Open image folder from device simulator in react native - react-native

I am using react native with android studio simulature (Device). I want to create a button "search image" which opens the folder of the images of the device used as a simulator. Come I can i do? Then after selecting an image from the device images folder, I want to open it in react native and transfer the image to base64.I know thant react native fetch blob is deprecated. How can i do?
<Button title="search image"></Button>


How to open the camera app on ios react native

Tell me how to open the camera app on react-native ios. The below code is not working
You can open the camera in expo using expo image picker library
here's the documentation for u.
Image picker library is also used in cli but with different imports and package installation command is different. Here's the link for u.

Create camera app using react native (Expo)

Is it possible to make a camera app using Expo so that the camera will be opened right after I start the app. The solution I found needs to tap a button 'start camera' after the app is started. But I want my app to open camera without pressing any buttons (right like the native camera app on iOS)

display video in react native project with expo

Im trying to display a video on screen in my react native project (with expo).
I put the video inside the project, and I see the message :
The file is not displayed in the editor because it is either binary or uses an unsupported text encoding
How can I resolve this issue?
As sidverma pointed out, this is a VS Code related error.
You cannot open large files inside the editor as it might crash.
I remember opening large bin files a long time ago with other editors and it would freeze my computer!
Anyhow, you can still use that file inside your React Native application. This is just your editor being careful about opening large files.
If want to use Video in react-native take help of this library: react-native-video
import Video from "react-native-video";
Alternative: Expo LINK

TextInput Not Visible When Keyboard Is Open Expo React Native

This is my view and this happens when I open the soft keyboard, I'm running on the latest Expo and React Native, the TextInput is not seen. I don't have standalone Android and iOS folders so I cannot add things to manifest or can I?
Use a KeyboardAvoidingView.
Here's the link to the doc

React Native Qr code and camera not working properly in IOS

I am using react-native-camera and react-native-qrcode-scanner libraries for scanning qr codes in my app. In android I have tested this and it was working fine, but in IOS I am facing lot of issues. The camera opens successfully on first attempt but after scanning the camera gets freezes and then a blank screen appears instead of camera. I have also given permissions in info.plist file in Xcode related to camera. Here is the code for the QRcode scan which I am using in the app
render() {
return (
Current versions in my app -
react-native - 0.57.5
react-native-camera - 1.10.1
react-native-qr-code-scanner - 1.1.2
Any answer or suggestions would be helpful to me Thanks.