xkb remap Ctrl+j to be Ctrl+Page_Down - xkeyboard

I already have an .xkb layout file with some stuff going on, basically altgr-intl with HJKL as arrow keys:
xkb_keymap {
xkb_keycodes { include "evdev+aliases(qwerty)" };
xkb_types { include "complete" };
xkb_compat { include "complete" };
xkb_symbols {
include "pc+us(altgr-intl)+inet(evdev)+altwin(swap_lalt_lwin)+capslock(swapescape)"
key <AC06> { [h, H, Left] };
key <AC07> { [j, J, Down] };
key <AC08> { [k, K, Up] };
key <AC09> { [l, L, Right] };
xkb_geometry { include "pc(pc104)" };
I want to remap Ctrl+j to Ctrl+Page_Down (and k/PgUp), but not modify any other Ctrl+* combinations.
I want to have Ctrl+Page_Down easily accessible for navigating tabs in browsers and editors.

This works, keeping altgr-intl intact but extending the HJKL keys, and adding some kind of Control layer:
xkb_keymap {
xkb_keycodes { include "evdev+aliases(qwerty)" };
xkb_types {
include "complete"
type "FOUR_LEVEL" {
modifiers= Shift+LevelThree+Control;
map[Shift]= Level2;
map[LevelThree]= Level3;
map[Control]= Level4;
level_name[Level1]= "Base";
level_name[Level2]= "Shift";
level_name[Level3]= "Alt Base";
level_name[Level4]= "Control";
xkb_compat { include "complete" };
xkb_symbols {
// altgr-intl is *the* best US+Spanish layout, we got really lucky here - no dead keys.
// Swap lalt with lwin, to control xmonad with the key next to spacebar *but* without activating Alt menus on apps all the time.
// Swap capslock with escape not only for vim, but for any application that uses esc to close something.
include "pc+us(altgr-intl)+inet(evdev)+altwin(swap_lalt_lwin)+capslock(swapescape)"
// HJKL vim keys in the AltGr layer, and special Ctrl-J/K remappings for the usual tab navigation.
key <AC06> { [h, H, Left ] };
key <AC09> { [l, L, Right, Left ] };
// Special Control Level4 for tab navigation
key.type = "FOUR_LEVEL";
key <AC07> { [j, J, Down, Page_Down] };
key <AC08> { [k, K, Up, Page_Up ] };
xkb_geometry { include "pc(pc104)" };


How to open open card and verify the content inside then open the second card and verify the content and so on

I need to open the first card and verify that everything inside matches the hashtag 'Fashion' and then do the same for the next 3 cards and then press the 'next' button and do the same for next 4 cards. how would I do it? I tried the regular way by clicking on the element.eq(0) and verifying everything inside and then cy.go('back') and so on but that's so much code duplication. how would I do it the other way?
First 4 cards:
Second 4 cards:
The CSS selector for all of them is the same [class="discover-card"]. please help:) thank you
You can use Cypress's .each() functionality to iterate through elements with the same CSS selector.
cy.get('.discover-card').each(($card, index) => {
// cy.go('back') can cause the list to become detached, so find element by index of original list.
// validations after clicking the card
// unsure on this exact function, but was provided in question
cy.go('back').then(() => {
// if this is the fourth item checked, we need to press the next button.
if ((index + 1) % 4 === 0) {
cy.get('.next-btn').click(); // this selector is the next button on the carousel
If the data between the cards is unique, I'd advise creating a data object you can use to store the data and reference it in your test. You can do this by having each data object have a unique key equal to the text on the card, or by storing them in an array.
// unique keys
const data = { fashion: { foo: 'bar' }, beauty: { foo: 'bar2' }, ... };
// array
const data = [{ foo: 'bar' }, { foo: 'bar2' }, ...];
// unique keys
cy.wrap($card).should('have.attr', 'foo', data[$card.text()].foo);
// array
cy.wrap($card).should('have.attr', 'foo', data[index].foo);
If you are concerned about code duplication, put the common code in a function
const expectedData [
{ index: 1, title:'Fashion', ... } // anything you want to check
{ index: 2, title:'Beauty', ... }
const checkCard = (cardIndex) => {
const data = expectedData[cardIndex]
.should('contain', data.title)
.click() // open card
// test card internals
Cypress._.times(3, (pageNo) => { // loop 3 times between pages
Cypress._.times(4, (cardNo) => { // loop 4 times for cards
const cardIndex = ((pageNo+1) * (cardNo+1)) -1
cy.go.back() // revert to menu

react-select Creatable: override default behavior upon pressing Enter key

I'm using react-select Creatable for my project, and I need to override its default behavior. Currently whenever the user types something in and presses Enter key, it gets added as a new option.
Is there a way to change it to "whenever the user types something in and presses Space bar, it gets added as a new option"?
If you just do
onKeyDown={(e) => {
if (e.key === "Enter") {
...in your component, that'll stop the Enter key from doing anything.
To get the space bar to create a new entry, I think you might want to make a KeyDown handler:
function handleKeyDown(e) {
if (e.key === "Enter") {
if (e.key === "Space") {
// in component:
But I have not tried it yet.
Edit: Solution to keep Enter key from submitting a form the CreatableSelect is embedded within, while still allowing Enter to do react-select's default "create a new entry" behavior:
export function TagEditor({data, handleSave}) {
const [newValues, setNewValues] = useState(...our data mgr);
const [lastKey, setLastKey] = useState('');
const handleChange = (newValue) => {
function handleKeyDown(e) {
/* React Select hack for pages where tags are inside a form element:
Default CreatableSelect functionality is that Enter key creates
the new tag. So we let that happen, but if they hit Enter again,
we kill it so the form doesn't submit. Yes, it's hack-y.
switch (e.key) {
case 'Enter':
if (lastKey === 'Enter') {
return <CreatableSelect
aria-label="Add Tags"
defaultValue={...our data manager function}
onBlur={(e) => {
placeholder="Select or type new..."
styles={our styles...}
Note this hack is needed because we're using stateless functional components, and react-select is still a state-full class component.

