Rally Custom report integration in Sharepoint 2010 - sharepoint-2010

I have developed a custom report in Rally - and this needs to be integrated in the Sharepoint portal - how do I proceed doing this ( similar to the standard reports working in the API Kit and through Javascript on sharepoint) ?
Am using Sharepoint 2010 and 1.0 version of Rally

As Nick says, there's nothing in the api that will help you here, but you might be able to get what you want "manually". The "shape" of the custom report endpoint url is:
https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/analytics/reports/<id>/run?PROJECT=<project oid>
where <id> is the id of the report (which you can get by hovering over it in the Reports tab index) and <project id> is the id of the project from which to gather data.
(don't bother trying that as is, those are dummy ids). You'll still need to use the appropriate LoginKey.

Custom reports created on Rally's Reports>Reports page do not have an equivalent to StandardReport component in legacy AppSDK1 or StandardReport in AppSDK2. In the absence of a similar wrapper for custom reports it is not possible to display them outside Rally the way Standard Reports can be displayed.
You may however write your own javascript custom app (using AppSDK1 or AppSDK2), build a deployment html file out of it and paste the html code to Sharepoint web part. This app will have to access Rally data you want to visualize in a grid, for example.
Also, both Standard Reports and custom reports on Reports>Reports page are generated by legacy analytic service. It does not support the new ApiKey. In the case of StandardReport you need to use old LoginKey.


How to get Webtop Drl of a document via .net application?

Is it possible to retrieve drl ex:https://host:port /ewebtop/drl/objectId/0900a58e80970f7b of document via .net application?.So that when users clicks on this link they can be able to edit the document and when they close the document the document should be autosaved onto documentum.
First of all: a link is a link. What you decide to do with it I u to you. Default handler in browser will just redirect you to webtop application. If you have SSO you can have the document opened for edit. There are some extra arguments that can be provided (view/edit).
The object id is the only varying part of the URL, so you can easily construct this in code.
Secondly: what is your goal? There is no way to make the document upload itself into Documentum repo. You can write a plugin for every application to handle that, but it seems like a big task - especially dealing with security.
The problem is that upon check-in, user must provide some information - at least about the new version number...
If you're building a thick client in .net I would go with DFS - that's the only real option here.

How to create dynamic report using telerik reporting in Asp.Net MVC

I am new to telerik reporting and want to create dynamic report using it. I browse through telerik official site but most of example given there are in Asp.Net not for Asp.Net MVC, So my question is how to create dynamic report using telerik reporting in Asp.Net MVC. Is any one done this before? I try to create simple report using SqlDataSource and created report template(.trdx file). I used following code to render my report in view
var DataSource = new UriReportSource() { Uri = "MyReportTemplate.trdx" };
but issue with is approach is that my all DB connection info is get stored in MyReportTemplate.trdx template so I want to create report design and store it into template file and dynamically generate data and bind it to template to generate report. By doing this my template(.trdx file) only contain designing part and I bind data to it by passing to it from controller. Is it possible to do that?
Thanks in advance...
Your question is very broad, but hopefully the following can point you in the right direction.
First of all the Telerik Reporting documentation is good enough to show you how to get their reports working with ASP.NET MVC. Their documentation isn't all that well laid out but it is pretty comprehensive.
You can find the documentation relating to creating the client side report viewer at the following: HTML5 Report Viewer - The ASP.NET MVC Extension section is particularly important.
You can then also find the documentation relating to how to setup the API for giving the browser based report viewer access to reports at the following: Web API Implementation
For creating your own approach to how reports are served up to the browser you can use the Report Resolver.
In terms of how this all fits together.
You implement the HTML5 report viewer using the MVC extension you have in your sample code. You also have to link to the appropriate telerik reporting css and javascript files for the viewer to render correctly.
The requests coming from the report viewer will hit the Web API controller you should have implemented (see my second link).
To resolve a report using your own implementation use the custom report resolver.

SSRS - How can I link to a deployed report that uses a reportviewer? How do I get the url to link to report?

Can you please advise me of where I can locate reportviewer url's like the following example...
<a href="http://<Server>/ReportServer/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?%2fMyApp%2fCustom+Reports%2fMyReport&rs:Command=Render"
The situation is, I want to deploy a report but after I deploy it to the server where will I get the url or how can I construct it so that I can point my application to the correct report.
I have been trying to track down some previously deployed reports to see if I can work out the url but I cannot find anything.
That report isn't using the nice "Report Manager" web interface, it is effectively a back-end method for accessing the reports. It is mostly used for programmatically accessing reports via URL generation for parameters and other things.
For more information about the syntax of the URL parameters and how to use them see the following MSDN pages:
URL Access (SSRS)
URL Access Parameter Reference
Pass a Report Parameter Within a URL
If you're just trying to view reports online you might want to use http://server/Reports/ which will load the proper Report Manager interface which is how you would normally manage and view deployed reports.

How to retrieve Salesforce Page Layout Field Properties via API?

The Web interface coded in .NET (Grantee Portal for nonprofits applying for grants) is pulling information from the Salesforce Page Layout.
The Salesforce user we use to connect the Web interface with Salesforce via API has 'view all and edit all' rights
As it is now, if a field is defined as Read-Only on the Page Layout in Salesforce, it is still editable on the web page (the Salesforce User we use has to have 'view all and edit all' rights)
What we are trying to achieve:
IF a field is defined as Read-Only on the Salesforce Page Layout
THEN the same field should be Read-Only on the Web interface page
To achieve the above, I guess that I need to fetch the field property for the Page Layout via API. Any ideas on how to do so?
Thank you!
You'll need Metadata API (the set of webservices that let you add new objects, fields, picklist values or even create classes & run unit tests).
Here's the API Guide: http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/api_meta/index.htm
Depending on how often you modify layouts you might decide "screw it, I'll just use Eclipse IDE". In that case you'd download all page layouts (they're XML files), point your C# app to them and let the magic happen.
Slightly more advanced is to use Migration Tool (Ant / Java based application that can be scripted for periodic download of same stuff).
Super advanced would be to use this API guide to write it in C#. It's not rocket science (here's the specification for Page Layout object and here's the Java sample code for the operation that retrieves the metadata... sorry, no C#). Actually you might be better off looking at this example though: http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/api/Content/sforce_api_calls_describelayout.htm
Seeing that you'll probably want to cache this info somewhere anyway (I can't imagine your user coming to your page, having to wait for the webservice callout to complete, then having his UI rendered) - pick your poison.
Or share the work within the team (1 person kicks off with files downloaded with Eclipse, other tries to figure out the C# code to retrieve them on demand).

custom page in sharepoint 2010

We are currently working on small SharePoint project.
As per our requirement, we need to implement custom check in page with additional drop down list to select File status.
Would like to know whether we can customize default check in page? If yes, How? How to redirect to custom page?
I would argue that what is the purpose of applying the metadata at the check-in status? Can this be a metadata property of the document? And if so it can easily be set in most office clients inside the document bar. Allowing them to retain their built in office client functionality. If this isn't the case. I would suggest using the Client Side Object Model to build a custom action that sets this value and then checks the file in. It would be much easier than creating custom action pages