Postman issues with sharepoint API - api

Im getting the grant type error on connecting to sharepoint api.
Grant type is already specified in my body.
Any suggestion on how to fix this.

You should add the query parameters to the request body:


Access Denied Error In Post Shipment APIs

I'm working on Restful API for Post shipment. When I am checking it on Postman It showing me Access Denied Error. Can Anyone Help me ?************
enter image description here
Most likely you are missing a session cookie / authentication at all to access this endpoint. Please check, if there is any authentication required and if so, if the user has enough rights to access this data.


While configuring API in Unqork(No-Code platform) getting error "PARTNER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED" while try to fetch Signed Document.
I have used this API Endpoint - {{baseUrl}}/v2.1/accounts/{{accountId}}/envelopes/{{envelopeId}}/documents/0
And also getting file in UTF-8 format. But when trying to convert it into PDF than getting blank document.
From google searching, it looks like this page may be of help:
In general, you need to get unqork to use OAuth with a DocuSign oauth service provider ( to obtain an access token. Then use that access token in unqork's API calls to DocuSign.
Contact unqork's customer service group for more help.
General information on the problem
PARTNER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED more information error message
Are you using legacy authentication or OAuth authentication? Only OAuth is supported for new integrations.
You must obtain an access token to make API calls. You can obtain an access token via OAuth.
See the docs. Or a video.
If you want more help, ask a new question and provide more information on exactly what you have tried and what is or is not working.

Gmail API- Metadata scope does not support 'q' parameter

I'm trying to use Gmail API for my web app. What I want is get messages which has attachment file and I'm following this tutoral.
The problem is when I use 'q' parameter, it return the error: Metadata scope does not support 'q' parameter
My request URL
Note: My authorize scopes are:
The error message occurs when is included in the scopes. But in your scopes, it is not used. So please confirm the following points again.
If the refresh token is retrieved in your script, please remove it and authorize again using the scopes without
If you use Google APIs Explorer, please remove Google APIs Explorer at
Please login and remove it.
After you did above, please use the API of endpoint by authorizing using the scopes without
If this was not useful for you, I'm sorry.

passing credential in HttpWebRequest In UrabanCode Deploy

I am using HttpwebRequest to pull list of all Components from Urban-code Deploy to my application. I have used my own credential in the code(C#) to access it. It is working fine. Now, i have to use the Service account that my company has, in order to pass the credential. I tried using DefaultCredential and defaultNetworkcredential but getting same error--Unauthorized access. Any help!!! Thank u!!!
You got an answer on the UrbanCode forum here:
You just need a user account in the system with permissions to access the data. Accessing data via REST API requires the same permissions as through the UI. There's no way to bypass that.

Getting Invalid Authsub Token Error 403

I am trying to authenticate my application using Blogger API but when user grant access to the application and blogger api return the token and the token i use to exchange the by sending the request on it return an error called Error 403 Invalid AuthSub Token. Kindly help me in this regard to debug the problem and solve it. Thanks in Advance
after doing some experiment, here it is some advice :
change secure to zero
make sure you are requesting from http for and request in http again in future
it's worked like a charm for me...