Expected Name found { ; tring to find objects with specific field value - express

I'm trying to get familiar with graphql. So I have an entity called Car in BE. And I have only Cars exposed.
Now I'm trying to find all the cars from Cars, where year(launch) is certain say 2001. It's actually a variable. Now I think the following query should work.
query GetCars($y: String!) {
cars({ year: $y }) {
But it gives me error saying, Expected Name found {, it throws the error at the second dollar sign.
filters and where is also undefined.
Can anyone give me some hint to resolve this problem?
Using: GraphiQL

In cars({ year: $y}) the name of your argument is missing - arguments always need to have a name in GraphQL and the name of your arguments and their GraphQL type are defined in your schema.
Assuming your cars fields has an argument called year in your schema, you need to rewrite your query to: cars(year: $y).
Assuming your cars fields has a filter or something like that defined in the schema and that filter expects an input object type that has - maybe among others - a field year, you would write: cars(filter: { year: $y }).


Why does GraphQL query work with the "query" keyword before the curly braces?

I created a small API for authors and books as example. The problem is that I don't understand why a query can look different but still get me the same output. I've included 3 examples.
The GraphQL query looks like this:
author(id: 1) {
Why is this query working if within the query is the keyword "query" two times? When I write the query like this:
author(id: 1) {
it also works, and when I write it like that:
author(id: 1) {
It is not working. Why is that so?
GraphQL specifies three types of operations:
query – a read‐only fetch.
mutation – a write followed by a fetch.
subscription – a long‐lived request that fetches data in response to source events.
What you are sending to your server is a JSON object with a single property (query) the value of which is a GraphQL document that represents your actual request to the GraphQL service. This property is (unfortunately) called query by convention but it has nothing to do with the actual operation inside the document you are sending.
Any operation included in your GraphQL document must follow this format:
OperationType [Name] [VariableDefinitions] [Directives] SelectionSet
Name, VariableDefinitions and Directives are all optional. The OperationType is one of query, mutation or subscription. SelectionSet is the collection of fields you are requesting for that operation type. Only selection sets are wrapped in curly brackets. In your example, you have two selection sets -- one containing the author field and one containing the name field.
There's an exception to the above called query shorthand:
If a document contains only one query operation, and that query defines no variables and contains no directives, that operation may be represented in a short‐hand form which omits the query keyword and query name.
In other words if your operation:
is a query
is the only operation in the document
contains no variable definitions or directives
You can omit the query keyword and the operation name. This leaves you with just a selection set, which is wrapped in a set of curly brackets.
So your first two examples are equally valid. The third example is not valid because author is not a valid operation kind.
The first query key on your examples is a requirement from GraphQL to actually call the endpoint, it has to be present to actually run queries or mutations. You can see it in the docs.
The first example works because at the root of a GraphQL Schema there has to be an action with keywords query or mutation, and in your case you are triggering a query.
The second example works because if you don't define what type of action (query or mutation) on your request, it always defaults to execute a query.
The third example does not work because you don't have the action author at the root of your Schema.
I guess the first keyword query is what makes some confusion in this case.

Is it possible to access argument subfield in graphql query?

I'm looking for a way of accessing the subfield of query argument (object) without passing it as a separate argument.
Here is the detailed case which explains why I need this.
I have the following schema:
type Query {
users(input: getUsersInput!):[User]
type User {
_id: ID!
name: String!
isAdmin(platformId: ID!)
type getUsersInput {
platformId: ID!
search: String
#...some other query params
So now I want to query users for of specific platform and check if they are admins. Something like that:
query getUsers($input: getUsersInput!) {
users(input: $input) {
isAdmin(platformId: $input.platformId)
However referencing platformId with $input.platformId gives an error.
I can pass platformId into the query as an extra argument, but I'd like to avoid.
I guess the solution might be in several directions:
There is another syntax/way of getting access to the subfield of a query argument. However, I haven't seen any example of it.
Build a schema or queries another way.
Would be happy to get any help and thoughts on this.

How do I implement, for instance, "group membership" many-to-many in Parse.com REST Cloud Code?

