Optaplanner: problems with InverseRelationShadowVariable - optaplanner

have a many-1 relationship pupil-formGroup: pupils are assigned to a formGroup and a formGroup can contain many pupils. I have attempted to implement an InverseRelationShadowVariable having watched your video/tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENKHGBMDaCM (which does not quite correspond with the latest optaplanner documentation I realise)
FormGroup extracts
public class FormGroup {
#InverseRelationShadowVariable(sourceVariableName = "formGroup")
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "formGroup", fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private List<Pupil> pupilList = new ArrayList<Pupil>();
public List<Pupil> getPupilList() {
return pupilList;
public Integer getPupilCount() {
return pupilList.size();
Pupil extracts
public class Pupil
#PlanningVariable(valueRangeProviderRefs = "formGroupRange")
private FormGroup formGroup;
Config extracts
I believe I've followed the steps in the videoexactly (don't we all say that) but at solve time I get hundreds of errors... Repetitions of the following
at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.BeanPropertyWriter.serializeAsField(BeanPropertyWriter.java:728)
at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.std.BeanSerializerBase.serializeFields(BeanSerializerBase.java:774)
at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.BeanSerializer.serialize(BeanSerializer.java:178)
Any hint gratefully received...

The InverseRelationShadowVariable creates a bi-directional relationship between the genuine planning entity (Pupil) and the planning value (FormGroup). This may become problematic if you re-use your planning domain classes for other purposes, such as ORM persistence or serialization.
In this case, Jackson is unable to serialize Pupil, because it references a FormGroup, which has a List containing a reference back to that Pupil. See? An endless loop.
Solve this issue by adding the #JsonIgnore annotation on top of your inverse relation property and breaking that loop for Jackson:
public class FormGroup {
#JsonIgnore // THIS IS THE FIX
#InverseRelationShadowVariable(sourceVariableName = "formGroup")
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "formGroup", fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private List<Pupil> pupilList = new ArrayList<Pupil>();
public List<Pupil> getPupilList() {
return pupilList;
public Integer getPupilCount() {
return pupilList.size();


Create object of one type from object of another type with database lookups

I have an application that gets a car entity from a third party database. I call the entity ThirdPartyCar. My application needs to create a Car entity by using data from a ThirdPartyCar. However, the Car entity must also derive some of its data from my application's database. For example, a status of a ThirdPartyCar might be _BOUGHT and through a database lookup my application must transform to Sold.
I currently have a Car constructor that has a ThirdPartyCar argument. But the Car constructor cannot populate the lookup data since it is an entity and entities should not have a reference to a repositories. So, I also have a service to populate the remaining data:
public class ThirdPartyCar {
private Long id;
private String vin;
private String status;
// more props + default constructor
public class Car {
private Long id;
private String vin;
private CarStatus status;
// more props (some different than ThirdPartyCar) + default constructor
public Car(ThirdPartyCar thirdPartyCar) {
this.vin = thirdPartyCar.getVin();
// more props set based on thirdPartyCar
// but props leveraging database not set here
public class CarStatus {
private Long id;
private String status;
public class CarBuilderService {
private final CarStatusMappingRepository repo;
public Car buildFrom(ThirdPartyCar thirdPartyCar) {
Car car = new Car(thirdPartyCar);
CarStatus status = repo.findByThirdPartyCarStatus(thirdPartyCar.getStatus());
// set other props (including nested props) that depend on repos
The logical place to create a Car based on a ThirdPartyCar seems to be the constructor. But I have a disjointed approach b/c of the need of a repo. What pattern can I apply such that all data is created in the constructor but still not have the entity be aware of repositories?
You should avoid linking two POJO classes from different domains in constructor. These two classes should not know anything about each other. Maybe they represent the same concept in two different systems but they are not the same.
Good approach is creating Abstract Factory interface which will be used everywhere where Car should be created from ThirdPartyCar:
interface ThirdPartyCarFactory {
Car createNewBasedOn(ThirdPartyCar source);
and one implementation could be your RepositoryThirdPartyCarFactory:
class RepositoryThirdPartyCarFactory implements ThirdPartyCarFactory {
private CarStatusMappingRepository repo;
private CarMapper carMapper;
public Car createNewBasedOn(ThirdPartyCar thirdPartyCar) {
Car car = new Car();
carMapper.map(thirdPartyCar, car);
CarStatus status = repo.findByThirdPartyCarStatus(thirdPartyCar.getStatus());
// set other props (including nested props) that depend on repos
return car;
In above implementation you can find CarMapper which knows how to map ThirdPartyCar to Car. To implement this mapper you can use Dozer, Orika, MapStruct or your custom implementation.
Other question is how you got ThirdPartyCar object. If you load it by ID from ThirdPartyRepository you can change your abstract factory to:
interface CarFactory {
Car createNew(String id);
and given implementation loads by ID ThirdPartyCar and maps it to Car. Everything is hidden by factory which you can easily exchanged.
See also:
Performance of Java Mapping Frameworks

