Impossible to login to my azure container registry with docker login - azure-container-service

I created an Azure Container Registre some days ago, and now it's impossible to login to this registry with docker login command. I always get this error message:
Error response from daemon: Get dial tcp: lookup on [::1]:53: read udp [::1]:52627->[::1]:53: read: connection refused

Docker client may throw such error when it is unable to connect to the local Docker daemon properly. So, Restart/Reinstall-Docker should mostly fix that.


Digital Ocean SSH Returns 'shell request failed on channel 0'

I have been running a few continuous Python script fetching data from APIs and loading in MySQL, for last few days I notice that when I try to ssh it gives the error:
Digital Ocean SSH Returns 'shell request failed on channel 0'
I googled and the only solution I found was to restart the droplet which is horrible especially if running production code. I even was not able to view the console via the web interface of the digital ocean. My Droplet is in Singapore.
Let me add further that the server remains up, the apache is responding and I can view web pages I had created. Only SSH and SFTP stop working.
Can anyone help me?

Failed to connect to remote machine. Verify the SSH service connection details. Error: Error: Handshake failed: no matching key exchange algorithm

I have a SSH service connection in Azure DevOps using username and password. It was working till last/before week. Azure DevOps cant connect to VM any more, there has been no changes. I can still connect to VM using Putty of ssh.
pipeline task instantly fails with below error:
Failed to connect to remote machine. Verify the SSH service connection details. Error: Error: Handshake failed: no matching key exchange algorithm.

connection failed - google cloud SSH connection

not able to connect SSH through VM instance in google cloud iam getting connection failed error
need help

Azure Container Instance Can't Connect to Internet (outbound http GET request failed)

I have an Azure Container Instance created from the base image microsoft/windowsservercore:ltsc2016. The image has mercurial installed and checks out a private repo using hg clone but fails with the result abort: error: getaddrinfo failed. When run on my workstation using Docker for Windows, the container successfully checks out the repo.
I believe this is a network connectivity issue, because if I run powershell Invoke-WebRequest the container also logs an error that the request could not be completed due to failure to connect to the server.
The Windows container on ACI has a known issue about the out-bound network. It is suggested to add a retry logic on any network request or add a 30 seconds' delay before you start your application.
The issue only impacts the Windows Server 2016. It is fixed in Windows Server 2019. Once ACI adapts WS2019, the workaround will be no longer needed.

Google Cloud: Cannot connect to server via SSH

Port is up, firewall disabled, but connection is rejected with message:
"Read from socket failed: Connection reset by peer".
Other services in the same host are responding well.
SSH through Google Cloud Console gets the same error.
Is there any other method for Google Compute Engine to get shell?
Yes, there is a way to get shell, and it is through the serial port, a really useful feature Google Cloud provides.
There, I saw the error was about key file permissions:
Sep 30 10:51:02 localhost sshd: Permissions 0775 for '/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key' are too open.
And by assigning 0600 perms to this file everything went back to normal.