ELM language Just trying to get the package install command to work to bring in html - elm

I am in windows, when I go to the command prompt and type elm package install elm-lang/html I get the message "There is no package command" I have no idea why, my other elm commands work in this command prompt.

There is missing a - in your command. Depending on your version, you should use:
elm-package install elm-lang/html
or if in the latest version:
elm install elm/html


When I open the nvim init.vim file, this error comes for Neoclide coc.vim

I get this error when I try to open the init.vim file for neovim, for neoclide coc.vim. Any solutions? in WSL(Ubuntu)
[coc.nvim] Error on execute :pyx command, ultisnips feature of coc-snippets requires pyx support on vim. use :CocOpenLog for details
Enter command pip install pynvim in your command line. It helped me. And before this you should have python on your PC.
you choose correct version of python in init.vim
let g:python3_host_prog="/usr/bin/version python"
let g:python3_host_prog="/usr/bin/python3.10"
I tried with installing pynvim and also have the latest pip (21.3.1). My vim version is 9.0 and compiled it from scratch.
But while searching the features included with vim, I realised that I had not included python. After following this answer, I enabled python while compiling vim. My issue has been resolved.
I had to upgrade pip first, then run pip install pynvim.
Most likely you default python install broke for some reason on you machine (was the same for me).
Try running the python command from the terminal.
If you get command not recognized than you know this is the problem.
Reinstalling python or
set the python the python path that vim uses to an installed python version that works
let g:python3_host_prog="/usr/bin/version python"
Assuming you have python3 installed.

Error when installing a python module in Linux

I am encoutering two kinds of issues while trying to install a package called Boltztrap2.
1) Trying to install Boltztrap2 using 'pip3'. However, when I punch in the command, the process goes smoothly for a while and then spits out an error :
BoltzTraP2/sphere/frontend.cpp:32:20: fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory
#include "Python.h"
compilation terminated.
error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1
I did some troubleshooting and found out that it is just a path issue - I confirmed this by typing 'locate Python.h'. However, I don't get how to manually incorporate this change since the 'pip3' command that I use downloads the program and compiles it automatically. I don't seem to have access to change any scripts, or rather I do not know how to, since I'm kind of new to all this.
PS: I do not have sudo access.
2) Trying to install Boltztrap2 by manually compiling the python setup file: This seems to work fine until the system spits out an error saying:
Error:numpy is not installed.
PS: Again, I do not have sudo access.
I would be very glad if someone could help me install this package through either method. I just want to get the software to work. Thanks in advance for any assistance.
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip3 install numpy
Check if you can upgrade pip?
If that works then you can pip install numpy.

I am failing to install Selenium module via command line

I use Ubuntu 16.10. I tried installing Selenium module of python via the command - sudo pip3 install -U selenium. But, I am not able to install it. It is giving an unexpected error. I am sharing the screenshot of the terminal here. Please help!
Please click here for the screenshot
If you are using Ubuntu, I'd suggest checking in the package manager as it may already be there. I'm on Mint and it was already there when I loaded python (2.7 also).

Win10 scrapy install

I have python install as well as c++ complier. When I run "pip install scrapy" from the command line it starts to install but I get a couple errors surrounding the libxml and libxslt.
error: 'xslt-config' is not recognized...
cannot open libxml/xmlversion.h no such file or directory
compile failed windows C++ for python failed with exit status 2
could not find function xmlCheckVersion
is libxml installed.....
Use this:
set STATICBUILD=true && pip install lxml
Find the documentation here

OSX Error dnvm: command not found

I am newbie to OSX. After following the step by step instructions from https://github.com/aspnet/home.
brew tap aspnet/dnx
brew update
brew install dnvm
I got the following error when I run dnvm upgrade:
$ dnvm upgrade
-bash: dnvm: command not found
I have tried locate the dnvm and looks like it is successfully installed in the \usr\local directory.
Is there a step I am missing?
run source dnvm.sh after brew install dnvm and try to run dnvm then. Preferably, put this on your shell profile (e.g. inside .profile file) so that it will persist.
For this specific problem like the answer above mention just run source dnvm.sh
If you want to get up and running with asp.net 5 in OSX see how I fixed some problems on the way this blog post tutorial can help