Job never complete when calling Job.join() - kotlin

can someone tel me why this Job.join() never complete ?
private fun handleNotification() {
val job = Job()
val scope = viewModelScope + job
scope.launch {
getUserInfoUseCase().collectLatest { result ->
_state.value = when (result) {
is ResultWrapper.Success -> _state.value.copy(user = result.value)
is ResultWrapper.Error -> ...
ResultWrapper.NetworkError -> ...
viewModelScope.launch {
job.children.forEach { it.join() }
Timber.d("NOTIFICATION :: User = ${state.value.user}")
Timber.d("NOTIFICATION :: Notification = $notification")
I will want to add some extra job after. May is cause the getUserInfoUseCase() steel collecting ?

If getUserInfoUseCase() is like most real-world-application Flows, it is an infinite flow. That means that if you call collect on it, collect suspends forever. Therefore, calling join on a Job that is waiting for such a collect call will also suspend forever.
For example, a Flow returned by Room monitors the database for changes forever. It's always possible some future change could be coming that will result in another emission, so the Flow has no end.
If you just want to wait for the flow's first emission, maybe you could use a channel like this.
private fun handleNotification() {
val firstFlowItemChannel = Channel<Unit>(1)
scope.launch {
getUserInfoUseCase().collectLatest { result ->
_state.value = when (result) {
is ResultWrapper.Success -> _state.value.copy(user = result.value)
is ResultWrapper.Error -> ...
ResultWrapper.NetworkError -> ...
viewModelScope.launch {
Timber.d("NOTIFICATION :: User = ${state.value.user}")
Timber.d("NOTIFICATION :: Notification = $notification")


Why can I cancel a Flow without either invoking yield or determining isActive() identification in Kotlin?

I have read the article.
There are two approaches to making computation code cancellable. The first one is to periodically invoke a suspending function that checks for cancellation. There is a yield function that is a good choice for that purpose. The other one is to explicitly check the cancellation status.
I know Flow is suspending functions.
I run Code B , and get Result B as I expected.
I think I can't making computation Code A cancellable, but in fact I can click "Stop" button to cancel Flow after I click "Start" button to emit Flow, why?
Code A
class HandleMeter: ViewModel() {
var currentInfo by mutableStateOf(2.0)
private var myJob: Job?=null
private fun soundDbFlow() = flow {
while (true) {
val data = (0..1000).random().toDouble()
fun calCurrentAsynNew() {
myJob = viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
soundDbFlow().collect {currentInfo=it }
fun cancelJob(){
fun Greeting(handleMeter: HandleMeter) {
var currentInfo = handleMeter.currentInfo
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
) {
Text(text = "Current ${currentInfo}")
onClick = { handleMeter.calCurrentAsynNew() }
) {
onClick = { handleMeter.cancelJob() }
) {
Code B
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
fun main() = runBlocking {
val job = launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
delay(1300L) // delay a bit
println("main: I'm tired of waiting!")
println("main: Now I can quit.")
suspend fun cal() {
val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
var nextPrintTime = startTime
var i = 0
while (i < 5) {
if ( System.currentTimeMillis() >= nextPrintTime) {
println("job: I'm sleeping ${i++} ...")
nextPrintTime += 500L
Result B
job: I'm sleeping 0 ...
job: I'm sleeping 1 ...
job: I'm sleeping 2 ...
main: I'm tired of waiting!
job: I'm sleeping 3 ...
job: I'm sleeping 4 ...
main: Now I can quit.
Add Content:
To Tenfour04: Thanks!
If the following content you said is true. I think Code C can be canceled when system finish the operation doBigBlockingCalculation() at one time, right? Why do I need Code D?
Since emit() is a suspend function, your Flow is able to interrupt and end the coroutine the next time the emit() function is called in that while loop.
Code C
private fun complicatedFlow() = flow {
while (true) {
val data = (0..1_000_000).doBigBlockingCalculation()
}.flowOn(Dispatchers.Default) // since the calculation is blocking
Code D
private fun complicatedFlow() = flow {
while (true) {
val data = (0..1_000_000)
.flatMap {
it.doBigBlockingCalculation().also { yield() }
}.flowOn(Dispatchers.Default) // since the calculation is blocking
A Flow on its own is cold. Its a wrapper around some suspend functions that will run when collect() or some other terminal suspending function is called on the Flow.
In your Code A, when the Job is cancelled, it is cancelling the coroutine that called collect on the Flow. collect is a suspend function, so that cancellation will propagate down to the function you defined inside soundDbFlow(). Since emit() is a suspend function, your Flow is able to interrupt and end the coroutine the next time the emit() function is called in that while loop.
Here's an example for how you could use this knowledge:
Suppose your function had to do a very long calculation like this:
private fun complicatedFlow() = flow {
while (true) {
val data = (0..1_000_000).doBigBlockingCalculation()
}.flowOn(Dispatchers.Default) // since the calculation is blocking
Now if you tried to cancel this flow, it would work, but since the data line is a very slow operation that is not suspending, the Flow will still complete this very long calculation for no reason, eating up resources for longer than necessary.
To resolve this problem, you could break your calculation up into smaller pieces with yield() calls in between. Then the Flow can be cancelled more promptly.
private fun complicatedFlow() = flow {
while (true) {
val data = (0..1_000_000)
.flatMap {
it.doBigBlockingCalculation().also { yield() }
}.flowOn(Dispatchers.Default) // since the calculation is blocking
Not a perfect example. It's kind of wasteful to chunk a big IntRange. An IntRange takes barely any memory, but chunked turns it into Lists containing every value in the range.
It has to do with CoroutineScopes and children of coroutines.
When a parent coroutine is canceled, all its children are canceled as well.
More here:

