When I use generateEmailVerificationLink , I want to notice the link expiration date to user.
But I couldn't find the document...
After quite some research I've managed to find out the following:
Password reset (generatePasswordResetLink): 1 hour
Email verification (generateEmailVerificationLink): 3 days
Email link sign-in (generateSignInWithEmailLink): 6 hours
This is still not in the official Firebase documentation and may a subject to change in the future.
Here is the source I found: Firebase Admin Auth Link Expiration Times
I'm planning to make a Twitter bot, and I've just completed apply for using Twitter API an hour ago and created API key at the Developer Portal page.
However, I don't know what is left for me to be enabled to use the API.
I guess my next task is just waiting for my apply is going to be passed for several days or weeks, but I've not received any email which tells me I have to wait for the screening being done. All I received
from Twitter so far is the email titled Verify your Twitter Developer, which I've verified.
Is it ok to just wait for the email from Twitter?
I'm sorry if my question is not really programming problem, but I can't find any answer for it.
The image below is the page I'm now in:
I've already got API key & secret (Consumer key) and Bearer token, but not yet Access token & secret. Can I already use Twitter API or do I have to wait
for screening and get Access token & secret first?
The image below is the Keys and tokens page:
According to the eBay docs: "With one-time setup complete, your application can respond to prospective users and get tokens for them." However, the article also mentions that the tokens expire after 48 hours. Does this mean that my users will have to re-login every 48 hours through my website to renew the token? If so, how is this a one-time setup?
Update 1: According to this article, tokens expire after 18 months.
Tokens expire after 18 months. The call returns a HardExpirationWarning element 7 days before the token expires, at which point the user has to go through the consent process again. The token is associated with the session ID for 48 hours, before which the developer has to fetch the user's token and save it for future API calls.
is it ever possible to authorize twitter app on the desktop without user input (of the seven digit number)?
I am trying to develop a realtime tweet fetching application between a list of friends/followers "suspects" communicating together. But the authorization code that needs to reset after 15 mins is an issue, so unless someone if manually present to handle re authorization after a couple of mins is a serious challenging. Is there a solution to my question.
Joe Mayo or any one, pls help here.
There are two different issues at work here: authorization and 15 minute rate limit windows. For authorization, you receive OAuthToken and AccessToken, accessible via IAuthorizer.Credentials after the user authorizes. These tokens never expire. So, you save them when the user first authorizes and then load them into IAuthorizer.Credentials and you won't need to perform authorization again. Here's a more detailed description:
linqtotwitter - grab the saved credentials
Since you mentioned something about "reset after 15 mins", I assume you're referring to Rate Limits, which are set in 15 minute windows. Here's a recent discussion:
How to handle LinqtoTwitter Rate(v2.1) limit exceeded Error
It would be helpful to review the Twitter docs on Rate Limiting.
My upload stopped after 1 hour due to invalid credential. Should I call authorizeRequest on the tickets manually before token expiry? Or is there any better solution?
I suppose the video is quite big enough because it's taking more than 1 hour, and I recommend resumable upload for it.
Unfortunately we can't extend epiration term of OAuth2.0 credentials, so as you say, you have to refresh your credentials with your refresh token.
This 1-hour limitation is a known issue in our side. You can follow this issue tracker ticket to get notified when it's fixed.
I have searched in eBay manual and google but could not really find any informaton regarding the lifetime of eBayAuthToken. Is it possible to store the token in my DB instead of username and password? I think it is more secure but the concern is that it may become invalid after a week or so/
According to the API docs, the lifespan is 18 months:
Tokens are valid for 18 months across multiple sessions of the application. Seven (7) days before a token is due to expire, eBay returns the expiration date in the HardExpirationWarning field in the response of all calls the application makes on behalf of that user. When your application detects this field, it must redirect the user to the sign-in page on the eBay site by the date in this warning, or the token ceases to work as a means to authenticate that user.