WIX - Grouping multiple radio inputs together - input

I need to group multiple radio inputs, effectively making columned radio inputs that function as a single radio group. I need only one selection to be allowed from the group of radio buttons. If a selection is changed to another radio input group, the previous selection is removed.
I have 3 Wix radio input groups - these are only allowed to be vertical or horizontal, and cannot be broken into multiple lines.
Here is a screenshot of the design part - this is 3 radioGroups, grouped together. Is there a way to make this a group with code to make them effectively work as one singular
radio button group?


Linked Combobox

Is it possible to have the same combobox appear on multiple forms with linked selections?
I have several forms used for data entry and on the Main form (which has links to the other forms) there are two comboboxes, one queries Year and the other Branch. Based on the selections of these two combo boxes the other forms with apply filters on activate so that users can enter data for their specific branches.
What I am trying to do is have the same comboboxes appear on all the forms so that users don't have to go back to the main form to change the year or branch.
What you're saying is this:
On Form A the user would choose the year and the branch.
On form B their selection would continue to appear.
Option 1: If they can change it in form B you need to copy the value (set the default value) when you launch form B.
Option 2: if they can't change it in form B just put the value inside a (locked) text box, so they will see what the year was but they wouldn't be able to change it.

Toggle groups based on a parameter

I have a reporting requirement in which I have 3 groupings
Group_1 parents -> Group_4 lowest child
I have a groupingID param which is an int that I'm using to show the same report either as region/div or emp/supervisor. Group_1 =totals and Group_4 = Employee and NULL for region/division.
Updated requirements want me to not show toggle button at Group_3 = Region level if GroupingID is set to region/division. As region is the lowest level.
While still show toggle "+" button if grooupingID param is emp/supervisor.
I tried this expression for "row visibility but to no luck.
This expression shows + for Reg/division report.
Row visibility is more for whether or not you want to show a particular row. When I've had a need to show a summary and detail, I would make 2 tablixes and show/hide the proper one based on my parameters.
I'm not sure if you can conditionally change grouping sets via row level expressions, but if you could, it would probably be a lot more ugly than doing separate tablixes. Down side to this approach is that you have 2+ tablixes that are similar to maintain.
Data Architect proposed a solution which solved it. Add a new column in tablix to the left of all the groupings.
Depending on which group level you wish to toggle (in my case at group_3) just use the text box (to the left) of group_3 text box as 'toggle item by' in the properties for group_4. This solved the issue I was having.

Hide Detailed Row in SSRS When Toggled Item are collapsed

I went through many post on SO but not find the suitable solution to the problem
I have a tablix and I have groups and toggled on Run,Task Name and Procedure Name. when the groups are collapsed one detailed row after procedure name is visible.
What I want is to hide entire row when toggled is collapsed and will show when it is expanded. how to achive this
I want to hide all information from operation to status columns in tablix when toggled is collapsed.
Here is the tablix I am dealing with
#user3540780 I have already done that groupings
here is what I have done
You need to set up four groups
Dimensions, Task Name, Procedure Name and Load.
Task Name is toggled by Dimension,
Procedure Name is toggled By Task Name,
Load is toggled by Procedure Name.
Load needs to be a grouping at detail line level simply grouping on all the fields in your detail section.
Set up your toggles in the Row Groups window at the bottom of the designer screen. If you have added the groups correctly there will be a dashed grouping line between the Operation column and the remaining columns. (You need to have selected a cell in the tablix to see these)
You will find that the whole detail line will be toggled

How to perform multiple selections in a Qlikview Straight Table?

How would I go about making multiple selections in a QlikView straight table?
For example, how would I select the 1st and 5th rows at the same time?
There is a section about multiple selections in the QlikView 11 - Reference Manual :
14.5 Multiple Selection Within a Field
Multiple selections within a field (from one lisstrong textt box) can be made in a number of ways:
Position the cursor in the list box, then drag it over a number of field values while pressing the
mouse button.
Click the first field value to be selected, then CTRL-click each additional selection.
Click the top item to be selected, then SHIFT-click the bottom item to be selected. This way all the
items in between will be selected. However, if the sort mechanism is on, the first selection may cause
the order to change, which makes it difficult to make a correct second selection.
Confirm a text search (see below) by hitting the ENTER key. This will result in all matching field
values being selected. By keeping the CTRL key depressed while pressing ENTER the selections
from the text search will be added to previous selections.
To deselect a previously made additional selection, CTRL-click it.
If a multiple selection is made in one list box, and make a new selection from the available optional values
in another list box, some of the selected values in the first list box may get excluded. However, when the
selection in the second list box is canceled, the previous selections will, by default, be recovered.
A multiple selection can be interpreted in two different ways, either as a logical or or as a logical and.
Default is logical or, i.e. QlikView will find a solution that is associated to one or more of the selected field
For straight tables, you can only select items next to each other. Ctrl-Select only works for listboxes

Sum numbers in textboxes to a single textbox without button

Ok, I am looking for the code to sum numbers from multiple boxes (2 in this case) and automatically fill another box with the sum without clicking a button or anything. I'm talking about displaying the sum in the third box while numbers are being inputted into the first two boxes. Is this possible? If so, how?
You can subscribe to the TextBox TextChanged events, and update the third text box when the text in either of the first two changes.
Just make sure you handle invalid input carefully (ie: use Int32.TryParse instead of Int32.Parse), as exceptions will likely be raised as the text box values aren't numbers.