How to use pentaho data integration for data migration - pentaho

i am new for pentaho,
i have create input mysql and have validator and i want to migrate from mySql to postgreSql
my question is how to drag from input to validators and to output ?

If you hover over the origin step, pops up a line with options, one of them is to create a new hop to another step.
You also have the option of adding another step by double clicking the new step class in the design panel, if you have a step selected in the canvas, the new step is added with the hop created from the selected step to the new one.


operation must use an updateable query in using myapp.exe

I am a newbie and not also good in explaning but i will try my best I hope you understand so here it is. Im trying to create application.exe with ms access database at first it works login and searching but when i try to edit or enter another data using my application.exe this happen operation must use an updateable query but when im not using .exe app no problem show
This is the step by step That i do when executing my app. why did i include this maybe, I don't know and I'm not really sure that the cause of the problem is the way of my executing the application. By the way this is my connection string that I use
Public cn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\DB_HR.accdb;Jet OLEDB:DATABASE PASSWORD=dbhr123;")
Step 1. I put my database the bin/debug
Step 2. I add my data base Solution Explorer
Step 3.I go to the properties of my DB_HR.accdb by right cliking and change the Copy to output Directory to Copy if newer like this
Step 4. I build the windows app just like i do in this picture
Step 5.I change my app.manifest code requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker" uiAccess="false" into highestAvailable just like this
Step 6. I use Setup Wizad to create my executable application. and I add this Files and then I created a
shorcut for my WindowsApp1.exe just like i do in this picture then drag it into user's Desktop Then in the Build menu I click the batch build to create the .exe app
But the problem is still The same operation must use an updateable query
Can you help me please.What should I Do? Thanks in advance
I Found a solution. Try to check your App.config Solution Explorer and Open it.
If the code look like this then You should Add this code then save it.
Then try to execute your program.

add data layer from mxd table of contents in custom arcmap toolbox

Can't find any references for how to add a data layer into a custom toolbox that I made in ArcMap via a dropdown menu instead of navigating to the file location.
The first picture is what the input for my tool lookslike, and the second is a screen shot of the Clip tool which has the dropdown options.
You have not set the parameter type in the script input parameters. This cannot be controlled in the script that you created, but has to be done in the tool (within ArcMap).
For this specific case, I believe Feature Class is the parameter type that you want (if not, Feature Layer -- I honestly haven't done this in ages, and there are quite a few options!)
You can also set options such as whether or not the parameter is required.
See Esri help pages for full details: Setting script tool parameters and Understanding script tool parameters.

IntelliJ DataGrip how to enable add row?

I use the DataGrip for some days now and i really like it but it has a suspicious behavior. In some tables i open i can't add new rows. In other tables of the same database it works fine.
The add row button is disabled and so i can't add new rows.
If there are rows in the table i can remove them but still can't add new.
I searched the web for that but can't find any hint why this happens.
Do somebody know why is that? Is there a configuration or setup to enable adding rows for specific tables?
you have to refresh your database model by synchronizing. right click your scheme then click synchronize (ctrl + alt + y) then you can see add new row button is not disabled.
For me this occurred when the content essentially got messed up, it was a csv been edited in the view or within the standard view. Some commas got removed so it destroyed the validity of the content.
When I went to add a new row, nothing happened in the data view but in the normal view I noticed random commas getting inserted. Honestly just got lucky to notice this, wouldn't have had a clue otherwise!

Cannot edit new locale in Codename One IntelliJ plugin

I am using IntelliJ for Codename One development. I am trying to add a new locale, so the steps I do are the following:
1. Double click the theme.res
2. Click on Localization -> Add Resource Bundle
3. Add a new locale, say "de"
4. Double click on some row, or click "Edit text". Now I expect to be able to write in a value for the new locale, but nothing happens.
My expectations are based on this video and on the developer guide. Am I missing something or this is a bug in the IntelliJ plugin?
There seems to be a regression with the first 5 default entries. If you add a new entry into the designer tool it should work.
The problem is that the new entries are null instead of blank strings and one of our recent fixes failed to account to that. If you set them to a non-null value thru the XML and then try to edit again this should work as expected in the GUI.
We'll fix this in the next plugin update within 3-4 weeks (sometime during September 2016). Since the designer is part of the tooling and not the API it isn't updated every week. The fix is already in git.

expand all node in SQL Reporting Service?

By default when we try use grouping in reports, in output we had collapsed all node in view but this isn't good.
So after searching I found this solution: "use Toggle Item". but when I set value for this property my report crashed and in result I had no filed value in view.
which one is the solution? toggle Item or other way?
(if toggle item is solution post sample as answer)
In reportbuilder 3.0 you have to edit the group properties and change the visibility option to “Show” when the report is first run.
I don’t know exactly where it is on reportbuilder 2.0 but I would imagine this will put you on the right track