I am currently working on building the reports application using Aangular 7.
I have used the following code as an example: https://stackblitz.com/edit/blog-posts-search-angular. My problem is searching through the API using multiple input fields from the client side.
This is my first time working with Jira and their API. My company wants me to fetch all "ASAPSD" issues, but I don't understand how to. The core problem in itself is that I do not understand exactly how Jira works, and how issues are "built" up.
The issue starts with "ASAPSD" followed by some random characters and numbers. For example "ASAPSD-334". How can I, with a GET request, get all issues that start with ASAPSD?
Basic information about Jira and projects
The first part (prefix) is the Project Key representing a project/collection where all similar issues are stored (in this case, ASAPSD may stand for ASAP Service Desk:-). There are certainly more projects in every Jira instance. Some other projects are intended to track different activities.
Searching for the project issues
You can search for any issues using the search function (available also via REST API).
First, log in to the Jira and try to search for the issues manually by yourself - in Issue Navigator (via Issues top menu bar). Here you'll find that you can search all issues via Basic (Project is ASAPSD) or Advanced search (project = ASAPSD). This advanced search is called JQL (Jira Query Language).
You can then use this JQL in your REST API search method:
GET https://jira.yourdomain.com/rest/api/2/search?jql=project%3DASAPSD
The output lists only limited number of issues (usually 50) - to get more issues, you need to increase the limit (maxResults param) or paginate (startAt param) over next results.
Using expand and fields params you can alter the output to get more/less information.
There two types of Jira instances - on-premise Server/Data Center and Cloud one. REST API and usage might slightly differ.
Alternatively, you can get CSV export. When you search for issues in the Issue Navigator, there's an option to export results to CSV. Save this URL and you can request it in your script via GET.
I'm currently working with Asp.Net Core MVC on Windows 10 Enterprise and I need to know in my code if the Unified Write filter (UWF) is on or off and consequently put it on a web page to let the user know.
Is it possible?
Thank you :)
The way I have done this is to run the uwfmgr application "uwfmgr get-config" and redirect standard output. Then you can search for Filter state: ON|OFF in the resulting output. Apparently there is no API for the write filter?
Let' say I have a collection called "Test" which has 2 API and each API consists of 8-10 test cases having different sets of data although with the same API call.
Now if 1 API got changed from dev end.. and to take the import from Swagger or some other files or program for the changed API to update in my collection. How the presently created collection "Test" would not be affect and the changed API will be incorporated in the collection ?.
So far when try to import , it either ask for creating a duplicate of the whole set or replace with the present one. In both the cases my test cases with different data in the collection will be lost. Please let us know if there is any functionality or any work around
I have an MVC5 Project and Non browser project. We just upgraded from MVC4 to MVC5 and included a Web Api project. Now we want to make use of Web Api 2.2 and we have created some HTTP methods which works fine in our Api Project. My question is how should I start with Authentication/Authorization.Do I need to create an Authentication Filter class inheriting from ActionFilterAttribute. I referred this link How should I begin with . I am confused how should I use the IPrincipal and set the Identity. Any help is highly appreciated.
The new version is called ASP.NET Identity framework - There are some changes from the ASP.NET Membership in the table structure and everything works through Entity Framework, the tables are created using code first but you can also create it using a script, for example: identity.codeplex.com and SQL-script-for-creating-an-ASP-NET-Identity-Databa or you run the solution using a valid SQL connection string and the tables will be created on first run (code first is doing that - it's built in the entity framework)...
When you create a sample MVC project you will have the basic functionality
Also, check out these resources:
Also, the new table primary keys are changed so the code can run on any type of database, so it's a 128 string key by default (just between us - the database optimization could be made a little better than this) if you're looking for some trouble, check out these links as well:
I have developed a custom report in Rally - and this needs to be integrated in the Sharepoint portal - how do I proceed doing this ( similar to the standard reports working in the API Kit and through Javascript on sharepoint) ?
Am using Sharepoint 2010 and 1.0 version of Rally
As Nick says, there's nothing in the api that will help you here, but you might be able to get what you want "manually". The "shape" of the custom report endpoint url is:
https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/analytics/reports/<id>/run?PROJECT=<project oid>
where <id> is the id of the report (which you can get by hovering over it in the Reports tab index) and <project id> is the id of the project from which to gather data.
(don't bother trying that as is, those are dummy ids). You'll still need to use the appropriate LoginKey.
Custom reports created on Rally's Reports>Reports page do not have an equivalent to StandardReport component in legacy AppSDK1 or StandardReport in AppSDK2. In the absence of a similar wrapper for custom reports it is not possible to display them outside Rally the way Standard Reports can be displayed.
You may however write your own javascript custom app (using AppSDK1 or AppSDK2), build a deployment html file out of it and paste the html code to Sharepoint web part. This app will have to access Rally data you want to visualize in a grid, for example.
Also, both Standard Reports and custom reports on Reports>Reports page are generated by legacy analytic service. It does not support the new ApiKey. In the case of StandardReport you need to use old LoginKey.