Intellij turn off delete file confirmtion? - intellij-idea

This is about the popup when deleting a file from the Project Tool window (right-click file, click Delete...)
Various searches on this returned null and it's both annoying and an extra click/keystroke many times a week. Maybe some buried setting or macro magic will solve it?

Check out the options under:
File -> Settings -> Version Control -> Confirmation
There are option for "When files are created" and "When files are deleted"


How to set IntelliJ IDEA to keep tabs open even if file is deleted?

I often place my tabs in an order I like, or ctrl-tab to recently used tabs. But then I temporarily checkout a branch in git in which those files are missing, and the tabs automatically disappear. Even in simpler editors such as notepad++, deleted files can be kept open in the editor. Can this be done in IntelliJ IDEA? Thanks.
(There seems to be no such option in the obvious File -> Settings -> Editor -> General -> Editor Tabs)
There is unfortunately no such option.
I typically use ctrl-e key very often, to re-open recently used files.
There is another option you could look at, and that is "restore workspace" configuration on switching branches.
You can try settings -> version control -> Confirmation -> Restore workspace on branch switching and see if that helps.

IDEA IDE - disable inspection for one file

Is there a way to disable inspection for one file opened in the editor? I occasionally open large library file in the editor to inspect its source code, and don't want IDEA to run inspections on this particular file.
Use Hector the Inspector guy. You can access it by clicking on "guy in a hat" icon in Status Bar or via Code | Configure Current File Analysis... from the main menu.
Once there you can move the "Highlighting Level" slider from "Inspections" to "Syntax" .. or even "None" in case of a large or complex file.
Settings here affect current file only (excludes "Power Save Mode" option)
Depending on a file, you may have multiple sliders (e.g. in .php file you will see separate sliders for HTML and PHP languages: this may change depending on some other settings):
If your file is actually part of the library (PHP or JavaScript; "Library" in terms of IDE, of course) then they by default should not have inspections enabled in them:
UPDATE 2021-06-11:
Hector the Inspector has been removed from the status bar since 2020.2 version or so. You can get it back by installing Hector the Inspector plugin from Settings/Preferences | Plugins
You can set scope for your project and run inspections only for selected scopes.
#see Inspection severity and scopes

IntelliJ - not asking if I want to save a file

I'm new to the IntelliJ IDE. In the past I was working with Visual Studio or Eclipse.
In those IDEs there was an asterisk * above the name of the file which has been modified.
But in IntelliJ with the default configuration I can't see if the file is modified. What's more the file is saved automatically when I change focus to another window.
I've found some options under Settings -> IDE Settings -> General -> Synchronization:
Synchronize files on frame activation
Save files on frame deactivation
Save files automatically if application is idle for...
After unchecking all that options the file is not saved automatically every time I change focus to another window, which is good. But still I can't:
see if the file is modified (no asterisk)
decide if the file should be saved when I'm closing it (IDE doesn't ask for that)
And when I'm closing IntelliJ file which has been modified is saved without even noticing.
Do you know what can I do to change how IntelliJ behaves?
After unchecking mentioned options go to:
Settings/Editor(IDE Settings)/Editor Tabs:
Check "Mark modified tabs with asterisk"
On 2019.3 Ultimate it's under:
Settings/Editor/General/Editor Tabs:
Mark modified (*)
The exact Save feature like eclipse is not available in IntelliJ.
Because IntelliJ IDEA has the ability to change so many files
simultaneously in large refactoring actions, and change them without
ever opening them, single file saves don't make very much sense. In
recognition of this, IntelliJ IDEA reserves the right to save any of
your files literally whenever it wishes. It's actually quite nice to
never have to worry about your file's save statuses, once you get used
to it.
"What if I don't like some changes I made, and want to roll them
back?", I hear you say. Well, for that IntelliJ IDEA includes this
amazing feature called the Local History. Every time it saves your
files, IntelliJ IDEA actually saves a diff of your file from it's
previous state, and saves that as well. You can see the entire edit
history of your files (going back some number of days), see the
changes you've made, and roll back any change. It rules triumphantly,
and more than makes up for the temporary disorientation caused by lack
of single-file save.
To show an asterisk when a file is modified: open Settings (CTRL+ALT+S), switch to Editor > General > Editor Tabs and select the Mark modified tab with asterisk checkbox.
To remove autosave, uncheck: Appearance & Behavior > System Settings > Save files on frame deactivation

Uploading all opened files in dreamweaver?

