How do i set parameters of rest api in InvokeHTTP of NiFi? - api

I want to filter my rest api with date range. The rest api has dateFrom and dateTo parameters. I want to set dateFrom to 5 days ago and dateTo to now. How do i set the parameters in NiFi ?
My api looks like the below URL:

You can set your parameters in HTTP URL property, using the Nifi's Expression Language. E.g.:


USPS API not returning Commitment Date

My client needs to know how long it will take to ship their time sensitive product for FedEx and USPS. I'm using the GetRates function of DotNetShipping but the Commitment Date is coming back as null and being set to 30 days by DotNetShipping which isn't helpful. Are there particular parameters for the USPS Web Tools API that have to be passed in in order to get a Commitment Date? I know that when I call the USPS API directly, with the following URL, I do get a Commitment Date in the return data.<RateV4Request USERID="[USPSUSERID]"><Revision>2</Revision><Package ID="2ND"><Service>PRIORITY</Service><ZipOrigination>44106</ZipOrigination><ZipDestination>20770</ZipDestination><Pounds>1</Pounds><Ounces>0</Ounces><Container>RECTANGULAR</Container><Size>LARGE</Size><Width>11</Width><Length>13</Length><Height>11</Height><Girth>55</Girth><Value>1000</Value><SpecialServices><SpecialService>1</SpecialService></SpecialServices></Package></RateV4Request>
The above URL won't work without replacing [USPSUSERID] with a valid user ID.
I had to modify DotNetShipping to pass in Value and SpecialServices -> SpecialService and remove Machinable in order to get the CommitmentDate returned.

Can Karate generate multiple query parameters with the same name?

I need to pass multiple query parameters with the same name in a URL, but I am having problems getting it to work with Karate. In my case, the URL should look like this:,DESC
Notice 2 query parameters named "sort". I attempted to create these query string parameters with Karate, but only the last "sort" parameter gets created in the query string. Here are the ways I tried to do this:
Given path 'v1/orders'
And param sort = 'order.orderNumber'
And param sort = ',DESC'
And header Authorization = authInfo.token
And method get
Then status 200
Given path 'v1/orders'
And params sort = { sort: 'order.orderNumber', sort: ',DESC' }
And header Authorization = authInfo.token
And method get
Then status 200
Given path 'v1/order?sort=order.orderNumber&,DESC'
And header Authorization = authInfo.token
And method get
Then status 200
The first two ways provide the same query string result: ?
The last example does not work because the ? get encoded, which was expected and explained in this post - Karate API Tests - Escaping '?' in the url in a feature file
It's clear that the second "sort" param is overriding the first and only one parameter is being added to the URL. I have gone through the Karate documentation, which is very good, but I have not found a way to add multiple parameters with the same name.
So, is there a way in Karate to set multiple URL query parameters with the same name?
Yes you can generate multiple query parameters with the same name in karate
All values of similar key should be provided in an array.
Given path 'v1/orders'
And params {"sort":["order.orderNumber",",DESC"]}
And header Authorization = authInfo.token
And method get
Then status 200
And for setting single parameter using param it will be like
And param sort = ["order.orderNumber",",DESC"]

