IHP - What all does`ihp-app-to-docker-image` command do? - ihp

I generated a docker image for my IHP Pro app with ihp-app-to-docker-image as shown in the documentation.
Is this image production ready or do we have to update Config.hs as shown under Deploying on Bare Metal and then generate the docker image.


Is there any way to testing React Native project using HMS Toolkit cloud debugging?

I found huawei have HMS Toolkit Cloud Debugging for testing, is it support for React Native? or is there any way to install our apps into the cloud device?
You cannot run the react-native run-android command to directly perform debugging. You need to run the gradlew assembleDebug command to package the full APK and upload the APK to Cloud Debugging for testing.
You could directly access the CloudDebugging menu on the AppGallery Connect, as shown in the following figure:
Then select an appropriate test machine and upload the APK file for test.
According to the R&D team, we didn't have a specific adaptation for React Native. But if your app works fine on your test machine, it should be fine on Cloud Debugging as well.
To install app on Cloud Debugging, please download the HMS Toolkit plug-in in Android Studio firstly, then start Cloud Debugging and click Run app in the IDE to start the installation.
Pls kindly refer to the following link for more info:
How to install HMS Toolkit plug-in?
What is Cloud Debugging?

How to publish Appcelerator app to google playstore / Apple store?

Helo Everyone.
I'm newbie in Appcelerator Titanium and mobile apps development as well, and trying to know on how to publish or distribute my appcelerator apps to google playstore / apple store?
thank you.
Once you create a distribution build you can look up the normal App Store/Play Store documentation on how to publish your app inside the store.
The only think in Titanum you have to do is to create those builds (IPA, APK). You can have a look here
or use the packages for Atom/VS Code
where you can use the GUI to create those builds.
To create your certificates I recommend looking at the official documentation:
Once you have those keys you can select them in Atom/Vscode and click the distribution buttons.
Of course you can also use the CLI:
# android to store/file
appc ti build -p android -K /home/user/keyfile.keystore -T dist-playstore
# iOS ipa/device/store: will show you a menu to select the different profiles
appc ti build -p ios --target ?

AWS CodeBuild issues with apk build

I am using AWS CodeBuild to trigger the apk build for react native app. Facing issue with android home not found. I am pulling the source code from GitHub and in buildspec.yml have passed "apt update && apt install android-sdk"
If you are using the CodeBuild curated image, the Android curated images will have the Android SDK pre-installed and ANDROID_HOME environment variable available.

Worklight 6.1 - App Center Mobile Client error

I'm currently trying to build the mobile client for IOS. There are 2 issue currently lingering:
The mobile client will be used for user to download the app from our test server. When i build, i run the Build Setting and Deploy Target script and tick the checkbox to deploy for another server. However i'm not sure the context path need to be put as what, the current default is /IBMAppCenter
When i try run the app center in the XCode simulator, the app center keep running with a loading icon. I check the log and found that it says:
ERROR: Plugin 'com.ibm.mobile.InstallerPlugin' not found, or is not a CDVPlugin.
Check your plugin mapping in config.xml
I check my native folder (ipad\native\CordovaLib) and true enough, the CDVPlugin was not in the plugin folder, but when i look into the Classes folder, the header (.h) and implementation (.m) files are there. How should i configure to make it work?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
About question 1:
The deploy target is irrelevant. It is only relevant for "normal" Worklight applications that are managed by a Worklight Console (so you must specify on which server your Worklight Console runs). But the Application Center client is not managed by any Worklight Console. All what you do is to build the environment, create the IPA and upload it to the Application Center server. Therefore, please only use the "Build all environments" menu item and ignore anything with deploy target!
See here: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/wrklight/v6r1m0/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.worklight.appadmin.doc%2Fappcenter%2Ft_ac_proj_imp_build.html
About question 2:
The Application Center mobile client for iOS should be in the iphone environment, not in the ipad environment. The code in the iphone environment folder should work for ipad as well but you cannot generate an ipad environment for the Application Center client, as well as you cannot delete the iphone environment and regenerated it via File > New > Environment, because when you do that, the libAppCenterInstallerLib.a gets deleted. You must take the project as it was in your original installation.
Please check IBMAppCenter/apps/AppCenter/iphone/native/appCenterLib. This should contain subdirectories (for Release, Debug ...) which contain libAppCenterInstallerLib.a. The error message that you see means that it cannot find this library; probably because you deleted the iphone environment or because you attempted to create an ipad environment.

How do I create a production build/minified scripts for Sencha Touch app?

There doesn't seem to be documentation on how to build a production mode app for ST2 using Sencha Cmd utility on their web site anywhere. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
There is no difference in command to build your app between SDK Tools and Sencha Cmd:
To build your app for testing:
sencha app build testing
To build your app for production deployment:
sencha app build production
To package your application for distribution on App Stores:
sencha app build native
Here's the building documentation but which seems to be outdated:
#Eli is it still necessary to create the JSB file first which checks which classes are needed? In the Sencha Doc it says thats needed and should be done like this:
sencha create jsb -a index.html -p app.jsb3
and then the the app will be built from it:
sencha build -p app.jsb3 -d ./
Does anyone know whether the JSB-step is necessary? I'm on Sencha Touch 2.2.0