I'm trying to post an article (read: link with rich snippet) on LinkedIn via their API.
Below is my POST body. Which (I think) follows their documentation.
My problem: post gets posted with the article attached, but without the thumbnail.
The image is uploaded via the Image API and urn works in an "image" post.
"author": "urn:li:person:1234567",
"commentary": "This is a test.",
"visibility": "PUBLIC",
"distribution": {
"feedDistribution": "MAIN_FEED",
"targetEntities": [],
"thirdPartyDistributionChannels": []
"content": {
"article": {
"source": "https://link.com",
"title": "prod test title two",
"thumbnail": "urn:li:image:1234567",
"thumbnailAltText": "testytest"
"lifecycleState": "PUBLISHED",
"isReshareDisabledByAuthor": false
I have been looking for an updated version of how to retrieve my own posts from LinkedIn via an access token which I have received from completing a three-legged OAuth process.
I have reviewed: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/marketing/integrations/community-management/shares/share-api?view=li-lms-unversioned&tabs=http#permissions- but its now showing as legacy.
As it seems, LinkedIn unfortunately no longer wants us to retrieve this kind of content:
"Find Posts by authors is only supported for organization authors.
Finding by member authors is not supported."
Neither a good, nor a solution within the LinkedIn-TOS (I assume) would be to use a webscraper. I have seen some solutions online but they are all very pricey in my opinion (and you never know if they get shut down by LinkedIn)
"activity": "urn:li:activity:12345657",
"content": {
"contentEntities": [
"entity": "urn:li:article:0",
"entityLocation": "https://www.example.com/content.html",
"thumbnails": [
"imageSpecificContent": {},
"resolvedUrl": "https://www.example.com/image.jpg"
"description": "content description",
"title": "Test Share with Content"
"created": {
"actor": "urn:li:person:A8xe03Qt10",
"time": 1471967236000
"distribution": {
"linkedInDistributionTarget": {}
"id": "6173878065928642560",
"lastModified": {
"actor": "urn:li:person:A8xe03Qt10",
"time": 1471967237000
"owner": "urn:li:organization:123456789",
"text": {
"text": "Test Share!"
I can’t understand how to create the http body of the Modify User Account api:
In particular the:
What are the required id and type properties of Data object? Could somebody provide a code or postman example of a request ?
This is the url of the topic:
Appstoreconnect Api - Update User
The PATCH request should look like this:
PATCH /v1/users/XXX
"data": {
"type": "users",
"id": "XXX",
"attributes": {
"allAppsVisible": false
"relationships": {
"visibleApps": {
"data": [
{"type": "apps", "id": "AAA"},
{"type": "apps", "id": "BBB"}
Where AAA and BBB are Apple IDs of your apps. You can find these on the App Information page, or in response to the /v1/apps API calls.
So I've decided to switch to Insomnia from Postman, as for some reason my Postman app keeps hanging. Everything is going well but I'm having trouble using multipart forms with Insomnia. How would I access this in Insomnia? In Postman I just need to put profile{location} as the field and it works, but Insomnia gives me an error of can't read property '0' of undefined
The object is structured as follows
"id": "5e76dd60d49dfd6827688908",
"username": "TLCFan",
"email": "tlc#fan.com",
"profile": {
"avatar": {
"url": "/static/img/defaultAvatar.png"
"header": {
"url": "/static/img/defaultBG.png"
"forHire": false,
"location": "Bimingham",
"bio": "Design is my life, but this is my story"
Running a Postman API using Newman command which currently uploads a single file. My requirement is to upload multiple files using this same API.
My current code which uploads a single file looks like this:-
"method": "POST",
"header": [],
"body": {
"mode": "formdata",
"formdata": [
"key": "file",
"description": "Jpeg image or video (mov or mp4)",
"type": "file",
"src": "C:\\Test\\abc.jpeg"
In this very same code, I want to upload multiple files.
Need some direction on how can I achieve it.
I post multi file in postman/newman by sending multi POST requests - one file per request.
So you can send many files executing one postman collection of requests.
Example of form with 2 file field:
"method": "POST",
"header": [],
"body": {
"mode": "formdata",
"formdata": [
"key": "myFile1",
"description": "Jpeg image or video (mov or mp4)",
"type": "file",
"src": "C:\\Test\\abc.jpeg"
"key": "myFile2",
"description": "Jpeg image or video (mov or mp4)",
"type": "file",
"src": "C:\\Test\\def.jpeg"
is there actually a possibility to get the number of followers of my googleplus-page. the following script - which I found here in an earlier post - doesn't work (no output):
$google_api_key = 'XYZXYZXYZXYZXYZXYZ';
$data = #file_get_contents("https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/$page_id?key=$google_api_key");
$data = json_decode($data, true);
echo $data['plusOneCount'];
thank you!
There could be a few things wrong:
Don't have an updated project on the Developer Console.
Didn't enable the API for that project.
Are past thresholds/quotas.
Try the following:
Login to your Google Developers Console
You'll need a project.
If you don't have a project, create one.
Enable "Google Plus API" on that project.
Confirm usage/quotes are within tolerance and you haven't gone past.
From there, your call should work as normal:
GET https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/{USER_ID}?key={YOUR_API_KEY}
In my case, I'm querying Google's's page, so {USER_ID} = 116899029375914044550. I can then see the plusOneCount:
"kind": "plus#person",
"etag": "\"RqKWnRU4WW46-6W3rWhLR9iFZQM/bTf-sq_Sg3fLAFijixPfjtKM5f8\"",
"urls": [
"value": "http://www.google.com",
"type": "website",
"label": "www.google.com"
"value": "http://www.google.com/support/",
"type": "other",
"label": "Google Help"
"value": "http://googleblog.blogspot.com/",
"type": "other",
"label": "Official Blog"
"value": "http://twitter.com/#!/google",
"type": "other",
"label": "#google"
"value": "http://www.google.com/about/corporate/company/",
"type": "other",
"label": "Company Info"
"value": "http://www.google.com/press/",
"type": "other",
"label": "News"
"value": "http://www.google.com/press/google-directory.html",
"type": "other",
"label": "More Google pages"
"objectType": "page",
"id": "116899029375914044550",
"displayName": "Google",
"tagline": "News and updates on Google's products, technology and more",
"aboutMe": "<p>Welcome to Google's official page. Here, you'll find product news and announcements, company updates, glimpses into what it's like to work at Google, discussions on technology and the web, and much more. </p><p><span>Given the volume of feedback we receive here, we may not be able to respond individually to every comment and we're not able to provide product support (if you're having product issues, please visit our Help Center). Rest assured we're paying attention, and we're always eager to hear from you.</span></p>",
"url": "https://plus.google.com/+google",
"image": {
"url": "https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-v0soe-ievYE/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAC9wQ/JD8tdz3bFTM/photo.jpg?sz=50",
"isDefault": false
"isPlusUser": true,
"plusOneCount": 10757884,
"circledByCount": 7692912,
"verified": true,
"cover": {
"layout": "banner",
"coverPhoto": {
"url": "https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-PLPoXvnN0XI/UTdr4xTtuHI/AAAAAAAA_1U/p1n_Za3BZUg/s630-fcrop64=1,00000000fe06fe97/g_plus_background.png",
"height": 528,
"width": 940
"coverInfo": {
"topImageOffset": 0,
"leftImageOffset": 0