normal cdf and pdf functions in Pyomo - pdf

I am working on a mathematical model in pyomo. There are parameters that are based on a normal distribution. The input for these distributions is not a simple numerical number, but it's another parameter that is defined in pyomo.
I imported the Statistics package to use normal distribution but I get this error:
Cannot convert non-constant Pyomo expression (0 < s) to bool.
This error is usually caused by using a Var, unit, or mutable Param in a
Boolean context such as an "if" statement, or when checking container
membership or equality.

I found the answer. I share it here for others if they had the same question.
I think the easiest approach is working with python (Numpy ), generating whatever you want, then assigning it to pyomo objects. I tried this and it worked very well.


How To Represent and Equation Via Variables

I am trying to solve B-Spline equations using De-Boors method. All in all, the method will generate equations that will then have to be solved. What is the best way to represent an equation in code as a variable? I was thinking, just pushing each variable, coefficients, and operators in an array. I would also create a function to interpret these "equation" arrays for solving once variables are available for plug in. Is there a better way to represent equations that are not known until later in execution? Sort of like a variable but for an equation. Example, equation1 = [7,"xxx","+","(",2,"y","-","x",")",3,"yy"] representing 7x^3 + (2y-x)3y^2

Does TensorFlow gradient compute derivative of functions with unknown dependency on decision variable

I appreciate if you can answer my questions or provide me with useful resources.
Currently, I am working on a problem that I need to do alternating optimization. So, consider we have two decision variables x and y. In the first step I take the derivative of loss function wrt. x (for fixed y) and update x. On the second step, I need to take the derivative wrt. y. The issue is x is dependent on y implicitly and finding the closed form of cost function in a way to show the dependency of x on y is not feasible, so the gradients of cost function wrt. y are unknown.
1) My first question is whether "autodiff" method in reverse mode used in TensorFlow works for these problems where we do not have an explicit form of cost function wrt to one variable and we need the derivatives? Actually, the value of cost function is known but the dependency on decision variable is unknown via math.
2) From a general view, if I define a node as a "tf.Variable" and have an arbitrary intractable function(intractable via computation by hand) of that variable that evolves through code execution, is it possible to calculate the gradients via "tf.gradients"? If yes, how can I make sure that it is implemented correctly? Can I check it using TensorBoard?
My model is too complicated but a simplified form can be considered in this way: suppose the loss function for my model is L(x). I can code L(x) as a function of "x" during the construction phase in tensorflow. However, I have also another variable "k" that is initialized to zero. The dependency of L(x) on "k" shapes as the code runs so my loss function is L(x,k), actually. And more importantly, "x" is a function of "k" implicitly. (all the optimization is done using GradientDescent). The problem is I do not have L(x,k) as a closed form function but I have the value of L(x,k) at each step. I can use "numerical" methods like FDSA/SPSA but they are not exact. I just need to make sure as you said there is a path between "k" and L(x,k)but I do not know how!
TensorFlow gradients only work when the graph connecting the x and the y when you're computing dy/dx has at least one path which contains only differentiable operations. In general if tf gives you a gradient it is correct (otherwise file a bug, but gradient bugs are rare, since the gradient for all differentiable ops is well tested and the chain rule is fairly easy to apply).
Can you be a little more specific about what your model looks like? You might also want to use eager execution if your forward complication is too weird to express as a fixed dataflow graph.

