dbt - no output on variable flags.WHICH - dbt

My issue resides on the fact that when I invoke via Jinja the variable {{ flags.WHICH}} it returns no output.
I am trying to use this variable to get what type of command the DBT is running at the moment, either a run, a test, generate, etc.
I am using the version dbt 0.18.1 with the adapter SPARK

flags.WHICH was not introduced until dbt 1.0. You'll have to upgrade to get that feature. Here is the source for the flags module, if you're interested about the flags available in your version.
Note that in jinja, referencing an undefined variable simply templates to the empty string, and does not raise an exception.


Missing Template Arguments for pcl::gpu::EuclideanClusterExtraction in PCL-1.12

I am trying this example to use PCL with GPU and get the error
~/gpu-pcl/main.cpp:85: error: missing template arguments before ‘gec’
pcl::gpu::EuclideanClusterExtraction gec;
I have tried that example with pcl-1.11.1 and it worked well .But when updated to pcl-1.12.1, I get that error.
My work environment:
Ubuntu 18.04,
with Cmake version 3.20,
Is there anything that I have missed out??
In the documentation of pcl1.12:
class pcl::gpu::EuclideanClusterExtraction< PointT >
EuclideanClusterExtraction is a template class, thus the type of point of the point cloud is needed in the position of PointT, for example, PointXYZ.[https://pointclouds.org/documentation/classpcl_1_1gpu_1_1_euclidean_cluster_extraction.html#details]

Passing Environment variable to Mainframe JVM

I am running a JAVA Mainframe JAR. It is working successfully using the IBM JVMLDM fro z/OS. My next step was to integrate an in-house logging framework. I am required to pass several environment variables(user system properties) into the JVM using a STDENV DD statement in the JCL. I am using the environment variables provided by IBM (documentation) within a PARM file as follows:
IJO="$IJO -DCAR_PROP=6123548595"
I am also using the following environment variable in a similar manner:
IJO="$IJO -DCAR_PROP=6123548595"
Neither of these options are working as the property still fails to be captured by the JAR. Looking for some insight as to what might be the issue with the statement with which I may not be familiar.
Does using lower-case export work? i.e.
IJO="$IJO -DCAR_PROP=6123548595"

List all bamboo variables in inline script

I have alot of Bamboo variables defined due the fact that i have a system with alot of legacy and config at places where it does not belong. Getting rid of all this will take a bit longer on the roadmap so i need to find a way to auto replace all these values.
The number im talking about is that there are 8 customer config files with each about 100 variables. Indeed, there was a maniac who added all of those in Bamboo because as you might thought most of them are variable for each environment.
At this moment i want to automate the deployment process and all is going fine exact the fact that i need to replace 100 variables and i dont want to maintain it in my script itself all the time.
I am looking for a way to retrieve all the variables in an array so i can just iterate through all the keys and try to replace them at the config files.
echo "${bamboo.application.myvalue}" will replace the value as expected. The only problem is, how can i get all the keys under bamboo.*
I tried it with the following functions but all without success:
All above without success. How can i retrieve a list of all those variables as inline script in Bamboo.
Thanks alot
I think it is not possible to change the value of the variables on the fly. Instead, you can use the "Inject Bamboo variables" task in order to be able to change the variable value.
This task reads a file to create the variables. So, all you have to do is to create this file with the values you need, and then use this variables.
E.g.: Creating a file from a powershell script:
$path = 'bambooVariaveis.properties'
$connectionstringX = 'connectionstring="Data Source=XXXX;"'
$Utf8NoBomEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding($False)
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($path, $connectionstringX, $Utf8NoBomEncoding)
E.g: Inject Bamboo Variables config
Using it (in a subsequent script task):
echo ${bamboo.inject.connectionstring}

getting a "need project id error" in Keen

I get the following error:
Keen.delete(:iron_worker_analytics, filters: [{:property_name => 'start_time', :operator => 'eq', :property_value => '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z'}])
Keen::ConfigurationError: Keen IO Exception: Project ID must be set
However, when I set the value, I get the following:
warning: already initialized constant KEEN_PROJECT_ID
iron.io/env.rb:36: warning: previous definition of KEEN_PROJECT_ID was here
Keen works fine when I run the app and load the values from a env.rb file but from the console I cannot get past this.
I am using the ruby gem.
I figured it out. The documentation is confusing. Per the documentation:
The recommended way to set keys is via the environment. The keys you
KEEN_MASTER_KEY. You only need to specify the keys that correspond to
the API calls you'll be performing. If you're using foreman, add this
to your .env file:
KEEN_WRITE_KEY=yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy KEEN_READ_KEY=zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz If not,
make a script to export the variables into your shell or put it before
the command you use to start your server.
But I had to set it explicitly as Keen.project_id after doing a Keen.methods.
It's sort of confusing since from the docs, I assumed I just need to set the variables. Maybe I am misunderstanding the docs but it was confusing at least to me.

Undefined global variable when using QuestaSim

I have a variable defined in foo_const.v which is defined like this in foo_const.v:
localparam NUM_BITS = 32;
Then I have another file foo_const_slice.v which does this:
This compiles fine with the vcs command:
vcs -sverilog foo_const.v foo_const_slice.v
But when I try to use QuestaSim:
vlog -work work -sv foo_const.v foo_const_slice.v
I get the following error message:
** Error: foo_const_slice.v(46): (vlog-2730) Undefined variable: 'NUM_BITS'.
The problem is that by default, each file that vlog compiles goes into a separate compilation unit, just like C/C++ and many other languages. By default, vcs concatenates all files together into a single compilation unit.
Although there is a way to change the default (you can look it up in the user manual), the proper way to code this is to put your parameters in a package, and import the package where needed.