JPA Eclipselink TableGenerator in hierarchy - one generator per class - eclipselink

I'm working with EclipseLink 2.6.1-RC1, I have a class hierarchy that will illustrate below:
public abstract class AbstractEntity implements Serializable {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.TABLE)
private Long id;
.... irrelevant code ....
public class Coupon extends AbstractEntity {
---- irrelevant ...
public class Sector extends AbstractEntity {
.... irrelevant ...
I need to use TableGenerator for id generation purpose. But what I need is that there was a record for each child class in the table of "Sequences". I allready search in different places, but nothing. I know that if i split the declaration of "id" field on every child class it works, but i have moooore of two childrens jaja.
Any help? thanks!!!

Well, after keep searching, i found other's questions similars to mine, but with no answers, and i found a bug in eclipselink due 2013 with this funtionality without further information of release version.
But, in this answer, tells that we can use "Customizer" to change several things of JPA descriptors, so, i change the sequence name in that form, and its works perfect!
public class SequenceCustomizer implements DescriptorCustomizer {
public void customize(ClassDescriptor descriptor) throws Exception {


Optaplanner: problems with InverseRelationShadowVariable

have a many-1 relationship pupil-formGroup: pupils are assigned to a formGroup and a formGroup can contain many pupils. I have attempted to implement an InverseRelationShadowVariable having watched your video/tutorial (which does not quite correspond with the latest optaplanner documentation I realise)
FormGroup extracts
public class FormGroup {
#InverseRelationShadowVariable(sourceVariableName = "formGroup")
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "formGroup", fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private List<Pupil> pupilList = new ArrayList<Pupil>();
public List<Pupil> getPupilList() {
return pupilList;
public Integer getPupilCount() {
return pupilList.size();
Pupil extracts
public class Pupil
#PlanningVariable(valueRangeProviderRefs = "formGroupRange")
private FormGroup formGroup;
Config extracts
I believe I've followed the steps in the videoexactly (don't we all say that) but at solve time I get hundreds of errors... Repetitions of the following
at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.BeanPropertyWriter.serializeAsField(
at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.std.BeanSerializerBase.serializeFields(
at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.BeanSerializer.serialize(
Any hint gratefully received...
The InverseRelationShadowVariable creates a bi-directional relationship between the genuine planning entity (Pupil) and the planning value (FormGroup). This may become problematic if you re-use your planning domain classes for other purposes, such as ORM persistence or serialization.
In this case, Jackson is unable to serialize Pupil, because it references a FormGroup, which has a List containing a reference back to that Pupil. See? An endless loop.
Solve this issue by adding the #JsonIgnore annotation on top of your inverse relation property and breaking that loop for Jackson:
public class FormGroup {
#JsonIgnore // THIS IS THE FIX
#InverseRelationShadowVariable(sourceVariableName = "formGroup")
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "formGroup", fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
private List<Pupil> pupilList = new ArrayList<Pupil>();
public List<Pupil> getPupilList() {
return pupilList;
public Integer getPupilCount() {
return pupilList.size();

How to Solve Parallel Inheritance Hierarchies when we try to reuse code through inheritance

Recently in a job interview, they ask me "how to solve Parallel Inheritance Hierarchies when we try to reuse code through inheritance". I thought on Aggregation or Composition, but i was a little confused on making an example based on that.
So I decided to leave it pending to deepen concepts later, but after investigating it did not end up forming a precise answer to that question, could someone explain me a solution or an example to this?
Parallel Inheritance Hierarchies makes many unnecessary classes and makes code very fragile and tightly coupled.
For example, we have class Sportsman and its Goal's.
public abstract class Sportsman
public string Name { get; set; }
public abstract string ShowGoal();
and concrete class Footballer:
public class Footballer : Sportsman
public override string ShowGoal()
return new FootballerGoal().Get();
and Runner:
public class Runner : Sportsman
public override string ShowGoal()
return new RunnerGoal().Get();
Then we have their goals:
public abstract class Goal
public abstract string Get();
and its concrete classes:
public class FootballerGoal : Goal
public override string Get()
return "Score 1 goal";
And runner goal:
public class RunnerGoal : Goal
public override string Get()
return "Run 1 km";
Now, it can be seen that if we add new type of sportsman, then we need add a new class to hierarchy of Goal.
We can try to avoid of creation of that hierarchy tree by using dependency injection and extracting method to interface.
At first, we create interface:
public interface IGoal
string Visit(Sportsman sportsman);
and then just implement it:
public class FootballerGoal : IGoal
public string Visit(Sportsman sportsman)
return "Score 1 goal";
and use it in Footballer class:
public class Footballer : Sportsman
public string ShowGoal(IGoal goal)
return goal.Visit(this);
Now we do not have hierarchy tree and we can call it like this:
new Footballer().GetGoal(new FootballerGoal())
There is a good article about Parallel Inheritance Hierarchies.. It proposes some ways to solve this task. Let me show the third way.
Solution 3 Collapse a hierarchy.
Only maintain One hierarchy
Easy to maintain
Breaks SRP fairly often.
So Footballer class would like this:
public class Footballer : Sportsman
public override string ShowGoal()
return new FootballerGoal().Get();
public string GetGoal()
return "Score 1 goal";
And Runner class would like this:
public class Runner : Sportsman
public override string ShowGoal()
return new RunnerGoal().Get();
public string GetGoal()
return "Run 1 km";
The c2 wiki has a page on parallel inheritance hierarchies where ChaoKuoLin lists four possible solutions. I paraphrase them here, along with some context for each. See the original page for a full explanation including advantages, disadvantages, and examples.
Keep the parallel hierarchies.
When the hierarchies have separate responsibilities and each contains many methods.
When maximum flexibility is required.
Keep one of the hierarchies and collapse the other into a class.
When one of the hierarchies can be reduced to a single class, for example by moving some methods to the other hierarchy.
When one of the hierarchies contains few methods.
Collapse the two hierarchies into one.
When the hierarchies have similar responsibilities and each contains few methods.
Keep a partial parallel hierarchy with the rest collapsed.
When you want a middle ground among the previous solutions.
Another solution suggested in the wiki is Mix In and it is also suggested in How to solve parallel Inheritance in UI case?

Recommended strategy to use Value Objects for ID's in Spring Data

Using Value Objects can have a lot of advantages, especially when it comes to the type strictness of it. Using a PersonKey to use a Person (where the PersonKey really is a wrapped Long) is a lot safer than just using a Long or String as-is. I was wondering what the recommended strategy to deal with this in Spring Data is, however. Setting up the Repository is of course a matter of for example using
public interface PersonRepository CrudRepository<Person, PersonKey> {
but I was wondering what the best way to make the PersonKey class would be, having it map easily. Is there a better option than using an EmbeddedKey?
There is two annotations to do it : IdClass or EmbeddedId. I would recommend to use EmbeddedId because you don't have to repeat all of your attributes of your id class into your entity class.
Let's say you use EmbeddedId. It would looks like this :
public class PersonKey {
private Long id;
public class Person {
private PersonKey personKey;
And you will access to your id like this :
select from Person p
But with IdClass, your Person class would look like this :
public class Person {
private Long id;
And you will access like this :
select from Person p

Jackson, how to expose fields when serializing a class which extend a collection?

I have a class that we use for paginated results, as follows:
public class PaginatedList<T> extends LinkedList<T> {
private int offset;
private int count;
private int totalResultCount;
and I'd like Jackson to serialize it like this:
(where the parent list contains the three integer values 1,2 and 3.)
In my first attempt I discovered that Jackson effectively ignores any properties on classes which are assignable to a Collection class. In hindsight, this makes sense, and so I'm now in search of a workaround. A search of SO resulted in two similar questions:
However, both of these resulted in the suggestion to switch from inheritance to composition.
I am specifically looking for a solution that allows the class to extend a collection. This 'PaginatedList' class is part of the common core of the enterprise, and extends Collection so that it can be used (and introspected) as a collection throughout the code. Changing to composition isn't an option. That being said, I am free to annotate and otherwise change this class to support serialization as I described above.
So, from what I can tell, there's two parts I'm missing (what I'm looking for in an answer):
How to get Jackson to 'see' the added properties?
How to get Jackson to label the collection's content as a 'results' property in the JSON output?
(PS: I'm only concerned with serialization.)
Ashley Frieze pointed this out in a comment, and deserves the credit for this answer.
I solved this by creating a JsonSerializer instance as follows:
public class PaginatedListSerializer extends JsonSerializer<PaginatedList> {
public Class<PaginatedList> handledType() {
return PaginatedList.class;
public void serialize(PaginatedList value, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
for (Object entry : value) {
jgen.writeNumberField("offset", value.offset);
jgen.writeNumberField("count", value.count);
jgen.writeNumberField("totalResultCount", value.totalResultCount);
and, of course, register it as a module:
SimpleModule testModule = new SimpleModule("PaginatedListSerializerModule", new Version(1, 0, 0, null, null, null));
testModule.addSerializer(new PaginatedListSerializer());