Send UTC timestamps with moment.js to ASP.NET Core controller

I have a database with measured values from devices that I want to display in a web frontend. First I send the list of devices to the frontend together with the IANA timezone specifier for each device.
I would like all timestamps to be exchanged as UTC. The user selects a time range in the frontend in device-local time. I use moment.js to convert these timestamps to UTC with the known timezone of the device like this:
var startTimestamp = new Date(2017, 7, 1); //some local timestamp (zero-based month!)
var m =, "Europe/Berlin");
var utc = moment.utc(m).format();
utc is now "2017-07-31T22:00:00Z" which seems to be correct given the 2 hours offset for Berlin in DST.
I send this utc timestamp to my ASP.NET Core backend. The controller looks like this:
public IEnumerable<TimestampedValue> GetValues(int id, DateTime startTimestamp)
The problem is that startTimestamp is 2017-08-01 00:00:00 when the controller is called and its Kind property is set to Local. I would have expected it to be the same UTC timestamp.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I think moment.js is doing its job correctly so this must be a problem on the server side. If I recall correctly, the deserialization is done by but I don't understand why it does not respect the Z at the end of the time string.
After #dbc pointed me to the different behavior between GET and POST requests I come to this conclusion:
Since my request uses the GET method and query strings are not JSON, there is no involved in the problem, it is the default .NET Core DateTimeConverter that does the conversion. Moment.js correctly converts the timestamp to a UTC string, I checked that using the browser developer tools.
The code for DateTimeConverter can be found here:
As can be seen there, the converter uses DateTime.Parse. It can be tested in a simple test project that DateTime.Parse does not respect the Z-suffix. This is also discussed here DateTimeConverter converting from UTC string.
I think there would be at least four solutions
1) write a custom model binder. These SOs each show a part of it Custom DateTime model binder in ASP.NET Core 1 (RTM)
2) write a custom type converter that overrides the default DateTime converter and checks whether there is a trailing Z. If so, use DateTime.Parse with the DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal. Else fall back to the default implementation. I like this solution but I currently don't know how to replace the default DateTimeConverter.
3) replace all relevant DateTime parameters in the controllers with DateTimeOffset. DateTimeOffset seems to correctly convert the UTC string.
4) use a POST instead of a GET request with JSON in the request body. seems to correctly convert the UTC string.
My preferred solution is currently a mixture of 3 and 4, depending on the context.

Podio API filtering by date range

I'm trying to filter tasks by date range and I'm getting errors whatever I try. This is how my request looks like:
Here I'm trying to filter by created_on and I'm suplying {from: "2016-06-23", to: "2016-06-28"} but it's always returning the same error - invalid filter. I'm trying to filter tasks that are created in the last 5 days here.
The tasks API reference can be found in their API docs.
What am I doing wrong?
Date ranges can be separated by -.
To display "all my tasks created between 1st Jan 2014 and 1st Jan 2016" :-
Podio API get task filtering by date range use below :

Dimensions of query webmasters tools api

specially Alex :)
I want to know if any body have a PHP code to get the details of a query from webmasters tools api.
I have already the query dimensions but I dont't know how exactely to make it with PHP code.
$webmastersService = new Google_Service_Webmasters($client);
$searchanalytics = $webmastersService->searchanalytics;
$request = new Google_Service_Webmasters_SearchAnalyticsQueryRequest;
Supposing, that you have all credentials and tokens. If you don't have them, you'll get (401) Login Required error.
Making request you can set startDate, endDate, searchType, rowLimit via setter methods like this:
But some methods require array like setDimensions:
To more complicate the things setDimensionFilterGroups method requires array of Google_Service_Webmasters_ApiDimensionFilterGroup . And every Google_Service_Webmasters_ApiDimensionFilterGroup instance requires filters to be set via setFilters method with an array of Google_Service_Webmasters_ApiDimensionFilter.
And for Google_Service_Webmasters_ApiDimensionFilter you can set dimension, operator and expression via setDimension, setOperator, setExpression methods.
For additional info on these types, classes and methods please refer to
Consider, you want pages (dimensions=page) the given day (startdate, enddate) and filter results for a given search query. To create a filter you need to set dimension to query, operator to equals and expression to your keyword.
This request in API Explorer looks like:
So the code to get all pages of site that were displayed 2015-11-10 in reply to "weird things" search query is below:
$query = new Google_Service_Webmasters_SearchAnalyticsQueryRequest();
$filter = new Google_Service_Webmasters_ApiDimensionFilter();
$filter->setExpression('weird things');
$filtergroup = new Google_Service_Webmasters_ApiDimensionFilterGroup();
$response = $service->searchanalytics->query('', $query);
That is simplified demo code. May be it has some mistakes.
And I want to note, that Python API is much easier and clearer.