Printing Name and value of configuration webapps of azure in powershell script - azure-powershell

I written some code in PowerShell script to print the configuration of one web app using azure portal. But I struck in between that exactly I want to print names and values in config of particular web app like development environment...
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass Connect-AzAccount $subscriptions = Get-AzSubscription Write-Host "Subscription:" MDD-NU-01 -Separator "" Set-AzContext -Subscription MDD-NU-01 $srcResourceGroup = "d1-sap-rg52" $srcAppName = "d1-sap-web-l521" $srcAppServer = Get-AzWebApp -ResourceGroupName $srcResourceGroup -Name $srcAppName $srcAppSettings = $srcAppServer.SiteConfig.AppSettings
1.uptohere its connecting in config appsettings
2.In appsetting there are names and value will there
3.After this i struck here the logic should give the output like print all the name and value in configuration of web app("d1-sap-web-l521")
Please anybody help me out.
Thank you

You can directly get the required information of WebApps using Get-AzureRmWebApp. Below is the script that worked for me.
$WebAppInfo = Get-AzureRmWebApp -ResourceGroupName <YourResourceGroupName> -Name <YourWebAppName>
$Configurations = $WebAppInfo.SiteConfig.AppSettings
In portal:


How can you create a new storage container on a storage account using CloudShell?

I've googled this for hours and found little code snippets in bash and powershell but the ones that don't error completely end up giving me a 403. Here's my script this far.
$resourceGroupName = "MyResourceGroup"
$storageAccountName = "MyStorageAcc"
$containerName = "mynewcontainer"
$storageAccKey = (Get-AzStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -AccountName $storageAccountName)[0].value
$storagecontext = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName $storageAccountName -StorageAccountKey $storageAccKey
New-AzureStorageContainer -Name $containerName -Permission Container -Context $storagecontext
I originally didn't get the storage account key, but after that gave me a 403 I started looking into potential reasons for the error and many suggested getting the storage account key. However this still doesn't work. What am I missing?
I found this:, which suggests it's an issue with the ip address you're connecting from. However, I've added my ip address and still get the same issue.
Update 2
I couldn't find a sufficient way to do this through a script so decided to do it as part of the initial creation using the ARM template.
Make sure your user account login the Azure powershell(if using cloud shell, the account is which you login the portal) has the correct RBAC role e.g. Storage Account Contributor at your storage account/group/subscription, if not, follow this to add it.
Besides, you mixed the old AzureRM command New-AzureStorageContainer with the new Az command Get-AzStorageAccountKey, New-AzStorageContext, it may cause you to use a wrong context, change the last line as below.
New-AzStorageContainer -Name $containerName -Permission Container -Context $storagecontext

How to add AD Administrator to Azure SQL Managed Instance with Powershell

I need to add AD administrator to Azure SQL Managed Instances through PowerShell in order to automate deployments.
But it seems there's no way to do it with Azure PowerShell or the REST APIs.
So far I've been trying to set it up like a normal SQL Server.
$sql = Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupName "RSGName" -Name "InstanceName"
-ResourceType "Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances" -ExpandProperties
$dbaId = Get-AzureRmADGroup -DisplayName "ADGroupName" | Select-Object Id
Set-AzureRmSqlServerActiveDirectoryAdministrator -DisplayName "ADGroupName"
-ResourceGroupName "RSGName" -ServerName "InstanceName" -ObjectId $dbaId.Id
But it is giving me errors saying the Server cannot be found on the resource group.