How to add custom blocks / containers in Vuepress?

I've set up a website in VuePress and I found that it supports markdown-it's :::danger, :::tip, :::info etc to generate custom containers.
I was wondering if this could be extended in a way, to use for example :::card or :::example or whatever you want.
I found https://github.com/posva/markdown-it-custom-block, but can't find out how to implement it.
This is what've got in my config.js
markdown: {
// options for markdown-it-anchor
anchor: { permalink: false },
// options for markdown-it-toc
toc: { includeLevel: [1, 2] },
extendMarkdown: md => {
md.use(require("markdown-it-container"), "card", {
validate: function(params) {
return params.trim().match(/^card\s+(.*)$/);
render: function(tokens, idx) {
var m = tokens[idx].info.trim().match(/^card\s+(.*)$/);
if (tokens[idx].nesting === 1) {
// opening tag
return (
"<card><summary>" + md.utils.escapeHtml(m[1]) + "</summary>\n"
} else {
// closing tag
return "</card>\n";
Any advice is much appreciated!
The script you have will work with ::: card, in order to get it to work change
extendMarkdown: md => {...
config: md => {...
This took me a while to figure out. It's a version conflict - that's why it's currently not working.

Asynchrounous call issue in Angular 5

I am working with Angular5 , I have a big issue (please see the below code)
In simple words it is a asynchronous execution issue, how to reduce this
let confirmData = {
dlgHeader: 'Add',
msgTxt: 'Are you sure to Add Language!!',
eventName: 'locationmanagement_languages_assign'
this.confirmService.confirmData = confirmData;
(1) this.confirmationService.setShowConfirm(true);
(2) this.confirmAnchor.createConfirmation(ConfirmationComponent);
suc => {
if (suc.eventName == 'locationmanagement_languages_assign') {
in above (1) line of code is responsible to create confirmation.(i have created custom confirmation component)
inside custom confirmation user can click CONFIRM/CANCEL buttons.
I want to stop (2) line code execution until user click CONFIRM/CANCEL buttons in custom confirmation component.
Now i am using as below in language.component.ts ,, but i am calling the getReturnValue() in ngOnInit().
I dont want to use ngOnInit() to get action from custom confirmation component either it is CONFIRM/CANCEL action
ngOnInit() {
assignLanguageEvent() {
this.requestedData = [];
for (let data of this.selectedAssignLanguages) {
id: data.value.id,
set_value: data.value.setValue
console.log('Requested Data::', this.requestedData);
let confirmData = {
dlgHeader: 'Add',
msgTxt: 'Are you sure to Add Language!!',
eventName: 'locationmanagement_languages_assign'
this.confirmService.confirmData = confirmData;
getReturnValueEvent() {
this.subscription1 = this.confirmService.getReturnValue()
suc => {
if (suc.eventName == 'locationmanagement_languages_assign') {

Standalone XULRunner Application ProgressListener

I'm developing a standalone XULRunner application, in which its important to give a user feedback on what is happening when a page is loading. My first implementation was guided by the MDN tutorial. However, this could only work with pages that I open from my code. I had no way of giving a user feedback for links in the body of a document. Further search landed me at a forum thread. Following what this guy did, I could listen to page loading events including state changes, progress changes, and URL location changes. I can now tell when a page starts to load so that I can display the progress bar. I can also tell when the page is fully loaded so that I can hide the progress bar. My code is as shown below:
var myExt_urlBarListener = {
QueryInterface: function(aIID)
if (aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener) ||
aIID.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsWeakReference) ||
return this;
throw Components.results.NS_NOINTERFACE;
onLocationChange: function(aProgress, aRequest, aURI)
//onStateChange: function(a, b, c, d) {},
onStateChange: function(aProgress, aRequest, aFlag, aStatus) {
const STATE_START = Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_START;
const STATE_STOP = Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP;
if(aFlag & STATE_START) {
document.getElementById("progressBar").hidden = false;
if(aFlag & STATE_STOP) {
document.getElementById("progressBar").hidden = true;
return 0;
onProgressChange: function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { return 0; },
onStatusChange: function(a, b, c, d) { return 0; },
onSecurityChange: function(a, b, c) { return 0; }
var myExtension = {
oldURL: null,
init: function() {
// Listen for webpage loads
uninit: function() {
processNewURL: function(aURI) {
if (aURI.spec == this.oldURL)
// alert(aURI.spec);
document.getElementById("statusBar").setAttribute("label", aURI.spec);
// document.getElementById("progressBar").hidden = false;
this.oldURL = aURI.spec;
window.addEventListener("load", function() {myExtension.init()}, false);
window.addEventListener("unload", function() {myExtension.uninit()}, false);
I'm wondering if there's a better way of doing this.
No, using progress listeners is the way to go - that's what Firefox is using to display you status changes while a page is loading. However, I recommend using XPCOMUtils.jsm module to simplify your QueryInterface implementation:
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener,