Use variables in azure stream analytics properties - azure-stream-analytics

I want to reduce the number of overrides during the deployment of my ASA by using environment variables in my properties.
Having variables defined in the asaproj.json or the JobConfig.json file or a .env file.
"variables": [
"environment": "dev"
Call those variables in a properties file such as an SQL Reference properties input file
"Name": "sql-query",
"Type": "Reference data",
"DataSourceType": "SQL Database",
"SqlReferenceProperties": {
"Database": "${environment}-sql-bdd",
"Server": "${environment}-sql",
"User": "user",
"Password": null,
"FullSnapshotPath": "sql-query.snapshot.sql",
"RefreshType": "Execute periodically",
"RefreshRate": "06:00:00",
"DeltaSnapshotPath": null
"DataSourceCredentialDomain": null,
"ScriptType": "Input"
I could use a powershell script to override values from the ARM variables file generated by the npm package azure-streamanalytics-cicd. It's not clean at all.
I can't find resources about environment variables in azure stream analytics online. Does such a thing exist ? If so, can you provide some piece of documentation ?


Substitute parts of a typed array in ASP.NET core appsettings.json from secrets/environment variables?

We have an ASP.NET Core web app with this appsettings.json:
"Subscriptions": [
"Name": "Production",
"PublishSettings": "<PublishData>SECRET</PublishData>",
"Environments": [
"Name": "Prod",
"DeploymentServiceNames": [
"Name": "Test",
"PublishSettings": "<PublishData>SECRET</PublishData>",
"Environments": [
"Name": "Test1",
"DeploymentServiceNames": [
"Name": "Test2",
"DeploymentServiceNames": [
The PublishSettings values are secret so I want these in my local user secrets file, and in environment variables for my deployments. But, because Subscriptions is an array I'm not sure how. I don't particularly want to swap in the entire Subscriptions section. Is there a way to swap in a single property for each item in such an array, perhaps by defining a key property on the strongly typed subscription model?
When you load configuration in .NET Core, under the hood it's represented as a set of key-value pairs (both key and value have string type) supplied by added configuration providers.
For example, appsettings.json will be represented by JsonConfigurationProvider as the following settings list:
{Subscriptions:0:Environments:0:DeploymentServiceNames:0, api1}
{Subscriptions:0:Environments:0:DeploymentServiceNames:1, api2}
{Subscriptions:0:Environments:0:DeploymentServiceNames:2, api3}
{Subscriptions:0:Environments:0:Name, Prod}
{Subscriptions:0:Name, Production}
{Subscriptions:0:PublishSettings, <PublishData>SECRET</PublishData>}
{Subscriptions:1:Environments:0:DeploymentServiceNames:0, api1}
{Subscriptions:1:Environments:0:DeploymentServiceNames:1, api2}
{Subscriptions:1:Environments:0:Name, Test1}
{Subscriptions:1:Environments:1:DeploymentServiceNames:0, api1}
{Subscriptions:1:Environments:1:DeploymentServiceNames:1, api2}
{Subscriptions:1:Environments:1:Name, Test2}
{Subscriptions:1:Name, Test}
{Subscriptions:1:PublishSettings, <PublishData>SECRET</PublishData>}
As you see JSON structure was flattened and keys are built by joining inner section names with a colon. Array element are added with appropriate index as a name.
If you add another configuration source, e.g. environment variables or another secrets json file, which will have settings with the same keys, it will overwrite the setting.
So if you want to add or overwrite PublishSettings, you could add either another JSON file as configuration source:
"Subscriptions": [
"PublishSettings": "<PublishData>SECRET</PublishData>"
"PublishSettings": "<PublishData>SECRET</PublishData>"
Or add it as environment variables with the following keys:
Such setting override (or addition) is transparent for .NET Core configuration binder. Settings POCO will contain value of PublishSettings from the last configuration source that provides such value.

Set a custom domain for an azure Storage Account through an ARM template

I'm trying to setup an ARM template to set a custom domain for an Azure storage account. I am only running this portion of my ARM template after the storage account is initially setup and a DNS record has been created, but it still fails with this error:
: The custom domain name could not be verified. CNAME mapping from to does not exist.
I've replaced my domain in the error, but the rest is exact. I notice that it looks suspicious since it doesn't list the name of my storage account, but the storage account is named, so I can't figure out how to affect that. Here's the resource definition (again, the account name and domain are replaced, but all else is the same)
"resources": [
"name": "myStorageAccount",
"type": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts",
"location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
"apiVersion": "2017-06-01",
"sku": {
"name": "Standard_LRS"
"dependsOn": [],
"tags": {
"displayName": "Storage Account"
"kind": "BlobStorage",
I can set it to the same custom domain through the Azure portal. It validates fine there. I'm sure I could do it through a separate PowerShell script, but I prefer to do it in the ARM, so as to minimize the need for additional scripts when setting up my environment.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Modeshape binary store in where?

First i config my modeshape configuration file like this:
"storage" : {
"persistence" : {
"type" : "db",
"connectionUrl": "${database.url}",
"driver": "${database.driver}",
"username": "${database.user}",
"password": "${database.password}",
"poolSize" : 5,
"createOnStart" : true,
"dropOnExit" : false
After I create a node and set a property for it and save it in my local environment, I can still find the node and the property in my local environment. But it will can't be found in my colleague local environment.
Then I change the configuration like this:
"storage" : {
"persistence" : {
"type" : "db",
"connectionUrl": "${database.url}",
"driver": "${database.driver}",
"username": "${database.user}",
"password": "${database.password}",
"poolSize" : 5,
"createOnStart" : true,
"dropOnExit" : false
"binaryStorage" : {
"type" : "file",
"directory": "/var/thinkbig/modeshape",
"minimumBinarySizeInBytes" : 5000000
I can find the node and property which created in my local environment, and my colleague also can find it in his local environment. But i can't find the directory of path /var/thinkbig/modeshape.
So I want to know the modeshape binary store from where? Why I add the "binaryStorage" config in the configuration file, everybody can find the node and property? Thanks in advance!
Per the doc for minimumBinarySizeInBytesthe minimum size (in bytes) above which binary values will be stored in the store. Any binary value lower in size will be stored together with the other node information..
This means that binaries smaller than the specified size are stored in the database, rather than the file system. You could change this to a value of 1 byte if you want to ensure that all binaries get stored in the file system .

RequireJS script error when requiring "ReleaseaManagement/Core/RestClient" on TFS 2015 and 2017

I'm creating an tfs hub Extension (2015/2017) and need to read the projects' release defs and create releases also. I know, I could make direkt Rest Calls instead of using the methods of the rest clients. But they seem more comfortable to me.
When I try to get the Restmanagement RestClient, I get:
Script error for: ReleaseManagement/Core/RestClient
In both TFS.2015.2 and TFS.2017
Doesn't the client yet exist on-premise?
You can refer to this article for how to use Rest API in extension to read a release definition: Writing a ReleaseManagement extension for cloning an existing release definition.
The code to read a release definition:
VSS.require(["VSS/Controls", "VSS/Service", "ReleaseManagement/Core/RestClient"],
var rmClient = VSS_Service.getCollectionClient(RM_WebApi.ReleaseHttpClient);
And if you are using typescript, you need to include "ms.vss-releaseManagement-web.release-service-data-external" in the contribution like following:
"contributions": [
"id": "release-status",
"type": "ms.vss-web.hub",
"includes": [ "ms.vss-releaseManagement-web.release-service-data-external" ],
"description": "A hub to show release status",
"targets": [
"properties": {
"name": "hello",
"order": 99,
"uri": "app.html"

List of all environment variables for a Pod

I have a web app on OpenShift v3 (all-in-One), using the Wildfly Builder Image. In addition, I created a service named xyz, to point to an external host+IP. Something like this:
"kind": "Service",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": { "name": "xyz" },
"spec": {
"ports": [
{ "port": 61616,
"protocol": "TCP",
"targetPort": 61616
"selector": {}
I also have an endpoint, pointing externally, but that is not relevant for this question.
When deployed, my program can access an environment variable named XYZ_PORT=tcp://
However, I cannot figure out how to see all the values of all such variables either via the web-console, or using the CLI. Using the web-console, I cannot see it being injected into the YAML.
I tried some of the oc env options, but none seem to list what I want.
Let's say you are deploying kitchensink, then the below CLI should list all the environment variables:
oc env bc/kitchensink --list