i have a problem while using FreeRTOS with keil - embedded

i am using keil version 5 and i install all the packages that needed to run freeRTOS on it. but it always gives me an error with portmacro.h
here is some error lines:
C:/Users/Mohamed Radwan/AppData/Local/Arm/Packs/ARM/CMSIS-FreeRTOS/10.0.1/Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4F\portmacro.h(130): error: unknown type name 'inline'
C:/Users/Mohamed Radwan/AppData/Local/Arm/Packs/ARM/CMSIS-FreeRTOS/10.0.1/Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4F\portmacro.h(130): error: expected ';' after top level declarator
its repeated many times as there are many files using it.
any recommend what should i do ?


Mismatch between IDs from minidump_stalkwalk and dump_syms

I am trying to use google breakpad, but I am facing a strange issue.
i am working in linux. I have my own library, my_lib.so, which I process with dump_syms and generates this symbol :
$ dump_syms my_lib.so|head -2
MODULE Linux mips 3BB485681467218D36EB2FF02287096C0 my_lib.so
INFO CODE_ID 6885B43B67148D2136EB2FF02287096C
I create the symbols directory with the appropiate subdirectories. I then generate a minidump for the program that uses a stripped version of my_lib.so, but when I try to process it with minidump_stackwalk:
0x77dce000 - 0x77e23fff my_lib.so ??? (WARNING: No symbols, my_lib.so, AC40136B433E5A68F66CCE8C2C2E6C250)
It is seaching for a differente ID, AC40136B433E5A68F66CCE8C2C2E6C250, so it does not find the symbols. Why the mismatch?
Knowing that it searches for AC40136B433E5A68F66CCE8C2C2E6C250 I manually changed the tree directory in symbols, to match that one, just to test. I also changed the id inside the my_lib.so.sym file, and then minidump_stalkwalk does not complain about not finding the symbols, but still I can't see the stack trace.
Any ideas about this mismatch?
by the way, if I run readelf -n over the original library and the stripped one, I get the same GNU BUILD ID.

Meson: ERROR: add_project_arguments keyword argument "language" unknown languages: python

I want to install this project with meson. It worked flawlessly all the time but since about three weeks it fails with (I think because of the latest 0.59 release, could not find any changes that could have caused this):
po/meson.build:3:0: ERROR: add_project_arguments keyword argument "language" unknown languages: python
This is the content of the meson.build in the po directory:
i18n = import('i18n')
add_project_arguments('-DGETTEXT_PACKAGE="caja-admin"', language:'python')
args: '--directory=' + meson.source_root()
Meson provides native support for building Cython programs or extensions. Building Python programs is the job of a Python interpreter (like Cython).
See this for the list of possible values that can be passed to the language parameter.

g++ compilation fails when profiling enabled

I have a working program, which I want to profile. Thus, I just added a -pg switch to the Makefile. This gives thousands of repetitions of this same message:
/tmp/ccOlI4CC.s:62095: Error: bad expression
/tmp/ccOlI4CC.s:62095: Error: junk `mcount#GOTPCREL(%rip)' after expression
/tmp/ccOlI4CC.s:62417: Error: bad expression
/tmp/ccOlI4CC.s:62417: Error: junk `mcount#GOTPCREL(%rip)' after expression
I'm in the blue. What can I do about this?
The problem was solved by removing the -masm=intel flag.

I have opened .xcworkspace and when run application am getting clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

duplicate symbol _GTMNSDictionaryURLArgumentsExportToSuppressLibToolWarning in:
/Users/Varshana/Documents/Lodore final stage/GoogleSignInDependencies.framework/GoogleSignInDependencies(GTMNSDictionary+URLArguments_aec9c2446af4c2ac5a7380b418b337ea.o)
duplicate symbol _kGTMOAuth2WebViewKey in:
/Users/Varshana/Documents/Lodore final stage/GoogleSignInDependencies.framework/GoogleSignInDependencies(GTMOAuth2Authentication_ad53759ab562393658e6c193e56628dd.o)
duplicate symbol _kGTMOAuth2ErrorRequestKey in:
/Users/Varshana/Documents/Lodore final stage/GoogleSignInDependencies.framework/GoogleSignInDependencies(GTMOAuth2Authentication_ad53759ab562393658e6c193e56628dd.o)
don't worry, just xcode bug. try clean and build and it will work, or better, go to xcode->preferences->location->Derived Data. delete all files inside derived data and then restart xcode. clean and build the project and then it will work perfectly
ps: updated for cleaning
Cmd + Shift + Alt + K
To check the exact error for this issue check following:
Select issue navigator > Click on error will show logs for error > In that select All Messages tab.
75 duplicate symbols for architecture x86_64
Means that you have loaded same functions twice. As the issue disappear after removing -ObjC from Other Linker Flags, this means that this option result that functions loads twice:
from Technical Q&A
This flag causes the linker to load every object file in the library
that defines an Objective-C class or category. While this option will
typically result in a larger executable (due to additional object code
loaded into the application), it will allow the successful creation of
effective Objective-C static libraries that contain categories on
existing classes.

How to add a user defined function in QDB Library?

QDB is a database provided by QNX Neutrino package. I went through the QDB documentation to add a user defined SQL function: http://www.qnx.com/developers/docs/6.5.0/topic/com.qnx.doc.qdb_en_dev_guide/writing_functions.html?cp=2_0_8
I created a source file which had my user define SQL function written in C and qdb_function structure definition. I built it with a make file to create libudf.so.
As suggested by QDB I added Function = udftag#libudf.so in the qdb.cfg. But while running the qdb in the shell prompt, it is giving the error (in bold):
qdb -I basic -V -R set -v -c /etc/sql/qdb.cfg -s de_DE#cldr -o tempstore=/fs/tmpfs
QDB: No script registered for handling corrupt database.
qdb: processing [TempMainAddressBook]Function - Can't access shared library
and qdb is getting exited immediately.
I have tried following things:
made sure sqlite3 library is added in the make file
source code is in strictly in C by using directive : extern "C" to avoid name mangling as the file extension is .cpp. I also tried with .c extension.
given the absolute path of the libudf.so in qdb.cfg as : Function = udftag#/usr/lib/libudf.so
qdb_funcion struct is properly defined in library's source code only.
tried without using the static declaration of function(mentioned in the qdb docs)
After trying all hits and trials also, I am getting the same error every time which is Can't access shared library
If any one has any idea to resolve this error please share.
Suggestion 1: run qdb by setting LD_DEBUG=1, like in:
LD_DEBUG=1 qdb command line options
This will output a lot of debug information from the dynamic loader as it attempts to locate and then load the .so files. Check what is the path that it output before the "Can't access" message is displayed.
Suggestion 2: obvious but make sure that the permissions are OK for the .so file. Do you have the execution permission set?
Suggestion 3: check if the error message is identical if you completely remove the .so file from the system
Suggestion 4: increase the number of lower-case 'v'-s. QDB likely supports more, with progressively more verbose information provided as you increase the numbers (6 should be enough for full verbosity)