I'm trying to upload a file, and I keep getting the file size is too large.
Plug.Parsers.RequestTooLargeError at POST /admin/courses/course the
request is too large. If you are willing to process larger requests,
please give a :length to Plug.Parsers
I'm new to elixir and pheonix. Is this not how I am supposed to set the plug?
defmodule MonolithWeb.Router do
use MonolithWeb, :router
use Kaffy.Routes, scope: "/admin", pipe_through: [:admin, :authenticate]
pipeline :admin do
plug Plug.Parsers,
parsers: [:url_encoded, :multipart],
length: 200_000_000_000
plug :accepts, ["html"]
plug :fetch_session
plug :fetch_live_flash
plug :protect_from_forgery
plug :put_secure_browser_headers
plug :fetch_current_user
Any help would be very much appreciated. Thank you!
In Phoenix, the Plug.Parsers plug is placed in the Endpoint by default, so that is probably where you need to add the length option.
I feel like this should be a simple problem, but I'm pulling my hair out trying to track it down. I'm installed the chargify_api_ares gem, but can't do even basic things such as
As I get this path error. I feel like this must be a gem issue somehow but don't know where to go from here.
UPDATE: bundle show chargify_api_ares shows the correct path, I just somehow can't access it. Still trying random environment related things.
Looks like this is the source of the problem, in active_resource\base.rb:
# Gets the \prefix for a resource's nested URL (e.g., <tt>prefix/collectionname/1.json</tt>)
# This method is regenerated at runtime based on what the \prefix is set to.
def prefix(options={})
default = site.path
default << '/' unless default[-1..-1] == '/'
# generate the actual method based on the current site path
self.prefix = default
As I understand it, Chargify.subdomain should be setting the site.path, but I don't understand activeresource well enough yet to know what's happening and will continue to dig.
I too had the same issue.
I executed the following on the console
Chargify.configure do |c|
c.api_key = "<<api_key>>"
c.subdomain = "<<subdomain>>"
After that performing any Chargify console commands went through fine.
I have an ipad app that uses dropbox to sync images to the cloud so that i can access them with a webapp and process them etc etc.
the part i'm having trouble with is getting the file from dropbox to s3 via carrierwave. i have a photo model and i can create a new photo and upload and an image successfully. I can also put a file on dropbox. However when i try to get a file off of dropbox and put it on s3, the contents of the file is just text.
Are there some sort of mime types i need to set or something?
I am using dropbox_sdk and the get_file_and_metadata method. It returns me the file object successfully, but the contents are all just text. this is me hard coding the image file so i can be sure it exists..
dbsession = DropboxSession.deserialize(session[:dropbox_session])
#client = DropboxClient.new(dbsession, ACCESS_TYPE) #raise an exception if session not authorized
#info = #client.account_info # look up account information
#photo = Photo.new(params[:photo])
#db_image metadata = #client.get_file_and_metadata('/IMG_1575.jpg')
the part i don't know how to do is say take this image #db_image and use that file when creating a new photo and store it on S3.
I'm thinking it might be a 'mime type' issue, but i've read that that is only based on the file ext.
any insight you guys could share would really help me get past this hurdle. thanks!
Figured this out. Instead I used the direct_url.url method that is part of the dropbox-api gem used with the carrierwave gem. the direct_url.url method returns a secure full url path to that file that you can use as the remote_url value for carrierwave.
#client = Dropbox::API::Client.new(:token => 'derp', :secret => 'derp')
#dropbox_files = #client.ls "images/#{#event.keyword}/#{photo_size}/"
#dropbox_files.each do |f|
photo_exists = Photo.where(:dropbox_path => f.direct_url.url).count
if photo_exists == 0
#photo = Photo.create(:remote_filename_url => f.direct_url.url,
:dropbox_path => f.direct_url.url,
:event_id => #event.id)
Now, i'm pretty new at ruby, so i'll be posting a better way to step through the results, as that seems pretty slow and clunky.
I would like to alter the Message-ID header that is in the header portion of an email sent from a Ruby on Rails v3 application using ActionMailer.
I am using Sendmail on localhost for mail delivery.
Do I configure this in Sendmail or ActionMailer?
Where do I configure this (if it is ActionMailer): a file in config/ folder or a file in app/mailers/ folder?
Teddy's answer is good, except that if you actually want each message to have a different ID, you need to make the default a lambda. In the first block of code in his answer, it calculates the message-ID once, at init, and uses the same one for every message.
Here's how I'm doing this in my app:
default "Message-ID" => lambda {"<#{SecureRandom.uuid}##{Rails.application.config.mailgun_domain}>"}
... with the domain taken from a custom app config variable (and using SecureRandom.uuid, which is a little more straightforward than a SHA-2 based on the timestamp IMO.)
