i would like to learn to work with mediapipe.
Are there any good documentations for this framework ?
I would be grateful for any help, becausde i find the official documentation no really usefull.
Would you please help me to find out the best mobile "text-to-speech" and "speech-to-text" tool for both android and IOS?
I searched the web and found some tools such as:
For Speech to Text(STT):
3.Using Google Cloud
and for text to speech (TTS):
But I couldn't find which one is the best choice. Would you please help me in this regard?
Thanks in advance
For Speech to text you can refer this article as it explains precisely and also it uses react-native-voice as its an easy library to get started with . react-native-speech-to-text
For text-to-speech functionality, as per documentation of react-native-tts looks simple. you could implement that.
Hope it helps. feel free for doubts
I would like to make my app localized but I don't know where to start from. I gave a look to the msdn guide but I didn't really understood. My app would be localized for italian, french and english. Could someone help me?? Thanks!
There's lots of tutorials for this found with a quick web search. Including Step-by-Step tutorials like this one. In the future you might include what you've tried or look into some other resources before asking such a broad question. If I remember right there's also step-by-step video tutorials available at the usual places.
I am exploring DLR runtime, and i see that there is a nice documentation on Sympl language. Does anyone know where can i find the source code for this sample project ?
I found this documentation for Sympl which has lot of examples explained in very simple and useful manner. It might be of help to you.
I would appreciate if some one can point me to DLL tutorials ( basic - advanced :) ).
Wikipedia has a good overview, as does the MSDN:
Here's a tutorial on creating DLLs:
A very generic e-how for a board overview:
Could anybody suggest a good open source (as in I can see the source, license irrelevant) webkit-sharp-based application? I've been wanting to jump into development with webkit-sharp and gtk-sharp, but I haven't found much of any documentation on webkit-sharp. I thought a good application example is as good as any documentation.
For anybody else that has this issue, a good application I just found is the sample app included with the source. For anybody answering, I didn't think about checking the source for samples when I posted this. The name of the sample is called FunnyBrowser.cs.
Here's mine:
There don't seem to be many examples around of anyone using this. I've been looking through the docs at http://webkitgtk.org/reference/webkitgtk/stable to figure it out.