Insert Comma Separated Values to SQL - sql

I would like to take a list that I have in a text file, of values which are separated by commas:
Example - 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0
then put the values in a database table(I'm going to use this table for auto-complete with jQuery).
I would have done an array for the auto-complete but I have something like 1000 values so I think its better to pull from SQL(am i right?)
Try to explain it to me slowly cause I'm a novice and this is so confusing :)

If those are 1000 constant values (like countries), put them in array.
If they are fairly dynamic, put them in a table
Assuming the table is called T1 and has one field F1, you need to transform the string
VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8)......(N);


PostgreSQL: Create/Select a fake/dummy column

How would i write a query so that i can generate myself a column with some specific numbers?
I would prefer not to be forced to create a table and import from excel, nor insert values (as i have many numbers to put into that column, and i'll have to put lots of parantheses around those values)
See picture for reference. Now imagine i have 1000 numbers. I would like to have some query where i could just copy-paste over those numbers.
I tried:
select (231,356,...) as companyid ... obviously this did not provide the desired result.
i succeded with a temp table and insert into .. but i had to go like VALUES(231),(356),... ... which is nasty
For a list of numbers, from some other source, you can use UNNEST():
SELECT UNNEST('{1,2,4,6,54,3,900}'::int[]) AS id;
Just replace "1,2,4,6,54,3,900" with your input, and use the comma to separate the values.

Get records matching regex in Ms-Sql

I am using query as follows to get any records that begins with any character, has bunch of 0s and ends with number (1 in this case).
where column like '_%[0]1'
But the issue is it's even returning me d0101 etc. which I don't want. I just want d0001, or r0001. Can I use it to exactly match pattern, not partially using like?
Any other options in ms-sql?
SQL-Server does not really do proper regular expressions but you can generate the search clause you want like this:
where column like '_%1' and column not like '_%[^0]%1'
The second condition will exclude all cases where you have a character other than 0 in the middle of the string.
It will allow strings of all possible lengths, provided they start with an arbitrary character, then have any number of 0s and finish with a 1. All other strings will not satisfy the where clause.
create table tst(t varchar(10));
insert into tst values('d0101');
insert into tst values('d0001');
insert into tst values('r0001');
select * from tst where PATINDEX('%00%1', t)>0
select * from tst where t like '%00%1'
You use the _ to say that you don't care what char is there (single char) and then use the rest of the string you want:
WHERE val LIKE '_0001'
This code only really handles your two simple examples. If it is more complex, add it to your post.

Braces inside the array - postgresql

I have a table "temp" with two attributes: integer, text[].
I would like to insert a record with the brace inside the array.
For example a record like this:
1, {'1{c}1','a'}
where 1 is the integer and '1{c}1' is the first element of the array and 'a' the second element of the array.
I tried a simply insert like this:
INSERT INTO temp VALUES (id, '{'1{c}1','a'}');
but it says that is malformed.
As an addition, it's also possible to use array constructors, I think it's more safe to use, because array elements are just SQL constants and you also could use expressions inside the array constructors:
insert into "temp" values(1, array['1{c}1','a']);
it's clear that this is array of strings, and this too
insert into "temp" values(1, array['1','2']);
According to the PostgreSQL documentation for arrays,
You can put double quotes around any element value, and must do so if it contains commas or curly braces.
A correct syntax would like this:
INSERT INTO "temp" VALUES (1, '{"1{c}1",a}');
You can see a complete, working example on SQL fiddle.
You don't want those inner single quotes.
INSERT INTO temp VALUES (id, '{1{c}1,a}');

Sql Server - Any special way to insert so that in one column the value was the same, while in the other varied?

I need to insert into a simple table with two columns.
The first column has to contain the same value from row to row, while the second has to hold the various values from a source table. So it all should look like this:
Question is - is there a way to make a set-based insert in this case? The way I do it now is simply iterate through the rows of the source table. Or it's also possible to use cursors, only I'm not sure which is best.
But still this is iteration.
Any means to get around this?
Thanks in advance!
If you know your static value ahead of time, you could do something like this:
INSERT INTO targetTable(Col1, Col2)
SELECT 1, yourColumn
FROM sourceTable
WHERE <condition>
This is assuming that 1 is your static value. It can be replaced with the real value, or a variable, depending on the specifics of your query.
insert into dest_tab(col1, col2)
select 1, col2
from src_table
where ....

Get first or second values from a comma separated value in SQL

I have a column that stores data like (42,12). Now I want to fetch 42 or 12 (two different select queries). I have searched and found some similar but much more complex scenarios. Is there any easy way of doing it? I am using MSSQL Server 2005.
Given there will always be only two values and they will be integer
The reason you have this problem is because the database (which you may not have any control over), violates first normal form. Among other things, first normal form says that each column should hold a single value, not multiple values. This is bad design.
Now, having said this, the first solution that pops into my head is to write a UDF that parses the value in this column, based on the delimiter and returns either the first or second value.
You can try something like this
INSERT INTO #Table (Val) SELECT '42,12'
CAST(LEFT(Val,CHARINDEX(',',Val)-1) AS INT) FirstValue,
CAST(RIGHT(Val,LEN(Val) - CHARINDEX(',',Val)) AS INT) SecondValue
FROM #Table
You can use something like this:
Note: Its not the efficient way of doing things in rdbms. Consider normalizing your Database.