Exposing both parent and child entities as REST repositories in Spring Data REST

I have a parent child entity configured in a Spring Date REST repository. The parent looks like this
#Table(name = "DPST_DTL")
public class Deposit {
#OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy = "deposit", orphanRemoval=true)
private List<Instrument> instrumentList = new ArrayList<Instrument>();
The child looks like this:
#Table(name = "INSTR_DTL")
public class Instrument {
#JoinColumn(name = "DPST_ID")
private Deposit deposit;
I have defined a RepositoryRestresource for Deposit as follows:
#RepositoryRestResource(collectionResourceRel = "deposit", path = "deposit")
public interface DepositRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Deposit, Long>{
and a same one for Instrument as follows:
#RepositoryRestResource(collectionResourceRel = "instrument", path = "instrument")
public interface InstrumentRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Instrument, Long>{
If I attempt to POST the parent with some child records, I get a message like below:
"message": "Failed to convert from type [java.net.URI] to type [com.XXX.irh.insprc.instrument.Instrument] for value 'countryCode'; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot resolve URI countryCode. Is it local or remote? Only local URIs are resolvable."
"countryCode" happens to be the first field in the child JSON
If I query a the parent with some children, teh resulting JSON does not expant the children and just display a link like this:
"instrumentList": {"href": "http://localhost:9090/deposit/8/instrumentList"}
However if I mark the child repository with exported=false, I am able to get past this issue. But the child entity cannot be exposed via a REST API.
Question is:
Is there anyway I can expose basic CRUD functionalities for both parent and child entities, without writing custom controllers etc.?
I understand that as per DDD best practices my parent is an aggregate that should be exposed via a REST Repository, but I do have some use cases unfortunately where I need independent CRUD functionality for both.
You can use projections:
#Projection(name = "withInstruments", types = Person.class)
public interface WithInstruments {
String getDepositName();
List<Instrument> getInstrumentList();
Then you can GET your entities together:
GET /deposits?projection=withInstruments
"depositName": "deposit1",
"instrumentList": [
"intrumentName": "instrument1",
"intrumentName": "instrument1",
Additional info