Implement backoff strategy in flow

I'm trying to implement a backoff strategy just using kotlin flow.
I need to fetch data from timeA to timeB
result = dataBetween(timeA - timeB)
if the result is empty then I want to increase the end time window using exponential backoff
result = dataBetween(timeA - timeB + exponentialBackOffInDays)
I was following this article which is explaining how to approach this in rxjava2.
But got stuck at a point where flow does not have takeUntil operator yet.
You can see my implementation below.
fun main() {
runBlocking {
.flatMapConcat { input ->
// To simulate a data source which fetches data based on a time-window start-date to end-date
// available with in that time frame.
flow {
println("Input: $input")
if (input < 5) {
} else { // After emitting this once the flow should complete
}.retryWhenThrow(DummyException(), predicate = {
}.collect {
class DummyException : Exception("Collected size is empty")
private inline fun <T> Flow<T>.retryWhenThrow(
throwable: Throwable,
crossinline predicate: suspend (T) -> Boolean
): Flow<T> {
return flow {
collect { value ->
if (!predicate(value)) {
throw throwable // informing the upstream to keep emitting since the condition is met
println("Value: $value")
}.catch { e ->
if (e::class != throwable::class) throw e
It's working fine except even after the flow has a successful value the flow continue to collect till 8 from the upstream flow but ideally, it should have stopped when it reaches 5 itself.
Any help on how I should approach this would be helpful.
Maybe this does not match your exact setup but instead of calling collect, you might as well just use first{...} or firstOrNull{...}
This will automatically stop the upstream flows after an element has been found.
For example:
.flatMapConcat {
println("creating list with $it elements")
flow {
val listWithElementCount = MutableList(it){ "" } // just a list of n empty strings
}.first { it.isNotEmpty() }
On a side note, your problem sounds like a regular suspend function would be a better fit.
Something like
suspend fun getFirstNonEmptyList(initialFrom: Long, initialTo: Long): List<Any> {
var from = initialFrom
var to = initialTo
while (coroutineContext.isActive) {
val elements = getElementsInRange(from, to) // your "dataBetween"
if (elements.isNotEmpty()) return elements
val (newFrom, newTo) = nextBackoff(from, to)
from = newFrom
to = newTo
throw CancellationException()

