Failed to connect to remote machine. Verify the SSH service connection details. Error: Error: Handshake failed: no matching key exchange algorithm - ssh

I have a SSH service connection in Azure DevOps using username and password. It was working till last/before week. Azure DevOps cant connect to VM any more, there has been no changes. I can still connect to VM using Putty of ssh.
pipeline task instantly fails with below error:
Failed to connect to remote machine. Verify the SSH service connection details. Error: Error: Handshake failed: no matching key exchange algorithm.


connection failed - google cloud SSH connection

not able to connect SSH through VM instance in google cloud iam getting connection failed error
need help

Windows 10 OpenSSH Server Key Exchange Algorithm is not Supported?

I have a TFS build that uses the Copy Files Over SSH build step which connects my VM to an external Windows 10 machine that I have been running for the last ~12 months. Recently, the remote Win10 machine received Windows 10 feature update 1709, which required me to perform a bunch of setup to get the SSH server working again.
Because the installed version of OpenSSH apparently only supports "ED25519" key exchange alogrithms, I have needed to update all of my SSH clients (ie Putty) to connect to the ssh server, otherwise I would receive this error:
Couldn't agree on a key exchange algorithm (available:
Updating to Putty 0.70 fixed that. However, from what I can tell I have no way to update the TFS build task listed above to support the new (and only?) key echange alogrithm. I only get this message in my build:
Task : Copy Files Over SSH
Description : Copy files or build artifacts to a ******** machine over SSH
Version : 0.115.0
Author : Microsoft Corporation
Help : [More Information](
Setting up SSH connection to ******** host TestAgent1.
Failed to connect to ******** machine. Verify the SSH endpoint details. Failed to connect to ******** machine. Verify the SSH endpoint details.
Error: Handshake failed: no matching key exchange algorithm..
Is there a way to update this TFS build step to use a key exchange algorithm supported by OpenSSH? If not, can I change my Windows 10 OpenSSH server settings to allow more key exchange algorithms?

Connection issue with sql-Raspberry PI

I am currently using Raspberry Pi as my Server for IOT. I am trying to connect my client side to server, so that it can communicate with the server. But I am getting following error:
Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/2002): A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. in F:\XAMPP\htdocs\plugload-workaround\plugLoad\plugload-pi\plugload\production\plugLoad4.php on line 178
Could you please help me in resolving that.
If the issue is due to security reasons, please help me in correcting the security details.

Impossible to login to my azure container registry with docker login

I created an Azure Container Registre some days ago, and now it's impossible to login to this registry with docker login command. I always get this error message:
Error response from daemon: Get dial tcp: lookup on [::1]:53: read udp [::1]:52627->[::1]:53: read: connection refused
Docker client may throw such error when it is unable to connect to the local Docker daemon properly. So, Restart/Reinstall-Docker should mostly fix that.

unable to connect to the google cloud instance (port 22: Operation timed out)

I had created the the keys for the google cloud instance and when I try to ssh into the instance. I'm unable to access it and getting an error: port 22: Operation timed out. This happens through both the desktop ssh client and also through the google cloud shell. I had created a project wide keys in the metadata section to access it.
Any insights on why I'm unable to connect will be highly helpful. The instance was created a day ago.
Couldn't figure out why I was not able to ssh into the server previously. But now there is a single click option to ssh into the google cloud instances. You may close this thread.