Hello could someone help me how to remove the additional "{ and "} on the request upon using JSR223 PreProcessor, This is the syntax I use to generate the request below. Your response is highly appreciated. Thank you so much.
Expected Result:
"metrics": {
"com.cixsoft.agent.metric.NetworkMetric": "NetworkMetric.json",
"com.cixsoft.agent.metric.ProcessInfoMetric": "ProcessInfoMetric.json",
"com.cixsoft.agent.metric.CpuMetric": "CpuMetric.json"
Actual Result:
"metrics": {
"{ -<< Remove this open curly braces
"com.cixsoft.agent.metric.NetworkMetric": "NetworkMetric.json",
"com.cixsoft.agent.metric.ProcessInfoMetric": "ProcessInfoMetric.json",
"com.cixsoft.agent.metric.CpuMetric": "CpuMetric.json"
"} -<< -<< Remove this close curly braces
Don't post code as image
Give us a minimal reproducible example
Follow other recommendations from How do I ask a good question? article
For example we need to know:
The value of the agentSimUserMetric variable
How exactly you're using this userMetric variable
Looking at my crystal ball I see that you have something like:
"metrics" : {
while you need to have just
"metrics" : ${userMetric}
so I'm 99.9% sure that it's you who is adding these curly braces and asking us for a piece of advice regarding how to remove them sounds kind of weird.
More information:
Apache Groovy - Parsing and producing JSON
Apache Groovy: What Is Groovy Used For?
I would like to add a grammar rule similar to the one found here. What that rule does is enable VSCode's JSON editor when it encounters an html file with
<script type="application/json">#Edit JSON</script>
What I would like is the same JSON editor support whenever it encounters a html attribute in this form:
<my-chart data='{"hello": "world"}'></my-chart>
In other words, any attribute that uses single quotes, inside of which it starts with a { and ends with a }, or starts with a [ and ends with a ].
Any suggestions what that should look like?
I've basically found a way. WIP
I've got this string that I want to send to a backend. In this string, there are several forward slashes, that is basically code that is commented out. It could look like:
val string = "// SOME STUFF
// OTHER TEXT ***************************************************
So to escape this entire String, I'm using Gson().toJson(string). This would give a result like
"// SOME STUFF\r\n\r\n// OTHER TEXT ***************************************************\r\n// THIS WOULD CONTINUE FORWARD"
But if I put this into a website that can escape strings for me, I would get
"\/\/ SOME STUFF\r\n\r\n\/\/ OTHER TEXT ***************************************************\r\n\/\/ THIS WOULD CONTINUE FORWARD"
This bottom part, is what the backend would accept, and the top part it rejects. Is there any way I can do this in a different way, to make Gson look like the bottom part? This is sent as JSON btw, so as
I kind of failed, and the Gson library didn't help at all. Ended up using Apache's StringEscapeUtils to fix the issue for me, with the StringEscapeUtils.escapeJson method.
How we can shorten this:
And match response !contains { foo: '#notnull' }
And match responseHeaders !contains { foo: '#notnull' }
Sorry if we didn't find a response in the official tuto
I looked at your comment and if you ask my honest opinion, you are expecting too much from a JSON assertion framework. Really ? This is what you are most worried about ?
So the short answer is Karate does not support what you are expecting, directly.
That said - you can write a custom JavaScript (or Java) function in Karate to get the values of the response and the responseHeaders and then do whatever you want. I leave that as an exercise to you to figure out.
"id": [
Regular Expression:---->"id":([^,]+)"
I am getting id but along with some values
refer value= =%5B%222022342452345345559093
I am getting some other value i.e {%5B%22}
I tried many ways but there is no luck. Please help me in this.
Note: Space is there and new line also is there, because of that only I am getting some other value, any help in this.
I wouldn't recommend using Regular Expressions to extract data from JSON. There is a JMeter Plugin (you'll need Extras with Libs Set) which enables JSONPath Extractor in JMeter. See Using XPath Extractor in JMeter (scroll down to Parsing JSON) for more details
Dmitri T is correct, the JSON extractor will be much more solid.
If you do want to use the regex approach, The value you are getting at the start of you is actually URL encoded values. You can use a URL Decoder like this one to find this stuff out.
%5B = [
%22 = "
This is because your regular expression is setup to capture anything after the : as [ is a special character in regex.
You can use the following regex if you prefer
I use batch insert for adding nodes using the RESY API I know how to do this before 2.0, but now I'm starting to use the labeled nodes, and I cant get it to work. I don't find how I can add the label to the node.
The documentation is not very clear (to me).
This is the json that send to the API:
thanks in advance
What is the error message you get?
Try this:
As you can see the body is only the label string.
I really appreciate the answer - but this is just to add that for me the labels did not appear in the body > Metadata > Labels section. For some reason this is not updated and it was only when I ran a match against that label that I found they were in fact correct. So if you run the answer - don't see labels listed in the output - they may still be present.