Is there a way to upload all the opened documents to the current site without having to load em manually?
At the moment for each opened document I select one and I press Ctrl+shift+U but it's kinda lame if you edited more than 10-20 files
There is no native function however I have this simple cheat I use:
Open up the find and replace dialogue
Do a search for a string that appears in all the open documents. The page title usually has something useful. Make sure "all open documents" is selected. Click "Find All"
The panel appears that shows you all the instances of your search (should be all the open files)
Highlight all the file names in the search results panel, right click, and click "put"
It actually only takes a few seconds and saves you the pain of having to put each file individually. This is obviously for cases where simply highlighting the files and clicking the put button isn't feasible (e.g. files in multiple directories, etc).
In CS6 (not sure about older versions), when viewing the local site, right-click on the project's parent directory, hover on 'Select' and then 'Checked Out Files.'
This will highlight all the files you have checked out and allow you to check them in with one click.
Note: As Dreamweaver gathers all of the check in status information from the server, this can take quite a while if it is a large project. Only suggested for smaller projects, in which case it seems to work great!
Following the same process, you can also select 'Recently Modified', which only searches your local site and is much faster (but doesn't directly answer the check in/out part of your question).
I hope this helps!
I was a big fan of the Get Put All Extension, but it does not work on CS4 or CS5.
Unfortunately, upload all open is not built in. A long while ago I wrote a Dreamweaver extension called Get Put All, which allows for getting or putting of all open documents. It should still be available for sale (probably $5 or under) at the CommunityMX web site (down for me at the moment). I no longer contribute to CommunityMX, so I won't see any proceeds. While written a while ago, it should work fine in newer versions of Dreamweaver.
Just found out how to do it.
Use ctr+select all the files in the tree view under files and then right click on the selected entries and click "put"
1) Click on "Site"
2) "Manage Sites" (Select the site you want to manage)
3) "Edit"
4) "Remote Info"
5) And tick the checkbox "Automatically upload files to server on save"
(See where I am going here)
Have all the files you want to upload OPEN on Dreamweaver
6) Then "Find" a common code each document has
7) And "Replace ALL" with the EXACT same code
*Make sure "Find in: OPEN DOCUMENTS" is selected before you do the replacement
Once Dreamweaver has find and replaced the exact code - all documents will be unsaved at this point.
8) Just click "Save All" and voila!!! Now your CTRL+SHIFT+U fingers can chill the F out!
Hope this helps!
Oh, Remember to uncheck "Automatically upload files to server on save" afterwards or when not needed
PS: When you click "Save All" - you might get Dreamweaver saying "NOT RESPONDING". Just leave dreamweaver alone until it's done because it's uploading files at a rapid rate depending how fast your internet is :)

