whatsapp api error during sending an created template - api

{ "messaging_product": "whatsapp",
"to": "91********5",
"type": "template",
"template": {
"name": "demo_template",
"language": {
"code": "en_US"
This is passed as a post method.
demo_template is an existing template created by me.
Getting error like this:
"error": {
"message": "(#132012) Parameter format does not match format in the created template",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 132012,
"error_data": {
"messaging_product": "whatsapp",
"details": "header: Format mismatch, expected IMAGE, received UNKNOWN"
"error_subcode": 2494073,
"fbtrace_id": "ARtWScjGa0rADjfHvbOH4bS"

For image you have to first upload the image in media library then you can get id for the media you have uploded then you can attach that id with the messaging template you send out in headers in your case it is image.check this link here
or you can directly use url link to attach media.{ "type": "header", "parameters": [ { "type": "image", "image": { "link": "https://URL" } } ] },

The parameter values included in the request are not using the format specified in the template. See the Message Template Guidelines.


whatsapp cloud template not allowing line break in variable text

Im trying to send a whatsapp message using cloud api
I created a template in whatsapp cloud for simple text ie without header and footer, I added only body with one parameter like
hi {{1}}
.. ..
This template is valid and able to send message without line break in message ie(in variable part from postman)
My payload from postman is
"messaging_product": "whatsapp",
"recipient_type": "individual",
"to": "{{message_to}}",
"type": "template",
"template": {
"name": "simple_text_only",
"language": {
"code": "en_US"
"components": [
"type" : "body",
"parameters": [
"type": "text",
"text": "HIIIIII\nok"
Response is
"error": {
"message": "(#100) Invalid parameter",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 100,
"error_data": {
"messaging_product": "whatsapp",
"details": "Param text cannot have new-line/tab characters or more than 4 consecutive spaces"
"error_subcode": 2494073,
"fbtrace_id": "Av68Tbsx7_vCLzDzf7RUR"
if i send message without \n then it is sending, but i want to send the message in next line like
1 some text
2 some text

Facebook ads custom audience Data is missing or does not match schema error

i was building a integration with the facebook ads audience API, and according the documentation the request must be created like this:
POST - https://graph.facebook.com/v15.0/<MY_CUSTOM_AUDIENCE_ID>/users?access_token=<MY_ACCESS_TOKEN>
Using the previus example a received a error 400:
"error": {
"message": "(#100) Data is missing or does not match schema",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 100,
"fbtrace_id": "AqrLd9uIw0D4BBFtHF33bdU"
For do this i used this documentation https://developers.facebook.com/docs/marketing-api/audiences/guides/custom-audiences#hash
Anyone has use this before?
Your schema field type is array but array use form multi-key qualification.
Change it to string: schema: 'FN'
In docs you can see all formats.
This payload with multi keys work for me:
"session": {
"session_id": 123,
"batch_seq": 1,
"last_batch_flag": true
"payload": {
"schema": [
"data": [

How to receive the media id from the Whatsapp Business Cloud API?

I have deployed my webhook and connected my WABA. Once I send an image to this business account. It did not return the media id from the response. Actually, the JSON returned to me like this:
"entry": [
"changes": [
"field": "messages",
"value": {
"contacts": [
"profile": {
"name": "XXXXXXX"
"messages": [
"from": "XXXXXXXXXX",
"id": "wamid.aisjdoiajsodiajsodasd\u003d",
"timestamp": "1657527108",
"type": "image"
"metadata": {}
"id": "124071984791824"
"object": "whatsapp_business_account"
Or should I try the Whatsapp On-premises API? https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/on-premises/reference/media/media-id
You have to chooose the image_id from the request you receive.
like , let media_id=req.body.entry[0].changes[0].value.messages[0].image.id;
you can store this id in DB and use the endpioint where you can get the url for media_id.
Then you can download the image from the URL received and uploaded it anywhere you want.

Define array of different objects with max count 5 in swagger

I have completed a Node.js app using LINE APIs.I have the following request object. How can I define the array of different objects, here the messagesfield which contains different object structure for different message types. I hope swagger permits this very common scenario.
Request Body:
"to": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"text":"Hello, world1"
"type": "audio",
"originalContentUrl": "https://example.com/original.m4a",
"duration": 240000
"type": "location",
"title": "my location",
"address": "〒150-0002 東京都渋谷区渋谷2丁目21−1",
"latitude": 35.65910807942215,
"longitude": 139.70372892916203
My swagger definition for messages array.
"Messages Object": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"allOf": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/multicast Message Error Response"
"$ref": "#/definitions/multicast Message Error Response"
And this is the rendered messages array. It has only one entry. I want to include many different entries
"messages": [
"code": 500,
"httpCode": 400,
"name": "string",
"message": "string"

Invalid Path error while inserting job from google cloud storage to google bigquery

I am trying to insert a job through HTTP Post request, but i am getting Invalid path error.
My request body is as follows:
"configuration": {
"load": {
"sourceUris": [
"schema": {
"fields": [
"name": "Name",
"type": "STRING"
"name": "Age",
"type": "INTEGER"
"destinationTable": {
"datasetId": "Test_Dataset",
"projectId": "lithe-anvil-404",
"tableId": "tb_test_Pers"
"jobReference": {
"jobId": "10",
"projectId": "lithe-anvil-404"
For the sourceuri parameter, I am passing "gs://onianalytics/PersData.csv", where onianalytics is my bucket name and PersData.csv is my csv file (from which I want to upload data into google bigquery).
I am getting below response:
"status": {
"state": "DONE",
"errorResult": {
"reason": "invalid",
"message": "Invalid path: gs://onianalytics/PersData.csv"
"errors": [
"reason": "invalid",
"message": "Invalid path: gs://onianalytics/PersData.csv"
"statistics": {
"creationTime": "1387276603674",
"startTime": "1387276603751",
"endTime": "1387276603751"
My bucket is under the same projectid which has the BigQuery service activated. Also, I have Google Cloud Storage enabled under APIs and Auth. Following scopes are added while authenticating:
googleapis.com/auth/bigquery, googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform, googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.full_control,googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_only,googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_write
I am inserting this job by "Try it!" link which is available on developers.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/v2/jobs/insert.
In fact I am able to create buckets and objects in goggle cloud storage through APIs. But when i try to insert job from the uploaded object (which is a csv file), i got "Invalid Path" error. Can anyone please help me to identify why this error is occurring?
The error I get when trying the code above is "Not found: URI gs://onianalytics/PersData.csv".
I'm wondering if instead of /onianalytics/ you had a different path with invalid characters?