Is it possible to track background location in React Native? - react-native

Is there good libraries to track location in the background react-native?
I see this one so far
But it seems unsupported

Check this npm package react-native-background-geolocation
I hope it will be helpful.


React native turn by turn navigation

we working with expo and using mapview, however, there are many restrictions in react native maps, as we are planning to implement turn by turn navigation. Integrating Mapbox would have been the best option, however we do not think it’s best to eject the project as expo doesn’t still support Mapbox. Although, I came across a package, react native maps navigation, I would like to know if anyone has been able to successfully implement it in their project and it functioned properly, and also know if there are any drawbacks that comes along with it. I am asking this because the author says “Please note that this module is usable but still under heavy development. Some properties and/or component names might change without notice.”
Kindly give your suggestions and advice. Thanks
Mapbox works very well in a react-native projects and recommend to use this service for your project but effectively, it don't works with expo so for me, you should eject your project to use it.
I paste here some packages I used for a GPS project (The last one is to get the current position of an user)
Hope that could help you

How to detect a screenshot in a RN application?

I'm having some problem about a screenshot-detector in an application.
I'm using EXPO, but I've no idea about how can I detect a screenshot.
Suppose that I've a profile screen. Each user has a profile page, I want to detect when another user does a screenshot on the screen.
My problem is: how can I detect this? I readed about the gesture here, but it didn't help me. With the gestures I can detect, instead, the scroll in a page, the location x and location y.
I readed also this answer, but about the event touchesCancelled:withEvent:touchesCancelled:withEvent: I have not found anything in React Native docs (and also EXPO docs).
So: which is the idea behind a screenshot detector? Thanks for your help!
You can't do it without detaching EXPO. There is already a feature request for that.
If you decide to detach EXPO, react-native-screenshot-detector might be helpful. The solution is very similar to the one from the linked question.
Currently with expo there is no way to do that, But if you detach you can use this package it supports android&ios screenshot detecting react-native-detector

what is showsUserHeadingIndicator in react native mapbox?

How are you.
I am going to show direction of user's heading in mapbox,
In IOS version, showsUserHeadingIndicator variable exist for it,
but in React Native, there is no such variable.
so what is the alternative of this one?
Thank you.q
showsUserHeadingIndicator is available in react-native map-box. You can enable the showsUserHeadingIndicator on the user location in MGLMapView. The indicator is so small to notice.
For more info:

Drawer / hamburger menu in React Native

I need to create an app using react native in both android and iOS and i'm still a newbie. So,now i need to implement a drawer like shown in the image above.I've already searched for an example or project that meets with my needs but too badly, i couldn't find anything suitable for me.So can you help me and thank you
You could use this library:
I think it can solve your problem
This RN starter has an example as well:
You should not implement it from scratch yourself but instead you can use a starter project like this. If you want these animations on the drawer icon you can also check the Airbnb's Lottie.
How to implement the hamburger menu with react-native-paper:
At the time, this one worked for me (0.63.4). The others I found were from previous versions (0.45) and required a lot of adjustments regarding newer version implementations. No other extra files are needed except these ones after creating a unmanaged blank project:

How to delete a ListItem by Swiping out the element?

I am trying to find a Component how to remove my ListItems in my ListView. Actually there is a Module working for iOS react-native-swipeout where you can swipeout the elements. I need the same for Android or atleast something similar.
Maybe someone has figured this out, and could tell me how they solved deleting Items from a ListView in a React Native Android App
The react native team removed their experimental implementation for the SwipeableFlatList component (which uses internally a FlatList instead really really deprecated ListView).
I rescued the original code from v0.59 which they removed on v.60 and its available as a npm module here
And theres a good how-to on medium here