I have a note 3 with OS 6.0.1 and an app called smart answer call, and others, but with OS 12 on my huawei p30, they don't work.
Is there a work around as I think the feature has been removed from OS now. I need this for my work and my friend who has a mobility issue needs to ans the call with initial speaker phone. Hope you can help.
Seems like Game center promised this feature to let multiple players play the same game at real time.
By researching a bit, just found http://www.raywenderlich.com/3325/how-to-make-a-simple-multiplayer-game-with-game-center-tutorial-part-22, but I would not use the GKSession to find out each others.
Then go to http://www1.in.tum.de/lehrstuhl_1/people/98-teaching/tutorials/508-sgd-ws13-tutorial-multiplayer-games , seems like more sensible for iOS 7 without GKSession.
Just want to get a quick test with some sample support multiple players, even in the same Wifi, or just Bluetooth by using multiple peer to peer in iOS 7.
Question here to get the simple sample or any specific clues for this. Thanks,
You have a new framework dedicated to peer connections in iOS7 called MultipeerConnectivity. You can find an exemple on the main's developer website here.
There is also a video at the WWDC 2013 introducing it : Nearby Networking with Multipeer Connectivity
I just followed the guide by Apple:
It has all the information, and is accurate. Works with iOS 7.
I don't use GKSession for anything -> All the information I need is available in the GKMatch object.
I want to make a Utility app like iFunBox and iExplorer for Mac OS X where i can retrieve information and files of connected device and display it.
Though i have good experience in iPhone Development, I have never developed anything for mac.Can anybody provide me good starting point from where i can start.
There isn't a public API from Apple for working directly with iOS devices. There are open source solutions like libimobiledevice if you want to make an iFunBox style application.
Is there currently any API (public or private) that will allow a 3rd party Mac OS X application to stream audio to AirPlay receivers? Airfoil by Rogue Amoeba Software seems to be able to do this, same goes for Erica Sadun's AirFlick, but I was unable to find any source code that would demonstrate how to do this. Any pointers are appreciated!
Here is an open source ruby implementation. It's pretty straight forward. https://github.com/elcuervo/airplay
It turns out AirPlay audio streaming is possible as of OS X 10.8 using public APIs, but wasn't really documented anywhere. Joris Kluivers wrote a great blog post on how to get it going.
There are a couple of open-source RAOP players available; I haven't tried them, so I don't know if Apple has broken them since they were written.
Mountain Lion (OS X 10.8) has added AirPlay support in the sound settings. The user can choose to send the local sound output to an AirPlay device. However, I don't think that you have access to any API within your app.
There are some libraries available to implement AirPlay, but know that Apple will reject your app if you try to publish it on the App Store. At least, that's what happened to me.
I wrote a node.js module to support AirPlay. Even if you don't use node, you can just pipe your audio data through stdin.
I don't think it's available. At least not in versions prior to 10.7.
I'm guessing that Airfoil uses something like DVD John did a while ago when he cracked the Airport Express key payload. He released the code (C#) you should be able to find it but it's pretty cryptic.
I'm not aware of what AirFlick uses but you could always try pinging Erica, she usually shares her stuff.
Someone recently managed to obtain the AirPlay private key which allows you to have your program listed in the AirPlay menus on devices on your network.
You can read about it here. There is also an open source project linked from that page.
Be aware that obviously any application you create will never be approved by apple and the private key could potentially be changed in a firmware/software update.
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Closed 11 years ago.
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iPhone development on Windows
Is it possible to create iPhone apps using a PC? I'm running windows vista and I want to learn objective-c, what better way can you be motivated then the potential to create something that someone, somewhere might use.
Are there any hacks that allow would allow me to make the apps?
Unfortunately this is not supported. Developing for the iPhone requires Xcode and Apple's gcc tool chain, and it is only supported on Intel Mac OS X (although some have gotten it to work on PPC Mac OS X).