Errors to fit parameters of scipy.optimize

I use the scipy.optimize.minimize ( ) function with method='L-BFGS-B.
An example of what it returns is here above:
fun: 32.372210618549758
hess_inv: <6x6 LbfgsInvHessProduct with dtype=float64>
jac: array([ -2.14583906e-04, 4.09272616e-04, -2.55795385e-05,
3.76587650e-05, 1.49213975e-04, -8.38440428e-05])
nfev: 420
nit: 51
status: 0
success: True
x: array([ 0.75739412, -0.0927572 , 0.11986434, 1.19911266, 0.27866406,
The x value correctly contains the fitted parameters. How do I compute the errors associated to those parameters?
TL;DR: You can actually place an upper bound on how precisely the minimization routine has found the optimal values of your parameters. See the snippet at the end of this answer that shows how to do it directly, without resorting to calling additional minimization routines.
The documentation for this method says
The iteration stops when (f^k - f^{k+1})/max{|f^k|,|f^{k+1}|,1} <= ftol.
Roughly speaking, the minimization stops when the value of the function f that you're minimizing is minimized to within ftol of the optimum. (This is a relative error if f is greater than 1, and absolute otherwise; for simplicity I'll assume it's an absolute error.) In more standard language, you'll probably think of your function f as a chi-squared value. So this roughly suggests that you would expect
Of course, just the fact that you're applying a minimization routine like this assumes that your function is well behaved, in the sense that it's reasonably smooth and the optimum being found is well approximated near the optimum by a quadratic function of the parameters xi:
where Δxi is the difference between the found value of parameter xi and its optimal value, and Hij is the Hessian matrix. A little (surprisingly nontrivial) linear algebra gets you to a pretty standard result for an estimate of the uncertainty in any quantity X that's a function of your parameters xi:
which lets us write
That's the most useful formula in general, but for the specific question here, we just have X = xi, so this simplifies to
Finally, to be totally explicit, let's say you've stored the optimization result in a variable called res. The inverse Hessian is available as res.hess_inv, which is a function that takes a vector and returns the product of the inverse Hessian with that vector. So, for example, we can display the optimized parameters along with the uncertainty estimates with a snippet like this:
ftol = 2.220446049250313e-09
tmp_i = np.zeros(len(res.x))
for i in range(len(res.x)):
tmp_i[i] = 1.0
hess_inv_i = res.hess_inv(tmp_i)[i]
uncertainty_i = np.sqrt(max(1, abs( * ftol * hess_inv_i)
tmp_i[i] = 0.0
print('x^{0} = {1:12.4e} ± {2:.1e}'.format(i, res.x[i], uncertainty_i))
Note that I've incorporated the max behavior from the documentation, assuming that f^k and f^{k+1} are basically just the same as the final output value,, which really ought to be a good approximation. Also, for small problems, you can just use np.diag(res.hess_inv.todense()) to get the full inverse and extract the diagonal all at once. But for large numbers of variables, I've found that to be a much slower option. Finally, I've added the default value of ftol, but if you change it in an argument to minimize, you would obviously need to change it here.
One approach to this common problem is to use scipy.optimize.leastsq after using minimize with 'L-BFGS-B' starting from the solution found with 'L-BFGS-B'. That is, leastsq will (normally) include and estimate of the 1-sigma errors as well as the solution.
Of course, that approach makes several assumption, including that leastsq can be used and may be appropriate for solving the problem. From a practical view, this requires the objective function return an array of residual values with at least as many elements as variables, not a cost function.
You may find lmfit ( useful here: It supports both 'L-BFGS-B' and 'leastsq' and gives a uniform wrapper around these and other minimization methods, so that you can use the same objective function for both methods (and specify how to convert the residual array into the cost function). In addition, parameter bounds can be used for both methods. This makes it very easy to first do a fit with 'L-BFGS-B' and then with 'leastsq', using the values from 'L-BFGS-B' as starting values.
Lmfit also provides methods to more explicitly explore confidence limits on parameter values in more detail, in case you suspect the simple but fast approach used by leastsq might be insufficient.
It really depends what you mean by "errors". There is no general answer to your question, because it depends on what you're fitting and what assumptions you're making.
The easiest case is one of the most common: when the function you are minimizing is a negative log-likelihood. In that case the inverse of the hessian matrix returned by the fit (hess_inv) is the covariance matrix describing the Gaussian approximation to the maximum likelihood.The parameter errors are the square root of the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix.
Beware that if you are fitting a different kind of function or are making different assumptions, then that doesn't apply.

tensorflow add new op : could attr accept scalar tensor?

I can't find detail info about this in official doc.
Could anyone give more detailed info?
TensorFlow uses attrs as "compile-time constants" that determine the behavior and type (number of inputs and outputs) of an op.
You can define an op that has a TensorProto as one of its attrs. For example the tf.constant() op takes its value as an attr, which is defined here in the corresponding op registration.
There are a few limitations to this feature:
It is not currently possible to constrain the shape of the tensor statically. You would need to validate this in the constructor for the op (where GetAttr is typically called).
Similarly, it is not currently possible to constrain the element type of the tensor statically, so you will need to check this at runtime as well.
In the Python wrapper for your op, you will need to pass the attr's value as a TensorProto, e.g. by calling tf.contrib.util.make_tensor_proto() to do the conversion.
In general, you may find it much easier to use a simple int, float, bool, or string attr instead of a scalar TensorProto, but the TensorProto option is available if you need to encode a less common type.

How to effectively use knn in Stata

I have two questions with executing discrim knn in Stata.
1) How do you properly code the command? I've tried various versions, but seem to always get an error that there are too many variables specified.
The vector with the correct result is buy.
I am trying: discrim knn buy, group(train test) k(1)
2) My understanding with KNN was that factor variables (binary) were fine for using KNN, even encouraged. However I get the error message that factor variables and time-series operators not allowed.
Lastly, though I know this isn't the best space for this question, should each vector be normalized for knn? I've heard conflicting responses.
I'm guessing that the error you're getting is
group(): too many variables specified
This is because you can only group by 1 variable with knn. knn performs discriminant analysis based on a single grouping variable, in your case, distinguishing the training from the test. I imagine your train and test variables are binary, in which case using only one of the variables is enough, as they are merely logical opposites of each other. A single variable has enough information to distinguish the two groups.