A user can create groups
A group had to have created by a user
A user can belong to multiple groups
A group can have multiple users
I have something like the following:
Parse.Cloud.afterSave('Group', function(request) {
var creator = request.user;
var group = request.object;
var wasGroupCreated = group.existed;
if(wasGroupCreated) {
var hasCreatedRelation = creator.relation('hasCreated');
var isAMemberOfRelation = creator.relation('isMemberOf');
Now when I GET user/me with include=isMemberOf,hasCreated, it returns me the user object but with the following:
hasCreated: {
__type: "Relation"
className: "Group"
isMemberOf: {
__type: "Relation"
className: "Group"
I'd like to have the group objects included in say, 'hasCreated' and 'isMemberOf' arrays. How do I pull that using the REST API?
More in general though, am I approaching this the right way? Thoughts? Help is much appreciated!
First off, existed is a function that returns true or false (in your case the wasGroupCreated variable is always going to be a reference to the function and will tis always evaluate to true). It probably isn't going to return what you expect anyway if you were using it correctly.
I think what you want is the isNew() function, though I would test if this works in the Parse.Cloud.afterSave() method as I haven't tried it there.
As for the second part of your question, you seem to want to use your Relations like Arrays. If you used an array instead (and the size was small enough), then you could just include the Group objects in the query (add include parameter set to isMemberOf for example in your REST query).
If you do want to stick to Relations, realise that you'll need to read up more in the documentation. In particular you'll need to query the Group object using a where expression that has a $relatedTo pointer for the user. To query in this manner, you will probably need a members property on the Group that is a relation to Users.
Something like this in your REST query might work (replace the objectId with the right User of course):

kohana ORM question

i am using kohana ORM in order to get some results from the database. My problem is: even though i have consulted the documentation, i can't find a way to select only the column i am interested in. To be more explicit, i have:
$sale_stock = Model::factory('product_type')
->where('product_type_id','=', $id )
-> find_all();
var dumping it, it selects me all the "SELECT product_type.* from product_type where etc".
But i want to select only the 'stock' field from the salestock table. doing find('stock') instead find_all() returns a weired object... Where am i wrong, and how can i actually select only the column 'stock' using kohana orm?
thank you!
ORM methods find() and find_all() always select all table columns, so there is two ways to get specified fields:
Load full table rows and get columns
from it:
$sale_stock = Model::factory('product_type')
->where('product_type_id','=', $id )
-> find_all();
// get array of id=>stock values
$columns = $sale_stock->as_array('id', 'stock');
Create special method in model using
Query Builder:
// model Model_Product_Type
public function get_stocks($product_type_id)
return DB::select(array('stock'))
->where('product_type_id', '=', $product_type_id)
I realise this isn't exactly what you're looking for, but I've pulled the following from the Kohana documentation ...
$articles = ORM::factory('article')->select_list('id', 'title');
foreach ($articles as $id => $title)
// Display a list of links
echo html::anchor('articles/'.$id, $title);
// Display a dropdown list
echo form::dropdown('articles', $articles);
You could think of it as a discount, two fields for the price of one.
It's common practice for ORMs to return a 'non-standard' object when partial model or merged model fields are requested. This prevents confusing operations using the original object (ie. how do you save an object when it contains only 2 of 8 fields, plus maybe some fields from another model?).
If you print_r the object, and give me an indication of how that looks ... it might be just what you want.
I know this is an old question, but i found maybe easier solution:
$sale_stock = ORM::factory('product_type')
->where( 'product_type_id','=', $id )

Extract Drupal encoded data using MySQL from Ubercart table

I am writing an integration piece between Drupal/Ubercart and a in-house admin system.
The customer uses Ubercart products with attributes (e.g. a Plaque, which can contain a name, a company, a registration date and month). When an order is placed, the values entered for the attributes are written to uc_order_products, where the data field contains the actual values entered by the user. As far as I can tell, this is the only place where product attributes values, as entered by an end user to place an order, is stored.
The encoded attribute values uses a format seen all over Drupal tables to encode objects:
a:3:{s:10:"attributes";a:4:{s:26:"Name (to appear on plaque)";a:1:{i:0;s:10:"Some
Namee";}s:7:"Company";a:1:{i:0;s:28:"Some Company Name Goes here_";}s:19:"Certification
Month";a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}s:18:"Certification Year";a:1:
And expanded, it looks like this:
s:26:"Name (to appear on plaque)";
s:10:"Some Namee";
s:28:"Some Company Name Goes Herep";
s:19:"Certification Month";
s:18:"Certification Year";
I there a simple way to get to the individual field values within this text using SQL? I can write a SQL function to go look for specifics, but I'd like to know if someone knows of an existing MySQL approach (perhaps within Drupal) which would do this.
That's a serialized array, meaning data that was processed by PHP's serialize() function before Drupal inserted it into the database. Use the opposite function unserialize() to turn that string back into an array.
Don't know if any built-in solution exists, but I ended up writing a SQL Function which takes as parameter text such as Name (to appear on plaque). The function then locates the text and extracts the succeeding { ... } block and from it retrieves the corresponding string value. Rough, but works in this case.
If someone has a better solution, I'd like to hear about it!