NilObject is right that you can only develop for the iPhone officially on a recent (last few years) Mac with OS X.
That said, Objective-C isn't tied to the iPhone. You can write programs for your PC in Objective-C, which would give you experience without needing the iPhone and Mac. Objective-C is a standard part of the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). It's rather easy to install with Cygwin.
If you really want to make iPhone applications, you should consider a Mac. You'll get all sorts of experience and can also program for OS X then. Since laptops were just released, many people are selling their previous models because they have upgraded. If you can find an old Intel chip based Mac Mini, it won't cost you much at all (a few hundred), but it won't be fast. The recent Minis haven't been updated in a very long time and are not a very good value anymore for their new price (in my opinion), but they may be available cheap too.
actually, there's an unofficial toolchain that works in windows and linux. you'll need cygwin installed on your pc to be able to work with it in windows.
here's a link to the basic setup: link
though this will not allow you to publish to the AppStore, it's just a good way to mess around with the SDK. Also, whenever Apple updates the iPhone firmware, you'll need to find/wait for the updated toolchain or do some hacking of your own to get the updates headers, etc...
Don't bother. I had a hackintosh and while it worked, Apple can (and does) regularly update the SDK's minimum platform requirement, which means your hackintosh won't be able to keep pace with the new cool features in the SDK, since Kalyway and whoever else need time to reverse engineer kexts or whatever to figure out the new OS.
If you're serious about iPhone, get a Mac. You could probably find a first gen Mac mini (intel) for a couple hundred bucks. Or spring for a macbook and be psyched. The new ones are awfully nice.
Lucas Aardvark wrote:
I am going to get a mac. Just gotta save up a little money ;-)
Although I thoroughly agree with the consensus: get a Mac, I just wanted to add a little based on this comment you left:
If you are planning to enter the iPhone arena to do one of those Cinderella ten-million downloads at a buck a pop stories you hear about, you'll need a killer app, something new and exciting. Good luck with that; I'm not gonna share my ideas with you, 'cause I'm trying to do the same. :)
That said, I'm in the same boat as you -- I don't have the extra green to buy a Mac -- so I will share some general advice that might help.
Rather than enter the iPhone arena, I've been looking into leveraging my Java skills on the Android phone first. Once I make a few bucks doing that, I'll buy a Mac and learn Objective-C and port my program(s) over. Since Android uses Java and is free/open source, I'm only out the twenty-five bucks to create a publisher account; I can do the rest with Eclipse on any platform I have.
I don't know if it will help you much, but it might be a more cost-effective way to write your Cinderella story. :)
The "instruments" that are used with Guitar Hero and Rock Band have USB connections. Is there any documentation or reverse-engineering info out there about how to read the messages they generate?
This message may be too old to be useful.
I was hacking around with an old Nyko 3rd party Guitar Hero / Rock Band PS3 controller on a laptop running Ubuntu 10.04 (2.6.32-25) and I discovered that the hardware was not recognized immediately by the USB HID module. It reports an error of: "can't set config #1, error -32".
I began writing a small test application with libusb-1.0 and was able to apply a configuration directly. Upon doing so, I unintentionally triggered the USB HID module taking over the device and making it available as an input device through a /dev/input/js* interface.
Check out Wiiuse - it suppors the Guitar Hero 3 controller, as well as Wiimotes :)
From my Google searches, the Guitar Hero and Rock Band controllers are USB HID devices. This means they should plug and play on most any machine that supports HID (most do). See USB Revealed by Jan Axelseon for more information.
You could check Frets on Fire project. It's opensource GH-like game, and as far as I remember documentation said you could use Guitar Hero controller instead of the keyboard.
Here's some additional semi-info: Frets on Fire and the 360 Guitar.
I tried the GH3 controller on my WinXP machine and it appeared as an HID device - and appears as a game controller - so I suspect most of the work is already done for you.
Try it and see...
Maybe you can ping these guys for info?