PostgreSQL: Create/Select a fake/dummy column - sql

How would i write a query so that i can generate myself a column with some specific numbers?
I would prefer not to be forced to create a table and import from excel, nor insert values (as i have many numbers to put into that column, and i'll have to put lots of parantheses around those values)
See picture for reference. Now imagine i have 1000 numbers. I would like to have some query where i could just copy-paste over those numbers.
I tried:
select (231,356,...) as companyid ... obviously this did not provide the desired result.
i succeded with a temp table and insert into .. but i had to go like VALUES(231),(356),... ... which is nasty

For a list of numbers, from some other source, you can use UNNEST():
SELECT UNNEST('{1,2,4,6,54,3,900}'::int[]) AS id;
Just replace "1,2,4,6,54,3,900" with your input, and use the comma to separate the values.


Insert data into an impala table with struct type

I have a table with detailed rows (for 1 id many rows). For this reason I have created a table with struct types in order to reduce the rows and make them 1 id 1 row.
How can I insert data into an impala table with struct types? Also, how can I aggregate after values from a struct type?
Instead of using struct to store multiple values, you can use group_concat(col, separator)
For example, if a customer has 3 account numbers and you want to store them in 1 row separated by comma, you can use below code -
select cust_id, name, group_concat(cust_acc,',') as concat_account
from cust_details
group by 1,2
You can use pipe if your data has comma in it.
Another benifit of above solution is, you can use split_part(concat_account,',',1) to get first account number.
Now, if your data is very complex and you cant use group concat, you can use struct. Its little tricky because you have to prepare data first in the struct format and then load them. Pls refer to below link - How to insert Array<Struct> values in Impala?

BigQuery - Get fields of nested Repeated Records

I am working with BigQuery tables that can have many levels of nested repeated record fields, as shown in the example.
I need to make a select on the given table, extract only some fields and ignore others, and at the end have the same structure except for the ignored fields.
I think I have to work with array_agg and unnest to get only the required fields from the repeated record fields, but don't know how to do.
In the example, I want to keep only DatiRighe and DatiRigheDettaglio as Structs and for each of them I want to keep everything except DatiRighe.Nota and DatiRigheDettaglio.cod_iva.
Try the following query for your requirement:
AS STRUCT DatiRighe.DatiRigheDettaglio.* EXCEPT(cod_iva))AS DatiRigheDettaglio) )) AS DatiRighe)
In the query, I used EXCEPT to remove the unwanted column and I used REPLACE to replace the corresponding structure with a new modified one. Let me know if it helps.

How do you query a table filtering on a substring of one of the columns?

I have a table I wish to query. It has a string variable called comment which contains an ID along with other things. (i.e. "123456;varA;varB")
I want to filter based on the first substring in the comment variable.
That is, I want to filter the table on rows where the first substring of comment is "123456" (which in the example would return the first row)
How do I do this?
I was thinking something along the lines of the code below, using the "string_split" function, but it doesn't work.
FROM table
WHERE (SELECT value FROM STRING_SPLIT(comment,';',1)="123456")
Does anyone have any ideas?
Note, I am querying in SQL in SAS, and this is on a large dataset, so I don't want to create a new table with a new column to then query on instead. Ideally I'd want to query on the existing table directly.
You can use the SCAN() function to parse a string.
WHERE '123456'=scan(comment,1,';')

SQL - just view the description for explanation

I would like to ask if it is possible to do this:
For example the search string is '009' -> (consider the digits as string)
is it possible to have a query that will return any occurrences of this on the database not considering the order.
for this example it will return
given these exists on the database. thanks!!!!
Use the Like operator.
For Example :-
SELECT Marks FROM Report WHERE Marks LIKE '%009%' OR '%090%' OR '%900%'
Split the string into individual characters, select all rows containing the first character and put them in a temporary table, then select all rows from the temporary table that contain the second character and put these in a temporary table, then select all rows from that temporary table that contain the third character.
Of course, there are probably many ways to optimize this, but I see no reason why it would not be possible to make a query like that work.
It can not be achieved in a straight forward way as there is no sort() function for a particular value like there is lower(), upper() functions.
But there is some workarounds like -
Suppose you are running query for COL A, maintain another column SORTED_A where from application level you keep the sorted value of COL A
Then when you execute query - sort the searchToken and run select query with matching sorted searchToken with the SORTED_A column

Insert Comma Separated Values to SQL

I would like to take a list that I have in a text file, of values which are separated by commas:
Example - 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0
then put the values in a database table(I'm going to use this table for auto-complete with jQuery).
I would have done an array for the auto-complete but I have something like 1000 values so I think its better to pull from SQL(am i right?)
Try to explain it to me slowly cause I'm a novice and this is so confusing :)
If those are 1000 constant values (like countries), put them in array.
If they are fairly dynamic, put them in a table
Assuming the table is called T1 and has one field F1, you need to transform the string
VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8)......(N);