Using variables in links with Markdown - variables

In my, I've got dozens of images, which are located in media/theme-n, where n is an arbitrary number. Here's the problem. I only want to include the most recent images. For example, I have images in media/theme-1, media/theme-2, and media/theme-3.
I want to create a variable called current-theme where I set it to theme-3 and just use that variable instead of modifying every image location.
Here's what I've currently got:
<img src="[current-theme]/zsh-prompt-3.png">
[current-theme]: media/theme-3


How to properly use QSkyBoxEntity?

I looked everywhere, but there are not any guides or explanations of how to use QSkyBoxEntity.
I created Entity and filled it with transform (set translation and 3d scale). Also changed name and extension.
When I'm trying to run program it says
"Qt3D.Renderer.OpenGL.Backend: Unable to find suitable Texture Unit for "skyboxTexture""
I checked several times and tried different png files but no luck.
My image (I know it's fake transparency, but it shouldn't change anything, right?)
And here's part of a code:
Qt3DCore::QEntity *resultEntity = new Qt3DCore::QEntity;
Qt3DExtras::QSkyboxEntity *skyboxEntity = new Qt3DExtras::QSkyboxEntity(resultEntity);
skyboxEntity->setBaseName("skybox"); //I tried using path as well
Qt3DCore::QTransform *skyTransform = new Qt3DCore::QTransform(skyboxEntity);
Looks like it's not finding the skybox texture. Did you use an absolute path when you say "I tried using path as well"? The path you set is relative to the build path, i.e. it's not where your C++ file lies.
Alternatively, you could use a resources file and then load then image using
"qrc:/[prefix]/[filename without extension]"
You can also check out the Qt3D manual SkyBox test here:
It's important to properly name files in order for skybox to work and use resource file for storing.
I recommend .tga, but other formats should work as well.
You can read about it here:
And here's example how it should look

Is there a way to list the directories in a using PySpark in a notebook?

I'm trying to see every file is a certain directory, but since each file in the directory is very large, I can't use sc.wholeTextfile or sc.textfile. I wanted to just get the filenames from them, and then pull the file if needed in a different cell. I can access the files just fine using Cyberduck and it shows the names on there.
Ex: I have the link for one set of data at "name:///mainfolder/date/sectionsofdate/indiviual_files.gz", and it works, But I want to see the names of the files in "/mainfolder/date" and in "/mainfolder/date/sectionsofdate" without having to load them all in via sc.textFile or sc.Wholetextfile. Both those functions work, so I know my keys are correct, but it takes too long for them to be loaded.
Considering that the list of files can be retrieve by one single node, you can just list the files in the directory. Look at this response.
wholeTextFiles returns a tuple (path, content) but I don't know if the file content is lazy to get only the first part of the tuple.

Is there a way to do string replacement/substitution in sql?

I have some records in a CMS that include HTML fragments with custom tags for a widget tool. The maker of the CMS has apparently updated their CMS without providing proper data conversion. Their widgets use keys for layout based on screen width such as block_lg, block_md, block_sm. The problem kicks in with the fact they used to have a block_xs and they have now shifted them all -- dropping the block_xs and instead placing a block_xl on the other end.
We don't really use these things, but their widget configurations do. What this means for us is the values for each key are identical. The problem occurs when the updated CMS code is looking for the 'block_xl' in any widget definition tags, it can't find it and errors out.
What I'm thinking then is that the new code will appear to 'ignore' the block_xs due to how it reads the tags. (and similarly, the old code will ignore block_xl) Since the values for each are identical, I need to basically read any widget definition and add a block_xl value to it matching the value of [any one of] the other width parameters.
Since the best place order-wise would be 'before' the block_lg value, it's probably easiest to do it as follows:
Replace any thing matching posix style regex matching /block_lg(="\d+,\d+")/ with: block_xl="$1" block_lg="$1"
Or whatever the equivalent of that would be.
Example of an existing CMS block with multiple widget definitions:
<div>{{widget type="CleverSoft\CleverBlock\Block\Widget"
widget_title="The Album" classes="highlight-bottom modish greenfont font52 fontlight"
enable_fullwidth="0" block_ids="127" lazyload="0"
block_lg="127,12," block_md="127,12," block_sm="127,12," block_xs="127,12,"
template="widget/block.phtml" scroll="0" background_overlay_o="0"}}</div>
<!-- Image Block -->
<div>{{widget type="CleverSoft\CleverBlock\Block\Widget"
widget_title="What’s Your Favorite Cover Style?"
classes="zoo-widget-style2 modish grey font26 fontlight"
enable_fullwidth="0" block_ids="126" lazyload="0"
block_lg="126,12," block_md="126,12," block_sm="126,12," block_xs="126,12,"
template="widget/block.phtml" scroll="0" background_overlay_o="0"}}</div>
What I would prefer to end up with from the above (adding block_xl):
<div>{{widget type="CleverSoft\CleverBlock\Block\Widget"
widget_title="The Album" classes="highlight-bottom modish greenfont font52 fontlight"
enable_fullwidth="0" block_ids="127" lazyload="0"
block_xl="127,12," block_lg="127,12," block_md="127,12," block_sm="127,12," block_xs="127,12,"
template="widget/block.phtml" scroll="0" background_overlay_o="0"}}</div>
<!-- Image Block -->
<div>{{widget type="CleverSoft\CleverBlock\Block\Widget"
widget_title="What’s Your Favorite Cover Style?"
classes="zoo-widget-style2 modish grey font26 fontlight"
enable_fullwidth="0" block_ids="126" lazyload="0"
block_xl="126,12," block_lg="126,12," block_md="126,12," block_sm="126,12," block_xs="126,12,"
template="widget/block.phtml" scroll="0" background_overlay_o="0"}}</div>
I know how to do it in php and if necessary, I will just replace it on my local DB and write an sql script to update the modified records, but the html blocks can be kind of big in some cases. It would be preferable, if it is possible, to make the substitutions right in the SQL but I'm not sure how to do it or if it's even possible to do.
And yes, there can be more than one instance of a widget in any given cms page or block. (i.e. there may be a need for more than one such substitutions with different local 'values' assigned to the block_lg)
If anyone can help me do it in SQL, it would be greatly appreciated.
for reference, the tables effected are called cms_page and cms_block, the name of the row in both cases is content

