Result MyThink
Calling foo...
Calling collect...
Flow started
It seems that flow.collect {...} is a block function.
That's not true in a literal sense, but there really is behaviour here that you might phrase as "blocking".
collect is a suspending function, which will return only after it has collected all of the items in the Flow that it was called on. Whenever the Flow suspends (with delay or yield, for example), the collection of the Flow is also suspended. This is all happening in the same coroutine (started by runBlocking in this case) that's suspended together. The Flow yielding values and collect processing them will continue after the suspension is over. Finally, when everything's collected, collect will return, and any code you have after it in that same coroutine will run.
This is consistent with the idea that coroutines are sequential by default, i.e. everything is executed top-to-bottom in your code, in order. If you want concurrent behaviour, you have to explicitly opt into it (for example, by launching new coroutines within the current one, with launch, or async). So what you call "blocking" is really just sequential. The collect function does not work like registering a listener would with many other APIs.
To understand the basic idea behind Flow, and how collecting it works within the same coroutine, I always recommend this talk.
If you want to have similar behavior as in Rx
you can use onEach instead collect with launchIn(this)
flow.onEach {

Kotlin Flow: How to unsubscribe/stop

Update Coroutines 1.3.0-RC
Working version:
suspend fun streamTest(): Flow<String> = channelFlow {
listener.onSomeResult { result ->
if (!isClosedForSend) {
awaitClose {
Also checkout this Medium article by Roman Elizarov: Callbacks and Kotlin Flows
Original Question
I have a Flow emitting multiple Strings:
suspend fun streamTest(): Flow<String> = flowViaChannel { channel ->
listener.onSomeResult { result ->
if (!channel.isClosedForSend) {
After some time I want to unsubscribe from the stream. Currently I do the following:
viewModelScope.launch {
beaconService.streamTest().collect {
Timber.i("stream value $it")
if(it == "someString")
// Here the coroutine gets canceled, but streamTest is still executed
If the coroutine gets canceled, the stream is still executed. There is just no subscriber listening to new values. How can I unsubscribe and stop the stream function?
A solution is not to cancel the flow, but the scope it's launched in.
val job = scope.launch { flow.cancellable().collect { } }
NOTE: You should call cancellable() before collect if you want your collector stop when Job is canceled.
You could use the takeWhile operator on Flow.
flow.takeWhile { it != "someString" }.collect { emittedValue ->
//Do stuff until predicate is false
For those willing to unsubscribe from the Flow within the Coroutine scope itself, this approach worked for me :
viewModelScope.launch {
beaconService.streamTest().collect {
//Do something then
With the current version of coroutines / Flows (1.2.x) I don't now a good solution. With onCompletion you will get informed when the flow stops, but you are then outside of the streamTest function and it will be hard to stop listening of new events.
beaconService.streamTest().onCompletion {
}.collect {
With the next version of coroutines (1.3.x) it will be really easy. The function flowViaChannel is deprecated in favor for channelFlow. This function allows you to wait for closing of the flow and do something in this moment, eg. remove listener:
channelFlow<String> {
println("Subscribe to listener")
awaitClose {
println("Unsubscribe from listener")
When a flow runs in couroutin scope, you can get a job from it to controls stop subscribe.
// Make member variable if you want.
var jobForCancel : Job? = null
// Begin collecting
jobForCancel = viewModelScope.launch {
beaconService.streamTest().collect {
Timber.i("stream value $it")
if(it == "someString")
// Here the coroutine gets canceled, but streamTest is still executed
// this.cancel() // Don't
// Call whenever to canceled
For completeness, there is a newer version of the accepted answer. Instead of explicitly using the launch coroutine builder, we can use the launchIn method directly on the flow:
val job = flow.cancellable().launchIn(scope)
Based on #Ronald answer this works great for testing when you need to make your Flow emits again.
val flow = MutableStateFlow(initialValue)
flow.take(n).collectIndexed { index, _ ->
if (index == something) {
flow.value = update
//your assertions
We have to know how many emissions in total we expect n and then we can use the index to know when to update the Flow so we can receive more emissions.
If you want to cancel only the subscription being inside it, you can do it like this:
viewModelScope.launch {
testScope.collect {
return#collect cancel()
There are two ways to do this that are by design from the Kotlin team:
As #Ronald pointed out in another comment:
Option 1: takeWhile { //predicate }
Cancel collection when the predicate is false. Final value will not be collected.
flow.takeWhile { value ->
value != "finalString"
}.collect { value ->
//Do stuff, but "finalString" will never hit this
Option 2: transformWhile { //predicate }
When predicate is false, collect that value, then cancel
flow.transformWhile { value ->
value != "finalString"
}.collect { value ->
//Do stuff, but "finalString" will be the last value