Is there a way to add on line-chart a values that will display points in chart in an unregular distances between them? For example, like on the picture below, I would like to add new points like "7,13 AM", "7,39 AM", "7,47 AM" and different values for it and would add no more labels under chart. Is that possible with ngx-charts?
I would like to ensure the labels of my bar chart are above the bars. Can you force a label on top of a bar chart in SQL Server Reporting Services? If so, how?
The issues are the colors are so dark, it's hard to read them if they are not above the bar in the chart. I could just change the colors, but I'd rather learn how to force the label location if possible.
I'd like all numbers to be above the bar, like over the blue bar below. I have over 100 different charts in my report, so the scale will vary greatly depending on the particular report.
Thank you!
In Visual Studio, design mode, ensure that the properties window is visible, then click on any of the labels on the chart.
At this point, the properties window should show the properties for Chart Series Label.
Find the 'Position' property, which probably is showing the value 'Auto', change this value to 'Top' and this should do the trick.
You have to first make sure the chart type is not stacked.
In my experience the "Position" property doesn't always work.
Sometimes you have to go to the properties of the series, then "Custom Attributes", then "Label Style" then select "Top".
What #niktrs said in the comments of the other answer about setting the AllowOutsidePlotArea property is also true.
Microsoft do not use the label Position property for some of the chart types.
They tell us what they use by default here - in your case "on bar charts labels are placed outside of the bars that represent data points" (they appear to mean "column charts")...but sometimes with a large value it's placed just inside, sometimes partially in-out (and if you try the "Outside" position it just fails to render!).
As #jayvee has mentioned the trick with Column charts is to select the value and change the SmartLabels AllowOutSidePlotArea to True (from Partial).
However if you have a Stacked Bar chart then labels are always in the centre of the particular value.
The hack to get labels on top is to add an extra Stacked Bar value with the Color set to "No Color" and move it to the top of the values (using the Chart Data designer arrows).
The trick is getting a good expression value to use - a constant ends up too big or too small at some point, so I found a percentage of the stacked values works best (remembering to change Nulls to Zeros)...25% to 30% usually works.
Then set the value Label to the value you want to display in the data label.
I just had this issue, I was able to fix it by making sure the chart series "Smart Labels" - "Disabled" property was set to "True"
This is what my properties pane looks like:
I've got different series in my project that I'd like to show in my graph. N element of each series are related to one "parent element", and we've got M parent elements to show up. I'm trying to underline this relationship creating a "label" under the x-axis.
Here is what I am trying to do
The Red,Yellow And Blue are the 3 series I'd wish create and as you can see they could have a different amount of point related to the "item". The label I'm trying to create is the one under x axis.
I'm trying to understand how to dynamically create a "label" or "customlabel" item with a simple border propriety under the x-axis. The related code should allow me to set up the initial value and last one, but I'm unable to setup the border.
Dim myLabel As New DataVisualization.Charting.CustomLabel
myLabel.FromPosition = 0
myLabel.ToPosition = 5
I have a calculated dimension that yields following values: 'N', 'P', 'K'.
On top of that is an expresion. Also I am using PIE CHART to represent the data.
The numbers are calculated ok. I need help in selecting colors for the dimension values. There are predefined colors that each dimension values needs to have. How can I imprement that? In "Expression" Tab -> "Background Color" I can't reference the dimension, since it it a calculated dimension.
I appreciate the constructive feedback.
With some chart types comes a 'Colors' tab in the chart properties window. If you go to that tab you will be presented with numerous color options for your different dimensions (calculated or not):
Change the colors to your liking and watch the Pie Chart update.
Check the 'Persistent Colors' checkbox to keep colors assigned to dimensional values.
I'm using Visual Studio 2010 reporting to generate a report which has a table and a pie chart. Both work just fine except that for the pie chart, I'm to put the % value on each pie chart slice.
1. Is this even possible?
2. If it is, how do I do it?
To put the % value on each pie chart slice do this (as shown here):
On the design surface, right-click on the pie and select Show Data Labels. The data labels should appear within each slice on the pie chart.
On the design surface, right-click on the labels and select Series Label Properties. The Series Label Properties dialog box appears.
Type #PERCENT for the Label data option.
Beware: If you use multiple data fields like this:
you need to move every field to first position and perform above steps as shown here otherwise you end up with only one pie chart slice showing the percentage and the others are blank...
I have two questions about axis labels:
How do I make a label at the Y2-axis, that shows a highlighted label following the dynamic price (y2-value) of the last bar/candlestick? As the red label in this example:
And possibly also the same on the XAxis, showing the time of the last bar.
Also I wonder how to make the time axis plot only every 30 min, and also that it should be full half hours, not arbitrary 30 min spots.. As also shown in the above image.
ZedGraph is awesome. But takes some time to figure out the tricks and tweaks.. :)
Ad. 1.
You probably need to create a custom text object. If I remember correctly:
TextObj label = new TextObj("some text", 1, y2coordinate);
label.Location.CoordinateFrame = CoordType.XChartFractionY2Scale;
label.Location.AlignH = AlignH.Left;
to change the color and background, just edit properties of label.FontSpec
Ad. 2.
You need to set manualy the Min, Max and MajorStep of the Scale object of your axis.