NHibernate 4 child collection saved, but not re-loaded

I've got an NHibernate 4 project with several collection relationships. I'm unit-testing the object model, exercising all the collections. Most work fine, but in one case, the child collection is cascade-saved properly, but on loading the parent entity and examining the collection property, the child collection is empty.
Here are the abbreviated classes. GatewayUser is the parent object, and it has a collection of Student. The collection has a private backing property, and AddStudent/RemoveStudent methods.
Further complications: I'm using the NHibernate.AspNet.Identity library for OAuth2 user management, and GatewayUser inherits from IdentityUser. That in turn inherits from the the library's internal base entity class, which is different from my project's own base class.
public class GatewayUser : IdentityUser
public GatewayUser()
public virtual string FirstName { get; set; }
// ...More value properties and OAuth stuff omitted
// students associated with this user
private IList<Student> _students = new List<Student>();
public virtual IList<Student> Students
get { return new ReadOnlyCollection<Student>(_students); }
public virtual GatewayUser AddStudent(Student s)
if (_students.Contains(s))
return this;
s.GatewayUser = this;
return this;
public virtual GatewayUser RemoveStudent(Student s)
if (_students.Contains(s))
return this;
Student is more ordinary; it inherits from my own BaseEntity class, has many value properties, and its own child collection of ProgramApplication items. Interestingly, this collection saves and loads fine; it's got the same structure (private backer, etc.) as the failing collection in GatewayUser.
The mapping is complicated, because the library internally maps its classes with NHiberante.Mapping.ByCode.Conformist classes (which I have no prior experience with).
I'm mapping my own classes with NHibernate automapping, because I have so many classes and properties to map. To get it all working, I copied the library's mapping helper class, and modified it a bit to add my base entity classes to it's list called baseEntityToIgnore. I also had to create a conformist mapping for GatewayUser, since it has a different base entity type, and my automapping wouldn't pick it up.
The unit test looks like this:
public void GatewayUserCascadesStudents()
var u = new GatewayUser() { FirstName = "Mama", LastName = "Bear", UserName = "somebody#example.com" };
var s1 = new Student() { FirstName = "First", LastName = "Student" };
var s2 = new Student() { FirstName = "Second", LastName = "Student" };
using (var s = NewSession())
using (var tx = s.BeginTransaction())
GatewayUser fetched = null;
int count = 0;
using (var s = NewSession())
fetched = s.Get<GatewayUser>(u.Id);
count = fetched.Students.Count;
Assert.AreEqual(2, count);
The generated SQL inserts into both AspNetUsers and GatewayUser (reflecting the inheritance relationship), and inserts two records into Student. All good. On fetching, the SELECT joins the two user tables, and I get a GatewayUser object, but accessing the Students collection does not trigger a SELECT on the Student table. But if I change the mapping to Lazy(CollectionLazy.NoLazy), the SQL to select eagerly load Students appears in the log, but the collection is not populated. If I switch the database from SQLite to Sql Server, I see the student records in the table. The generated SQL (when NoLazy is applied) will fetch them. So on the database end, things look fine.
I have to think my Frankenstein mapping situation is to blame. I'm mixing the library's conformist mapping with Fluent mapping, and there are two different base entity classes. However, the generated schema looks correct, and the save cascades correctly, so I don't know if that's the issue.
Found my own answer. My mapping of the parent class's list was like this:
public class GatewayUserMap : JoinedSubclassMapping
public GatewayUserMap()
Key(g => g.Column("Id"));
Property(c => c.FirstName, m => m.Length(50));
// ... more properties
List(gu => gu.Students, map =>
map.Key(c => c.Column("GatewayUser_Id"));
map.Cascade(Cascade.All | Cascade.DeleteOrphans);
map.Index(li => li.Column("ListIndex"));
map.Access(Accessor.Field | Accessor.NoSetter);
I have a private backing field for the collection. Removing Accessor.NoSetter from the collection mapping fixed it. In fact, it still worked without Accessor.Field -- I guess the mapper does a good job of looking around for one, and using it if found. Changing the name of the private backer from "_students" to "funnyName" prevented the mapper from finding it.

Best way to set transient attribute on entity instance after Metadata.create

I'm currently setting the result of a jpql query on a transient attribute of several instances of entities attached with composition using BeforeDetachEntityListener.
Since I'm also using Metadata.create to create them, I would like to be able to do the same operation after creating them. What's the best way to handle the situation?
You can set values at object creation time with #PostConstruct
public class MyEntity extends StandardEntity {
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "USER_ID")
protected User creator;
protected void init() {
More information about how to initialize data in entities can be found in the docs at Entity Fields Initialization and 5.8.3 Assigning Initial Values

JPA Eclipselink TableGenerator in hierarchy - one generator per class

I'm working with EclipseLink 2.6.1-RC1, I have a class hierarchy that will illustrate below:
public abstract class AbstractEntity implements Serializable {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.TABLE)
private Long id;
.... irrelevant code ....
public class Coupon extends AbstractEntity {
---- irrelevant ...
public class Sector extends AbstractEntity {
.... irrelevant ...
I need to use TableGenerator for id generation purpose. But what I need is that there was a record for each child class in the table of "Sequences". I allready search in different places, but nothing. I know that if i split the declaration of "id" field on every child class it works, but i have moooore of two childrens jaja.
Any help? thanks!!!
Well, after keep searching, i found other's questions similars to mine, but with no answers, and i found a bug in eclipselink due 2013 with this funtionality without further information of release version.
But, in this answer, tells that we can use "Customizer" to change several things of JPA descriptors, so, i change the sequence name in that form, and its works perfect!
public class SequenceCustomizer implements DescriptorCustomizer {
public void customize(ClassDescriptor descriptor) throws Exception {