Kotlin Flow: How to unsubscribe/stop

Update Coroutines 1.3.0-RC
Working version:
suspend fun streamTest(): Flow<String> = channelFlow {
listener.onSomeResult { result ->
if (!isClosedForSend) {
awaitClose {
Also checkout this Medium article by Roman Elizarov: Callbacks and Kotlin Flows
Original Question
I have a Flow emitting multiple Strings:
suspend fun streamTest(): Flow<String> = flowViaChannel { channel ->
listener.onSomeResult { result ->
if (!channel.isClosedForSend) {
After some time I want to unsubscribe from the stream. Currently I do the following:
viewModelScope.launch {
beaconService.streamTest().collect {
Timber.i("stream value $it")
if(it == "someString")
// Here the coroutine gets canceled, but streamTest is still executed
If the coroutine gets canceled, the stream is still executed. There is just no subscriber listening to new values. How can I unsubscribe and stop the stream function?
A solution is not to cancel the flow, but the scope it's launched in.
val job = scope.launch { flow.cancellable().collect { } }
NOTE: You should call cancellable() before collect if you want your collector stop when Job is canceled.
You could use the takeWhile operator on Flow.
flow.takeWhile { it != "someString" }.collect { emittedValue ->
//Do stuff until predicate is false
For those willing to unsubscribe from the Flow within the Coroutine scope itself, this approach worked for me :
viewModelScope.launch {
beaconService.streamTest().collect {
//Do something then
With the current version of coroutines / Flows (1.2.x) I don't now a good solution. With onCompletion you will get informed when the flow stops, but you are then outside of the streamTest function and it will be hard to stop listening of new events.
beaconService.streamTest().onCompletion {
}.collect {
With the next version of coroutines (1.3.x) it will be really easy. The function flowViaChannel is deprecated in favor for channelFlow. This function allows you to wait for closing of the flow and do something in this moment, eg. remove listener:
channelFlow<String> {
println("Subscribe to listener")
awaitClose {
println("Unsubscribe from listener")
When a flow runs in couroutin scope, you can get a job from it to controls stop subscribe.
// Make member variable if you want.
var jobForCancel : Job? = null
// Begin collecting
jobForCancel = viewModelScope.launch {
beaconService.streamTest().collect {
Timber.i("stream value $it")
if(it == "someString")
// Here the coroutine gets canceled, but streamTest is still executed
// this.cancel() // Don't
// Call whenever to canceled
For completeness, there is a newer version of the accepted answer. Instead of explicitly using the launch coroutine builder, we can use the launchIn method directly on the flow:
val job = flow.cancellable().launchIn(scope)
Based on #Ronald answer this works great for testing when you need to make your Flow emits again.
val flow = MutableStateFlow(initialValue)
flow.take(n).collectIndexed { index, _ ->
if (index == something) {
flow.value = update
//your assertions
We have to know how many emissions in total we expect n and then we can use the index to know when to update the Flow so we can receive more emissions.
If you want to cancel only the subscription being inside it, you can do it like this:
viewModelScope.launch {
testScope.collect {
return#collect cancel()
There are two ways to do this that are by design from the Kotlin team:
As #Ronald pointed out in another comment:
Option 1: takeWhile { //predicate }
Cancel collection when the predicate is false. Final value will not be collected.
flow.takeWhile { value ->
value != "finalString"
}.collect { value ->
//Do stuff, but "finalString" will never hit this
Option 2: transformWhile { //predicate }
When predicate is false, collect that value, then cancel
flow.transformWhile { value ->
value != "finalString"
}.collect { value ->
//Do stuff, but "finalString" will be the last value

produce<Type> vs Channel<Type>()