Repository OO Design - Multiple Specifications

I have a pretty standard repository interface:
public interface IRepository<TDomainEntity>
where TDomainEntity : DomainEntity, IAggregateRoot
TDomainEntity Find(Guid id);
void Add(TDomainEntity entity);
void Update(TDomainEntity entity);
We can use various infrastructure implementations in order to provide default functionality (e.g. Entity Framework, DocumentDb, Table Storage, etc). This is what the Entity Framework implementation looks like (without any actual EF code, for simplicity sake):
public abstract class EntityFrameworkRepository<TDomainEntity, TDataEntity> : IRepository<TDomainEntity>
where TDomainEntity : DomainEntity, IAggregateRoot
where TDataEntity : class, IDataEntity
protected IEntityMapper<TDomainEntity, TDataEntity> EntityMapper { get; private set; }
public TDomainEntity Find(Guid id)
// Find, map and return entity using Entity Framework
public void Add(TDomainEntity item)
var entity = EntityMapper.CreateFrom(item);
// Insert entity using Entity Framework
public void Update(TDomainEntity item)
var entity = EntityMapper.CreateFrom(item);
// Update entity using Entity Framework
There is a mapping between the TDomainEntity domain entity (aggregate) and the TDataEntity Entity Framework data entity (database table). I will not go into detail as to why there are separate domain and data entities. This is a philosophy of Domain Driven Design (read about aggregates). What's important to understand here is that the repository will only ever expose the domain entity.
To make a new repository for, let's say, "users", I could define the interface like this:
public interface IUserRepository : IRepository<User>
// I can add more methods over and above those in IRepository
And then use the Entity Framework implementation to provide the basic Find, Add and Update functionality for the aggregate:
public class UserRepository : EntityFrameworkRepository<Stop, StopEntity>, IUserRepository
// I can implement more methods over and above those in IUserRepository
The above solution has worked great. But now we want to implement deletion functionality. I have proposed the following interface (which is an IRepository):
public interface IDeleteableRepository<TDomainEntity>
: IRepository<TDomainEntity>
void Delete(TDomainEntity item);
The Entity Framework implementation class would now look something like this:
public abstract class EntityFrameworkRepository<TDomainEntity, TDataEntity> : IDeleteableRepository<TDomainEntity>
where TDomainEntity : DomainEntity, IAggregateRoot
where TDataEntity : class, IDataEntity, IDeleteableDataEntity
protected IEntityMapper<TDomainEntity, TDataEntity> EntityMapper { get; private set; }
// Find(), Add() and Update() ...
public void Delete(TDomainEntity item)
var entity = EntityMapper.CreateFrom(item);
entity.IsDeleted = true;
entity.DeletedDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
// Update entity using Entity Framework
// ...
As defined in the class above, the TDataEntity generic now also needs to be of type IDeleteableDataEntity, which requires the following properties:
public interface IDeleteableDataEntity
bool IsDeleted { get; set; }
DateTime DeletedDate { get; set; }
These properties are set accordingly in the Delete() implementation.
This means that, IF required, I can define IUserRepository with "deletion" capabilities which would inherently be taken care of by the relevant implementation:
public interface IUserRepository : IDeleteableRepository<User>
Provided that the relevant Entity Framework data entity is an IDeleteableDataEntity, this would not be an issue.
The great thing about this design is that I can start granualising the repository model even further (IUpdateableRepository, IFindableRepository, IDeleteableRepository, IInsertableRepository) and aggregate repositories can now expose only the relevant functionality as per our specification (perhaps you should be allowed to insert into a UserRepository but NOT into a ClientRepository). Further to this, it specifies a standarised way in which certain repository actions are done (i.e. the updating of IsDeleted and DeletedDate columns will be universal and are not at the hand of the developer).
A problem with the above design arises when I want to create a repository for some aggregate WITHOUT deletion capabilities, e.g:
public interface IClientRepository : IRepository<Client>
The EntityFrameworkRepository implementation still requires TDataEntity to be of type IDeleteableDataEntity.
I can ensure that the client data entity model does implement IDeleteableDataEntity, but this is misleading and incorrect. There will be additional fields that are never updated.
The only solution I can think of is to remove the IDeleteableDataEntity generic condition from TDataEntity and then cast to the relevant type in the Delete() method:
public abstract class EntityFrameworkRepository<TDomainEntity, TDataEntity> : IDeleteableRepository<TDomainEntity>
where TDomainEntity : DomainEntity, IAggregateRoot
where TDataEntity : class, IDataEntity
protected IEntityMapper<TDomainEntity, TDataEntity> EntityMapper { get; private set; }
// Find() and Update() ...
public void Delete(TDomainEntity item)
var entity = EntityMapper.CreateFrom(item);
var deleteableEntity = entity as IDeleteableEntity;
if(deleteableEntity != null)
deleteableEntity.IsDeleted = true;
deleteableEntity.DeletedDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
entity = deleteableEntity;
// Update entity using Entity Framework
// ...
Because ClientRepository does not implement IDeleteableRepository, there will be no Delete() method exposed, which is good.
Can anyone advise of a better architecture which leverages the C# typing system and does not involve the hacky cast?
Interestly enough, I could do this if C# supported multiple inheritance (with separate concrete implementation for finding, adding, deleting, updating).
I do think that you're complicating things a bit too much trying to get the most generic solution of them all, however I think there's a pretty easy solution to your current problem.
TDataEntity is a persistence data structure, it has no Domain value and it's not known outside the persistence layer. So it can have fields it won't ever use, the repository is the only one knowing that, it'a persistence detail . You can afford to be 'sloppy' here, things aren't that important at this level.
Even the 'hacky' cast is a good solution because it's in one place and a private detail.
It's good to have clean and maintainable code everywhere, however we can't afford to waste time coming up with 'perfect' solutions at every layer. Personally, for view and persistence models I prefer the quickest and simplest solutions even if they're a bit smelly.
P.S: As a thumb rule, generic repository interfaces are good, generic abstract repositories not so much (you need to be careful) unless you're serializing things or using a doc db.