How add server control panel codesandbox to my vue project? - vuejs2

I have vue project in codesandbox, but I would like add secret keys into my project (like token) for correct start project. How I can do it?
Or may be you can advice method for hiding token in my vue project on codesandbox?


Adding VUE js to an existing Electron App

I have an existing Electron APP with hand coded HTML all over the place and a lot of copy pasted code.
I would like to slowly integrate VUE to reduce the copy pasted components.
All the articles I find assume I use "vue add electron-builder" and start a project from scratch.
How can I add VUE to an existing complete Electron Append migrate 1 component at a time?
here I've found a link. You can add Vue to your project however you like it.
You can use vue create news-app command and add electron builder top of it.

how to enable hot reload in newly created vue js project?

I am new to Vuejs. I have created a Vuejs project, but I have to re-run the project each time to reflect the changes in browser. The project is created by(default vue 3)
vue create projectname
Look into VITE. It's made by the same guy who made vuejs. It does what you're asking about with Hot module replacement (changes made show up instantly in the browser). It's amazing. I'm not sure if you can update an existing project to use vite, but it's dead easy to start a new vue3 project with vite.

Nuxt PWA with themes based on api informations

As part of an agency project, we are working on a PWA that needs to be able to change its theme if an api tells it to.
The pwa already builds its manifest.json from the information returned by our api (via a nuxt plugin executed before rendering).
For theming we have several tracks but this deposit seems to be a good example of what is feasible :
Is it possible via a nuxt plugin (or a module via hooks) to modify the currently selected theme? (i.e. to tell our PWA to get its views first in the selected theme folder) ?
As of right now, it looks like this is not doable with #nuxtjs/pwa module, but you can maybe get some inspiration to make your own solution.
Give a read to this answer and the thread overall:
Having to manually handle workbox may be a solution: or use a totally hand-made solution of course.

Implementation of Login and Registration with help of VueJs

I would like to build an admin panel in vue js from scratch. I have install AdminLte theme via npm and copy the contents of header,sidebar and footer in components.My server side technology is Laravel.
Now I would like to build login and registration features in Vuejs so that only DB communication depends on laravel but I am confused and not sure about how to approach this?
Anyone can me with any ideas?

Adding Routing to a Vue.js cli 3.0 app

The new Vue.js 3.0 plugin architecture is nice, but it seems to to be missing a router plugin. If I choose not to install routing when I first create the project (vue create my-project), I'd expect that I could change my mind later and add routing with something like vue add #vue/router, but that plugin doesn't appear to exist. Is there a way to add routing from the CLI after the fact?
After some experimenting with vue-cli3, i found that you can use vue add to setup components you missed.
Use vue add router That set up the routing and created some sample components Home and About.
This also work for other modules like adding vuetify with vue add vuetify. You can read more about vue add from the plugins and presets guide
Have a look at the issue page here:, the conclusion is you can't use cli to add router if you didn't choose router initially.
With three reasons:
Late-adding router when you've already modified the entry file is extremely fragile.
If you haven't modified the file much, you can just re-generate the project instead.
If we only add the dependency and skip the file-modifying part, then it's easier to just npm install vue-router or yarn add vue-router.