Trying to understand channels. I want to channelify the android BluetoothLeScanner. Why does this work:
fun startScan(filters: List<ScanFilter>, settings: ScanSettings = defaultSettings): ReceiveChannel<ScanResult?> {
val channel = Channel<ScanResult>()
scanCallback = object : ScanCallback() {
override fun onScanResult(callbackType: Int, result: ScanResult) {
scanner.startScan(filters, settings, scanCallback)
return channel
But not this:
fun startScan(scope: CoroutineScope, filters: List<ScanFilter>, settings: ScanSettings = defaultSettings): ReceiveChannel<ScanResult?> = scope.produce {
scanCallback = object : ScanCallback() {
override fun onScanResult(callbackType: Int, result: ScanResult) {
scanner.startScan(filters, settings, scanCallback)
It tells me Channel was closed when it wants to call offer for the first time.
EDIT1: According to the docs: The channel is closed when the coroutine completes. which makes sense. I know we can use suspendCoroutine with resume for a one shot callback-replacement. This however is a listener/stream-situation. I don't want the coroutine to complete
Using produce, you introduce scope to your Channel. This means, the code that produces the items, that are streamed over the channel, can be cancelled.
This also means that the lifetime of your Channel starts at the start of the lambda of the produce and ends when this lambda ends.
In your example, the lambda of your produce call almost ends immediately, which means your Channel is closed almost immediately.
Change your code to something like this:
fun CoroutineScope.startScan(filters: List<ScanFilter>, settings: ScanSettings = defaultSettings): ReceiveChannel<ScanResult?> = produce {
scanCallback = object : ScanCallback() {
override fun onScanResult(callbackType: Int, result: ScanResult) {
scanner.startScan(filters, settings, scanCallback)
// now suspend this lambda forever (until its scope is canceled)
suspendCancellableCoroutine<Nothing> { cont ->
cont.invokeOnCancellation {
val channel = scope.startScan(filter)
scope.cancel() // cancels the channel and stops the scanner.
I added the line suspendCancellableCoroutine<Nothing> { ... } to make it suspend 'forever'.
Update: Using produce and handling errors in a structured way (allows for Structured Concurrency):
fun CoroutineScope.startScan(filters: List<ScanFilter>, settings: ScanSettings = defaultSettings): ReceiveChannel<ScanResult?> = produce {
// Suspend this lambda forever (until its scope is canceled)
suspendCancellableCoroutine<Nothing> { cont ->
val scanCallback = object : ScanCallback() {
override fun onScanResult(callbackType: Int, result: ScanResult) {
override fun onScanFailed(errorCode: Int) {
scanner.startScan(filters, settings, scanCallback)
cont.invokeOnCancellation {

Testing coroutines in Kotlin

I have this simple test about a crawler that is supposed to call the repo 40 times:
fun testX() {
// ...
runBlocking {
// Thread.sleep(5000) // works if I un-comment
verify(restaurantsRepository, times(40)).saveAll(restaurants)
// ...
and this implementation:
suspend fun concurrentCrawl() { { loc ->
1.rangeTo(10).map { start ->
GlobalScope.async {
val rests = scrapYelp.scrap(loc, start * 10)
But... I get this:
Wanted 40 times:
-> at ....testConcurrentCrawl(CrawlYelpTest.kt:46)
But was 30 times:
(the 30 is changing all the time; so it seems the test is not waiting...)
Why does it pass when I do the sleep? It should not be needed given I run blocking..
BTW, I have a controller that is supposed to be kept asynchronous:
suspend fun crawl(): String {
return "crawling" // this is supposed to be returned right away
runBlocking waits for all suspend functions to finish, but as concurrentCrawl basically just starts new jobs in new threads with GlobalScope.async currentCrawl, and therefore runBlocking, is done after all jobs were started and not after all of this jobs have finished.
You have to wait for all jobs started with GlobalScope.async to finish like this:
suspend fun concurrentCrawl() { { loc ->
1.rangeTo(10).map { start ->
GlobalScope.async {
val rests = scrapYelp.scrap(loc, start * 10)
If you want to wait for concurrentCrawl() to finish outside of concurrentCrawl() then you have to pass the Deferred results to the calling function like in the following example. In that case the suspend keyword can be removed from concurrentCrawl().
fun concurrentCrawl(): List<Deferred<Unit>> {
return { loc ->
1.rangeTo(10).map { start ->
GlobalScope.async {
println("hallo world $start")
runBlocking {
As mentioned in the comments: In this case the async method does not return any value so it is better to use launch instead:
fun concurrentCrawl(): List<Job> {
return { loc ->
1.rangeTo(10).map { start ->
GlobalScope.launch {
println("hallo world $start")
runBlocking {
You could also just use MockK for this (and so much more).
MockK's verify has a timeout : Long parameter specifically for handling these races in tests.
You could leave your production code as it is, and change your test to this:
import io.mockk.verify
fun `test X`() = runBlocking {
// ...
verify(exactly = 40, timeout = 5000L) {
// ...
If the verify is successful at any point before 5 seconds, it'll pass and move on. Else, the verify (and test) will fail.