I usually prefer generating the message-id with a UUID. Assuming you have the uuid gem:
headers['Message-ID'] = "<#{ UUID.generate }#example.com>"
Also you should note that according to RFC 2822 the message-id should be placed inside "<" and ">"
In Rails 4+ (or just Ruby 2.0+) the folowing syntax is working correctly:
default "Message-ID" => ->(v){"<#{Digest::SHA2.hexdigest(Time.now.to_i.to_s)}#yourdomain.com>"}
Tested this with MailCatcher.
I figured this out. The easiest way to do is to use the default method at the top of the mailer class file.
require 'digest/sha2'
class UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base
default "Message-ID"=>"#{Digest::SHA2.hexdigest(Time.now.to_i.to_s)}#yourdomain.com"
# ... the rest of your mailer class
However, I found this difficult to test, so I wrote a private method and used the sent_at time instead of Time.now:
def message_id_in_header(sent_at=Time.now)
headers["Message-ID"] = "#{Digest::SHA2.hexdigest(sent_at.to_i.to_s)}#yourdomain.com"
And I simply called that method before calling the mail method. This made it easy to pass a sent_at parameter from my test and verify a match in email.encoded.
#jasoncrawford is almost right. The problem is that the mailgun_domain attribute may not be able at development environment, so it is better to access the ActionMailer configs.
default "Message-ID" => lambda {"<#{SecureRandom.uuid}##{ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings[:domain]}>"}
As the title of the question asks, I am interested in knowing if there is any difference when using flash[:error], flash[:alert], and flash[:notice]. If so, when is it appropriate to use each, and why?
flash is a Rails mechanism to persist some information across 2 requests. You set something in flash hash in one request and it's available in the very next request you receive from that same client.
Since flash is just a "hash" you can use it like one. Which means you can provide your preferred key (:alert/:error/:notice) and put whatever message string you wish as the value.
The semantics of what or when to use :alert/:error/:notice are really up to you to manage. Having said that, the general best practice is to use :notice when things are OKAY and is displayed in a greenish hue, and use :error when things are NOT OKAY and is displayed in a reddish hue. It is completely okay if you want to use :alert for another type of message on your web app. I've used it before for informational purposes in a yellowish hue.
:alert and :notice functionally differ from other keys you invent. FlashHash provides convenience accessors for the two: flash.alert , flash.notice. Rails' preference for these two further rears its way into redirect_to which will only accept :alert, :notice, or :flash.
However, a commit in July 2012 to edge Rails allows the privilege of adding other flash types. Here's an example of adding custom flash types in Rails 4:
# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController; add_flash_types(:error, :annoyance); end
# app/controllers/monopoly_controller.rb
class MonopolyController < ApplicationController
def chance
redirect_to haha_path, annoyance: "Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200."
# app/views/haha/index.html.erb
<%= annoyance %>
this is just a classification. it generates the div #error.error or div#notice.notice you connect the logic you want above
litte sample :
.alert, .error, .notice, .success { padding:.8em 0; margin:0 0 2px 0; border:2px solid #ddd; font-size:1.6em; text-align:center;}
.error { background:#FBE3E4;color:#8a1f11;border-color:#FBC2C4; }
.notice { background:#FFF6BF;color:#514721;border-color:#FFD324; }
.success { background:#DDFCD5;color:#000;border-color:#44A815; }
.alert { background:#FBE3E4;color:#8a1f11;border-color:#FBC2C4; }
.error a {color:#8a1f11;}
.notice a {color:#514721;}
.success a {color:#264409;}
.alert a {color:#8a1f11;}
They are just different classifications. I mainly use :error and :notice. Notice I use for informational messages ("your password has been changed", "changes saved", etc). I reserve :error for critical things/problems ("Your passwords do not match", "Login failed", etc)
I also use a :message class too pass along the StandardError message trapped in my exception handlers. Using 2 or 3 classes allows you to display up to that many messages in response to a single event or result, each conveying a different aspect of the outcome, e.g. informational, an error based on what the application knows and an error based on what the system knows.
Formerly: Running a model method on a paperclip attachment after create or update (paperclip callbacks don't seem to work)
Edit (later that day)
I figured out my problem. The processor apparently works with the file that is updated, but doesn't save any files until after processing. I changed my Zip::ZipFile to open 'file' rather than 'attachment.path' since the attachment path doesn't actually hold anything yet. This fixed the first problem. Now I'm having other problems that I'll need to track down. But the answer below is mostly correct.