Create AD application with VSTS task

I am trying to create a VSTS task, which should create an AD application.
Taken the DeployAzureResouceGroup as a sample, I have created to following script:
Trace-VstsEnteringInvocation $MyInvocation
Import-VstsLocStrings "$PSScriptRoot\Task.json"
$connectedServiceNameSelector = Get-VstsInput -Name "connectedServiceNameSelector" -Require
$connectedServiceName = Get-VstsInput -Name "connectedServiceName"
$connectedServiceNameClassic = Get-VstsInput -Name "connectedServiceNameClassic"
$domains = (Get-VstsInput -Name "domains").Split(";")
$appName = Get-VstsInput -Name "appName"
if($connectedServiceNameSelector -eq "ConnectedServiceNameClassic")
$connectedServiceName = $connectedServiceNameClassic
$action = $actionClassic
$resourceGroupName = $cloudService
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\ps_modules\VstsAzureHelpers_
# Import the loc strings.
Import-VstsLocStrings -LiteralPath $PSScriptRoot/Task.json
# Import all the dlls and modules which have cmdlets we need
Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\DeploymentUtilities\Microsoft.TeamFoundation.DistributedTask.Task.Deployment.Internal.psm1"
Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\DeploymentUtilities\Microsoft.TeamFoundation.DistributedTask.Task.Deployment.dll"
# Load all dependent files for execution
. "$PSScriptRoot\Utility.ps1"
$azureUtility = Get-AzureUtility "$connectedServiceName"
Write-Verbose "Loading $azureUtility"
. "$PSScriptRoot\$azureUtility"
Write-Output "test"
Write-Output "Creating a new Application in AAD (App URI -)" -Verbose
$azureAdApplication = New-AzureRmADApplication -DisplayName "test" -IdentifierUris "" -HomePage ""
$appId = $azureAdApplication.ApplicationId
Write-Output "Azure AAD Application creation completed successfully (Application Id: $appId)" -Verbose
Write-Verbose "Completing Azure Resource Group Deployment Task" -Verbose
Write-TaskSpecificTelemetry "UNKNOWNDEP_Error"
When I use a Service principal as Service Endpoint user, I got the error Resource me not found.
When I use my custom AD account, I got the error:Run Login-AzureRmAccount to login.
What am I doing wrong? How can I get this script working?
If you don't need Powershell scripting, go install Azure AD Application Management extension from
You can add new tasks from pipeline GUI for managing AD applications.
If you do need Powershell scripting, then things get tricky.
Get Powershell code from as a base. The difference is, that if you're not running your code from an extension, you don't have Get-VstsInput nor Get-VstsEndpoint available to execute.
Also, you don't have AzureAD module cmdlets to run. You need to get the Nuget-package, unzip it to your own repo and have it as part of your scripts to be later Import-Module in a pipeline task.
Finally, you need an auth token for Graph API. As the extension code shows, you will need 3 variables:
$tenantId = (Get-AzureRmSubscription).TenantId
$clientId = (Get-AzureRmADServicePrincipal -DisplayName "Your Project Service Connection name from Azure AD App Registrations").ApplicationId.Guid
$clientSecret = 'hard-coded, reset SPN password'
As you can see, an extension would have access to all three, but regular script (to my knowledge) doesn't.
SPN password reset is covered in The Net. Briefly, it is something like this:
$clientId = (Get-AzureRmADServicePrincipal -DisplayName "Your Project Service Connection name from Azure AD App Registrations").Id.Guid
$password = ConvertTo-SecureString –asplaintext –force "oh, this is very secret!"
New-AzureRmADSpCredential -ObjectId $clientId -Password $password
Also: Update the plaintext password into Azure DevOps project settings, Service Connections for Pipeline to know about the update.

Failed to connect to database server. How do I connect to a database that is not on my localhost using powershell and integrated security?