Intellij reformat on file save

I remember seeing in either IntelliJ or Eclipse the setting to reformat (cleanup) files whenever they are saved. How do I find it (didn't find it in the settings)
This solution worked better for me:
Make a macro (I used Organize Imports, Format Code, Save All)
Assign it a keystroke (I overrode Ctrl+S)
Note: You will have to check the box "Do not show this message again" the first time for the organized imports, but it works as expected after that.
Step-by-step for IntelliJ 10.0:
Code -> "Optimize Imports...", if a dialogue box appears, check the box that says "Do not show this message again.", then click "Run".
Tools -> "Start Macro Recording"
Code -> "Optimize Imports..."
Code -> "Reformat Code..."
File -> "Save all"
Tools -> "Stop Macro Recording"
Name the macro (something like "formatted save")
In File -> Settings -> Keymap, select your macro located at "Main Menu -> Tools -> "formatted save"
Click "Add Keyboard Shortcut", then perform the keystroke you want. If you choose Ctrl+S like me, it will ask you what to do with the previous Ctrl+S shortcut. Remove it. You can always reassign it later if you want.
For IntelliJ 11, replace
step 2. with: Edit -> Macros -> "Start Macro Recording"
step 6. with: Edit -> Macros -> "Stop Macro Recording"
Everything else remains the same.
IntelliJ 12
8. The Preferences contain the Keymap settings. Use the input field to filter the content, as shown in the screenshot.
I suggest the save actions plugin. It also supports optimize imports and rearrange code.
Works well in combination with the eclipse formatter plugin.
Search and activate the plugin:
Configure it:
Edit: it seems like it the recent version of Intellij the save action plugin is triggered by the automatic Intellij save. This can be quite annoying when it hits while still editing.
This github issue of the plugin gives a hint to some possible solutions:
I actually tried to assign reformat to Ctrl+S and it worked fine - saving is done automatically now.
Below is Neil's answer updated.
IntelliJ 13 Steps:
Code -> Reformat Code
Edit -> Macros -> Start Macro Recording
Code -> Reformat Code
File -> Save all
Edit -> Macros -> Stop Macro Recording
Name the macro (something like "formatted save")
File -> Settings -> Keymap
Right click on the macro. Add Keyboard Shortcut. Set the keyboard shortcut to Control + S.
IntelliJ will inform you of a hotkey conflict. Select "remove" to remove other assignments.
I set it to automatically clean up on check-in, which is usually good enough for me. If something is too ugly, I'll just hit the shortcut (Ctrl-Alt-L, Return). And I see they have an option for auto-formatting pasted code, although I've never used that.
If you have InteliJ Idea Community 2018.2 and above the steps are as fallows:
In the top menu you click: Edit > Macros > Start Macro Recordings
(you'll see a window lower right corner of your screen confirming
that macros are being recorded)
In the top menu you click: Code >
Reformat Code (you'll see the option being selected in the lower
right corner)
In the top menu you click: Code > Optimize Imports
(you'll see the option being selected in the lower right corner)
In the top menu you click: File > Save All
In the top menu you click: Edit > Macros > Stop Macro Recording
You name the macro: "Format Code, Organize Imports, Save"
In the top menu you clock: File > Settings. In the settings windows you click Keymap
In the search box on the right you search "save". You'll find Save All (Ctrl+S). Right click on it and select "Remove Ctrl+S"
Remove your search text from the box, press on the Collapse All button (Second button from the top left)
Go to macros, press on the arrow to expand your macros, find your saved macro and right click on it. Select Add Keyboard Shortcut, and press Ctrl+S and okay.
Restart your IDE and try it.
I know what you're going to say, the guys before me wrote the same thing. But I got confused using the steps above this post, and I wanted to write a dumb down version for people who have the latest version of the IDE.
Ctrl + Alt + L is format file (includes the two below)
Ctrl + Alt + O is optimize imports
Ctrl + Alt + I will fix indentation on a particular line
I usually run Ctrl + Alt + L a few times before committing my work. I'd rather it do the cleanup/reformatting at my command instead of automatically.
Rejoice! In IDEA 2021.2 there is finally "File->Settings->Tools->Actions on Save" where you can select "Reformat code", "Optimize imports", "Rearrange code", "Run code cleanup", "Run eslint --fix" etc.
If you're developing in Flutter, there's a new experimental option as of 5/1/2018 that allows you to format code on save.
I wound up rebinding the Reformat code... action to Ctrl-S, replacing the default binding for Save All.
It may sound crazy at first, but IntelliJ seems to save on virtually every action: running tests, building the project, even when closing an editor tab. I have a habit of hitting Ctrl-S pretty often, so this actually works quite well for me. It's certainly easier to type than the default bind for reformatting.
IntellIJ 14 && 15: When you are checking in code in Commit changes dialog, tick the Reformat code checkbox, then IntelliJ will reformatting all the code that you are checking in.
For PyCharm/IntelliJ IDEA:
Install black.
$ pip install black
Locate your black installation folder.
On macOS / Linux / BSD:
$ which black
/usr/local/bin/black # possible location
On Windows:
$ where black
%LocalAppData%\Programs\Python\Python36-32\Scripts\black.exe # possible location
Note that if you are using a virtual environment detected by PyCharm, this is an unneeded step. In this case the path to black is $PyInterpreterDirectory$/black.
Open External tools in PyCharm/IntelliJ IDEA
On macOS: PyCharm -> Preferences -> Tools -> External Tools
On Windows / Linux / BSD: File -> Settings -> Tools -> External Tools
Click the + icon to add a new external tool with the following values:
Name: Black
Description: Black is the uncompromising Python code formatter.
Program: <install_location_from_step_2>
Arguments: "$FilePath$"
Format the currently opened file by selecting Tools -> External Tools -> black.
Alternatively, you can set a keyboard shortcut by navigating to Preferences or Settings -> Keymap -> External Tools -> External Tools - Black.
Optionally, run Black on every file save:
Make sure you have the File Watchers plugin installed.
Go to Preferences or Settings -> Tools -> File Watchers and click + to add a new watcher:
Name: Black
File type: Python
Scope: Project Files
Program: <install_location_from_step_2>
Arguments: $FilePath$
Output paths to refresh: $FilePath$
Working directory: $ProjectFileDir$
Uncheck “Auto-save edited files to trigger the watcher” in Advanced Options
To format Python files with Black, I followed this guide, which also uses File Watcher:
Since version 2020.1, you can activate Run on save for files directly in the Preferences of the Prettier plugin:
I thought there was something like that in IntelliJ, but I can't find it. The only clean-up that happens at save is that white space at the ends of lines is removed. I thought I had to specify that behavior at one point, but I don't see anything related at this point.
If it's about Prettier, just use a File Watcher :
references => Tools => File Watchers => click + to add a new watcher => Prettier