Kotlin code moves to read only mode when debugging - api

I am trying to debug Kotlin API code in IntelliJ. The API gets started perfectly however when trying to debug I see the error: not available in read only mode at the breakpoints. I can not hit the API as well. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!


Why might my Vue.js project not show up during a CircleCI test using Cypress?

My project is built using Vue.js, powered by Nuxt
I’m using Cypress to write/run tests
I’m using CircleCI (v2) to run the tests
Locally, using Cypress’s instance of the Electron browser on macOS, the tests run correctly.
On CircleCI, the tests display a blank screen.
I’ve SSHed into CircleCI after the tests have failed, and if I make a curl request to the local server at that address, the correct HTML is returned to me.
My hypothesis is that the browser is not able to run Vue.js, but without a console log it’s hard to tell.
Any ideas as either how to continue debugging, or even better, fix it?
Edit: I’ve written an extra test to use another site, and it loaded correctly, so I can confirm that everything else is working.
Edit: It’s in my Nuxt config, just going through it now to pull out the line causing the problem.
So, of course this was super annoying. I’m not sure what the chances are of this happening to somebody else, but here’s the answer to my problem:
Google Analytics
On my CI I don’t have a GA code, and it was falling back to empty string, so it wasn’t able to load the page. It didn’t show up on the sever logs as it was an issue on the client side, and it’s not yet possible to easily get client logs using Cypress (coming soon).
Interesting, Thomas,
Could you open a GitHub issue with a link to a small repo that we can try ourselves? I do not see any factors that might affect running Cypress tests against Nuxt app on Circle

Dart. IDEA plugin. Tracing and output

When I run code with the print method in IDEA, the plugin just shows console command like 'path/dart.exe path/script.dart' and exit code. No output, no tracing of error/exception.
It worked fine earlier, but was broken from some time. Maybe after upgrading Dart SDK from 1.1.1 to 1.1.3. But why? Maybe I turned off some option in IDEA. I have no idea.
When I run same script in console it works well.
Here screen of this situation: http://devnet.jetbrains.com/thread/452945
Upd. So, in the end, I made new project, and it works. Magic...

ArcGIS 10.2 Debug with Visual Studio

I am attempting to debug a custom plugin that was developed so that I can track down some errors that is causing ArcGIS to crash.
My problem is that whenever I set up a breakpoint I get "No symbols have been loaded for this document"
So I tried placing in a Stop point so I can step through after a known event e.g. Mouse click
Still ArcGIS crashes and the debug halts entirely.
It almost seems that ArcGIS has just loaded the program in and isn't returning anything back to Visual Studio.
Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated.
I think it may have something to do with the API as it will still run once the debugger has stopped.
Try to “clean solution” and “rebuild solution”.
"No symbols have been loaded for this document" message shows that your current code does not used in running application.

Code build in Mac 10.4.4 is not working in 10.3.9?

I have build cocoa application in 10.4.4 using (mac10.3.9sdk xcode version:2.2.1,universal binary), but when im trying to invoke the application in 10.3.9 the application is not getting invoked.
Can you please tell me what would be the probable mistakes or reasons of its not getting invoked???or How can i trouble shoot the issue?
which version of xcode should i use in 10.3.9 so that i can debug the code, can someone please provide the corresponding link?
The runtime failure could be for any number of reasons: missing libraries or frameworks, compiled with the wrong settings etc.
Probably your first port of call should be console.app if you are trying to run this on another machine that does not have the development tools installed. It will probably give you some clues as to why the application isn't starting up.

Intellij idea javascript code assist/completion not working even after adding the libraries

I just came to know about this cool feature of intellij idea where in settings you can libraries and code assist/completion will work for the library.
I am looking out for code assistance for karma-jasmine test cases.
I have followed up the steps, you may verify that by screen shot:
karma-jasmine config
Still neither I am getting the code completion nor highlighting feature.
Please help. Thanks in advance.
To get coding assistance for Jasmine (e.g. describe, it, etc), try to instal stubs for Jasmine (not karma-jasmine).