Background to my question
At any moment I am expecting the security people in black suits and black sun glasses to come and take me away because of all my sql server login attempts...
I used and adapted iris classon's example to connect to a database via Powershell. The adapted code uses Integrated Security=True"
$dataSource = my_enterprise_db_server
$database = my_db
$connectionString = "Server=$dataSource;Database=$database;Integrated Security=True;"
$connection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$connection.ConnectionString = $connectionString
$table = new-object “System.Data.DataTable”
$query = "..."
$command = $connection.CreateCommand()
$command.CommandText = $query
Hot diggity dog that worked. Thank's Iris.
I read the snapin verses the Import-Module sqlps way of executing a sql command. I also read all the links that Michael Sorens provided in his answer. I can mount a sqlserver connect with mount mydb SQLSERVER SQLSERVER:\SQL, use ls or dir, walk the path down the objects, etc. I also revised the main part of what Iris provided to
$table = Invoke-Sqlcmd –Server $dataSource –Database $database -Query $query
This version of Invoke-Sqlcmd allows me to connect to an "enterprise" database. The problem with all the references provided are that they expect you to work with a localhost sqlexpress database. The moment I try to use
Set-Location SQLSERVER:\SQL\my_enterprise_db_server\my_db
or similar constructs, I receive a message that ends with
...WARNING: Could not obtain SQL Server Service information. An attempt to connect to WMI on 'my_enterprise_db_server' failed with the following error: Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))
I also saw mention of the SQLCMDSERVER and SQLCMDDBNAME environment variables. I set these to
$env:SQLCMDDBNAME = "my_db"
$env:SQLCMDSERVER = "my_enterprise_db_server"
set-location sqlserver:\sql
How do I correctly use set-location or New-PSDrive-Name for a database that does not reside on my local computer?
I found the answer by a serendipitous route. I right clicked on a database object in sql server management studio. There was an option to start powershell. Even though this looks like the order sqlps option, SSMS gave me the right way to set the location.
Option 1. If the server does not have instances, then add DEFAULT after the server_name in the slashy path.
Set-Location SQLSERVER:\SQL\server_name\DEFAULT\Databases\database_name\Tables\dbo.table_name
Option 2. If you have a server with an instance, then set the instance name after the server_name in the slashy path.
Set-Location SQLSERVER:\SQL\server_name\instance_name\Databases\database_name\Tables\dbo.table_name
I am a mere mortal as far as database security goes. Many of the features of SSMS are turned off to me because of my security settings verses how the dba security settings are configured. I receive errors in in SSMS all the time. Well that is no different with Powershell using the Set-Location. I did not realize that the two error messages where related because of the security policy configuration verses pilot error. If I set a location to a table, then I only have two warnings of access denied. If I set the location to the database level, then Powershell blows chunks for a bit but I have my slashy path setting. I do not see the errors if I used the Invoke-SqlCmd. I see now that the way the security errors were presented in Powershell are why I thought there was a problem with how I was attempting to connect to the database. Now I can do this:
mount rb SELSERVER SQLSERVER:\SQL\server_name\DEFAULT\Databases\database_name\Tables
# Look at a list of tables.
# Go to a traditional file system
cd F:\
# Go to the Linux Style mounted file system
cd rb:\
# Go to a table like a directory
cd dbo.my_table_name
# Look at the column names
# Use relative navigation
cd ..\dbo.my_other_table_name
# Compare column names with another table using relative navigation after I have just
# listed the current directory/table that I am in.
ls ..\dbo.my_table_name
That just rocks! Now all I need to do is come up with an array of server names and databases to create mount points for all the databases that I can connect to. An array like that is just begging for an iteration to create all the mount points.

Powershell: Setting anonymous user in IIS6

I'm using the PowerShell script below to set anonymous user identity and authentication methods on an IIS6 server. The script seems to work at first, but if I issue an iisreset after running it the values revert to the old ones! How do I persist them?
$server = "localhost"
$siteName = ""
$iis = [ADSI]"IIS://$server/W3SVC"
$site = $iis.children | where { $_.keyType -eq "IIsWebServer" -and $_.ServerComment -eq $siteName }
$path = [ADSI]($site.path+"/ROOT")
$path.AnonymousUserName = "user"
$path.AnonymousUserPass = "pass"
$path.AuthFlags = 3
Turns out the metabase is not persisted at once. iisreset forces shutdown of the IIS services and the information is lost.
There are two ways of fixing this:
Run C:\WINDOWS\system32\IIsCnfg.vbs /save
net stop and then net start