Edit (1/31/2011):
So I have taken the advice to create a processor for my attachment which will perform all the necessary actions. So far, it looks like it should work; the processor starts and does all the initialization stuff, apparently. However, when I get the point where I want to access the zip file that gets uploaded, I get an error saying that the file cannot be found. The code for my processor is below:
class Extractor < Processor
attr_accessor :resolution, :whiny
def initialize(file, options = {}, attachment = nil)
#file = file
#whiny = options[:whiny].nil? ? true : options[:whiny]
#basename = File.basename(#file.path, File.extname(#file.path))
#attachment = attachment
#instance = attachment.instance
def make
# do your conversions here, you've got #file, #attachment and #basename to work with
export_path = attachment.path.gsub('.zip', '_content')
Zip::ZipFile.open(attachment.path) { |zip_file|
zip_file.each { |image|
image_path = File.join(export_path, image.name)
unless File.exist?(image_path)
zip_file.extract(image, image_path)
# ..stuff that it does..
# clean up source files, but leave the zip
# you return a file handle which is the processed result
dst = File.open result_file_path
And here is the contents of the error that I get:
Zip::ZipError in GalleriesController#create
File /home/joshua/railscamp/moments_on_three/public/assets/archives/delrosario.zip not found
Rails.root: /home/joshua/railscamp/moments_on_three
Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
config/initializers/extractor.rb:16:in `make'
app/controllers/galleries_controller.rb:32:in `new'
app/controllers/galleries_controller.rb:32:in `create'
"archive"=>#<ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile:0x00000004148d78 #original_filename="delrosario.zip",
#headers="Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"gallery[archive]\"; filename=\"delrosario.zip\"\r\nContent-Type: application/zip\r\n",
"commit"=>"Create Gallery"}
From what I can tell it's looking for the file in the right place, but the file doesn't seem to be uploaded yet to access it. As far as I'm aware, Paperclip is smart enough to know and wait for the attachment to upload before it tries to process it. Can anyone spot what I'm doing wrong here?
Thanks a lot.
Old stuff:
I'm developing a photo gallery app using Rails 3 and Paperclip. The Admin is able to create a gallery and upload a zip file containing a bunch of images.
What I want to happen:
Enter gallery info and zip file to upload into the form.
Hit 'Create Gallery' button.
Form posts, gallery saves, and zip file gets uploaded.
After zip file is uploaded, run the method :extract_photos (btw, this code
4.a. At the end of this method, zip file is destroyed.
Admin is redirected to gallery page with all the photos in it (where
gallery has_many photos).
I've tried to make this work several different ways.
Before, I created a controller method which would allow the Admin to click a link which ran the :extract_photos method. This worked on my computer, but for some reason the server had trouble routing this on the client's computer. So it's a no go. Plus I thought it was an ugly way of doing it.
Recently, I tried using callback methods. after_save didn't work because it apparently interrupts the form POST and the file doesn't get uploaded and the :extract_photos method can't find the file.
I checked out callback methods on the Paperclip github page, and it talks about the callbacks:
Before and after the Post Processing
step, Paperclip calls back to the
model with a few callbacks, allowing
the model to change or cancel the
processing step. The callbacks are
"before_post_process" and
"after_post_process" (which are called
before and after the processing of
each attachment), and the
"beforepost_process" and
"afterpost_process". The callbacks are
intended to be as close to normal
ActiveRecord callbacks as possible, so
if you return false (specifically -
returning nil is not the same) in a
before filter, the post processing
step will halt. Returning false in an
after filter will not halt anything,
but you can access the model and the
attachment if necessary.
I've tried using before_post_process and after_post_process, but it can't find the file to run the process, so the file obviously isn't getting uploaded by the time those methods are getting called (which I think is strange). Additionally, when I try beforepost_process and afterpost_process, I get a NoMethodError.
So how do I call a method on an attachment when it is created or updated, but after the file is uploaded and in the right place?
I tried the code below, moving my extraction method code into the make method of the processor. I've gotten farther than I have did before with trying to write a processor, but it's still a no-go. The process throws an exception as soon as I try and open the uploaded file for processing, saying the file doesn't exist. The naming scheme is correct and everything, but still nothing is getting uploaded before the process is getting triggered. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?
You can write your own processor to accomplish this.
in your model when declaring the paperclip stuff add a custom processor
has_attached_file :my_attachment, {
:styles => {:original => {:processors => [:my_processor]}}
then write your own processor and put it config/initializers:
module Paperclip
class MyProcessor < Processor
attr_accessor :resolution, :whiny
def initialize(file, options = {}, attachment = nil)
#file = file
#whiny = options[:whiny].nil? ? true : options[:whiny]
#basename = File.basename(#file.path, File.extname(#file.path))
#attachment = attachment
def make
# do your conversions here, you've got #file, #attachment and #basename to work with
# you return a file handle which is the processed result
dst = File.open result_file_path
I am using a custom processor to things similar to what you are doing with lots of processing and converting of the file in the middle and it seems to work well.