Which is the best practice either to save image name or full URL in database

Which is the better approach for storing image name in database? I have two choices first one is to store just image name e.g. apple.png and second choice is to store full image URL e.g.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
Best practice is not save full path to image like but saving specific domain path to image. Ex:
Users image : /user/{id}/avatar/img.png
Product image: /product/{id}/1.png
In this case you avoid sticking images to defined server, server path, url etc. For example, you will decide to move all your images to another server, in this case you don't need to change all records in DB.
The 2 answers already covered it pretty well. It is indeed best practice to save the directory path instead of saving the entire URL path. Some of the reasons were already covered, such as making it easy to move your folders to another server without having to make any changes whatsoever in your file logic.
What you could do, is also have everything in one directory, refer to that, and then just save the image name. However, I would not recommend that. The other structure simply makes it way easier to navigate and look through. Good file structure is something you'll thank yourself for later in case you ever have to go through things manually for one reason or another.
With that said, I'd like to add this trick into the mix:
$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. This always makes you start from the root directory as opposed to having to do tedious things, such as ../../ etc. It looks like a mess.
So in the end as an image path, you'd have something like:
<img src="<?php echo $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'.$row['filePath']; ?>" >
$row['filePath'] being your stored filepath from the database.
Depending on how your file path is saved, you can lose the / in the image source link.
first of all you need to upload all images in public folder of your project , so no need to save domain name
If you are storing all images in one directory , then there is no problem storing only imagename in database
you can easily access images like <img src="/foldername/imagename.jpg" />
but if in your project there are multiple directory like
profile :to save user avatar image ,
background : to save background images,
then it is better to save image with path in database like "/profile/avatar.jpg"
so you can access image like <img src="imagepathhere" />
Another common way is to create image table with cols
type (enum or int)
name (file name)
Define in your app (better in model) types like
Define path map foreach image type like:
$paths = [
USER_AVATAR => '/var/www/project/web/images/users',
and use id's from this image table in another tables. It is called polymorphic association. It is most flexible way to store images.

SSRS - How to show external image based on URL inside column

I am trying to show images for products inside a basic report. The image needs to be dynamic, meaning the image should change based on the SKU value.
Right now I am inserting an image into a table, setting to external, and i've tried:
=http://externalwebservername/sku= & Fields!SKU.Value
="http://externalwebservername/sku=" & Fields!SKU.Value
I do not get any images in my table.
My stored proc has all the data, including a URL with the image I wan't to show. Here is a sample of what the URL looks like:
If I enter the URL in the field without "=" it will show that ONE image only.
How should I set up the expression to properly show the external image based on a dynamic URL? Running SQL 2016
Alan's answer should work, but in our environment we have strict proxy/firewall rules, so the two servers could not contact each other.
Instead we are navigating to the file stored on our storage system.
We altered the URL column to point to file path in the stored procedure. Insert image, set Source to External and Value set to [URL].
URL= file://server\imagepath.jpg
As long as the account executing the report has permissions to access the URLs then your 3rd expression should have worked.
I put together a simple example as follows.
I created a new blank report then added a Data Source. It doesn't matter where this points, we won't use it directly.
Then I created a dataset (Dataset1) with the following SQL to give me list of image names.
SELECT '350x120' AS suffix
UNION SELECT '200x100'
UNION SELECT '500x500'
Actually, these are just parameters for the website which will generate images based on the size you request, but that's not relevant for this exercise.
We'll be showing three images from the following URLs
Next, create a table, I used 3 columns to give me more testing options. Set the DataSetName to DataSet1 if it isn't already.
In the first column the expression is just =Fields!suffix.Value
In the second column I added an image, set it's source property to External and the Value to ="" & Fields!suffix.Value
I then added a 3rd column with the same expression as the image Value so I could see what was being used as the image URL. I also added an action that goes to the same URL, just to check the URL did not have any unprintable characters in it that might cause a problem.
The basic report design looks like this.
The rendered result looks like this.